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 Jun 2017 Lovely
 Jun 2017 Lovely
The lacrimal caruncle
swells with blistering feeling,
flooding out the medial canthus.
It streams down the nasion,
dancing over the pinken,
inflamed to a roaring raw cheek.
Landing on dirtied and tore cloth,
used with the moisture to wipe
all the dust away from every memory,
even when it's possibly too late.

Now there is hardly anything
to be discovered in all of this.
You have done a decent job,
your hands are tired from it all.
Weak and brittle,
you still know now.
You know it could go every single way wrong,
it could be a waste of time,
it could hurt you beyond any kind of repair.

But you know.
You know it's him.
You know it will always be him.
It will always be him
that you wish to lay beside,
it will always be him
that you want to feel,
it will always be him
that you feel everywhere you go.
It will always be him.
And no one else.
 Jun 2017 Lovely
 Jun 2017 Lovely
I confuse people
And I filter things
I breathe in
The silver dust of clouds
And breathe out
Golden rays of sun

I take in myself
The bad words and
And out of my mouth
I spill the poems
Of the Earth
And the songs of peace

Nobody understands
How I work
How I filter
Into a daydream

Years pass, and
Filters get *****
Nobody understands
I keep everything
In myself

Nothing lasts forever
More time had passed
Before I
Was ready to be thrown

I took my
Final breath
Held it in
And as I was looking in the sky
I breathed out
And watched all the
Black, negative energy
Pollute the
Dying sky
 Jun 2017 Lovely
 Jun 2017 Lovely
You knock on my door,
But I can't seem to move my feet.
I am stuck to the couch like super glue,
But all I want is for you to be here with me.
You yell for me,
You bang on the door,
You try to pry open the window.
I cry.
I want you to stay in my life forever,
But I'll keep pushing you away because it's just better for me to be alone.
 Jun 2017 Lovely
Daisy Rae
       you're beautiful.
                      but not in the way most
                             people see
                      in the way your eyes blend
                             from brown to green
                and the way your freckles scatter
                             along your face
             and how more beautiful can you be
                      when your eyes light up
                                your smile appears
                                        & laughter springs
                                            out of your chest
                                   what a beauty you are
                             special, like the stars
 Jun 2017 Lovely
Stop Sign
 Jun 2017 Lovely
I didn't know your name
At least... not until that day
That day you passed away
We weren't close in age
You were a freshman at a different high school
I was a rebel, getting my license at 18
I guess that's not important
This is your story, not mine
And it ended too soon
That pick-up just couldn't stop though
I wish there was a miracle
Maybe just a nudge
You'd fall off your bike and scrape your knees at the worst
I didn't know your name, but I tied a rose to that stop sign
Written as a memorial to a girl I never knew. She was hit by a pick-up while biking to school. I was pretty messed up about it when it happened, and still think of her on occasion.
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