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 Mar 2015 Hayleigh
honey ashes
it’s cold and you’re warm and the sun is
almost about to rise and you are
going to tell me you love me and i
sick to my stomach
because you’re filling voids i didn’t know i had and
it’s scaring me
it’s scaring me to be whole and it’s
scaring me to feel
it’s scaring me that you are growing this close
and i cannot even believe i’m letting you
and i am worried you are going to say i love you
and i am worried i am going to say it back

You could say hello
and my lungs would heave more than
the euphoric sigh.


Please don't say goodbye,
for I avoid beginnings
and you're worth the try.
2 different haikus to make 1 poem.
© 2015 Izzah Batrisyia
Show me the marks on your arm
Where your cruel forbearer
Laid his fist

Show me the lines under your bracelets
Where you dragged the blade
Across your wrist

Don't hide the painful memories
For every wound I will heal
As I kiss
 Mar 2015 Hayleigh
She hides behind her eyes
withered and tampered
tempered i am, she needs
to be pampered, help i give
but she won't receive, see
i want to help her, so she
doesn't have to grieve ....
 Mar 2015 Hayleigh
 Mar 2015 Hayleigh

Stop making your body a home for broken men with misshapen dreams of romance.
 Mar 2015 Hayleigh
Show Me
 Mar 2015 Hayleigh
"The way I **** will leave you speechless,
stretched out in my sheets,
legs cringing,
body craving for more..."
She licked her lips and replied,
"Show me."
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