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empty seas Nov 2018
the anxiety was like hooks in my body
digging into the edges of my organs
cramming everything to the sides
and leaving a gaping emptiness behind
it was all day, consuming me

i feel like that again, sometimes
my organs shift inside my body
my bones begin to ache
and the only solution seems to be
to open my skin and set everything right
to hurt

but i stop myself
i stop myself
and again, i realize
i can handle my own pain
i can handle my own anxiety

i've finally started taking care of myself
i've finally gotten rid of the toxicity in my life
and sometimes my lungs still feel like ten-pound weights
and sometimes it still seems almost easier to tear into my skin
but i don't
i fight through it
and although somedays feel impossible
i fight for my future
i fight against my own anxiety and fears
i fight against what other people have told me
i fight for myself
because i deserve to be happy and loved
and that's a long battle, indeed
and to make this happen

i will never ******* give up
169 · Jun 2018
empty seas Jun 2018
i feel called
to go

the wind whispers
fantastical tales
about a life
with no attachments
just going

i want to run out in the streets
and call
into the void

take me away

oh, how nice that would be
to be free

so when i say
i have to leave
i mean
the wind will tear me to pieces
if i don't let it sweep me away
empty seas Nov 2018
the ocean
it calls
reaching out with invisible fingers
beckoning me
come, child of mine
to the place you were meant to be
the place you've always yearned for
the only place you'll ever feel at peace

i am its long lost child
briefly returned but never for long enough
and it calls for me to return forever

my child, it says
you have only glimpsed your future
place your life in my hands
i will guide you
you will be okay

i comply
i will be okay
the wanting gets worse somedays, like the feeling is consuming me, and all i want to do is sit and let the waves crash over me
166 · Dec 2018
soft fantasies
empty seas Dec 2018
i want to take a walk
through trees and gentle sunlight
holding hands together
like we were destined to be this way

i want to study together
books and papers lying around
legs crossed over each other’s
helping ourselves to success

i want to go on dates
coffee and food and movies
hesitant touches as we redefine boundaries
falling in love slowly

i want to kiss you
arms around your shoulders
your hands on my waist
soft and gentle
like the world falling into place
166 · Jun 2018
one week
empty seas Jun 2018
things are piling
on my aching body
forms to fill out
deadlines upon deadlines
making sure I can do what makes me happy
thinking about the future
makes me want to cry
and a birthday party
sounds out of the question right now
it's not like anyone would want to come anyway
I want to scream at myself
for waiting too long
to do anything
I'm so stupid
just a rant
empty seas Sep 2018
i want to look out at the beauty of the world
and be so filled with joy
that i can't hold it in
so i cry

or even
i want to cry
about the bad things
i want to cry about the love i lost
or even about the things you said to me

but i can't those things
i can't feel anything anymore
only a few things make me feel alive
but nothing brings me the satisfaction of tears
i just want to cry, is that too much to ask?
163 · Jan 2019
my dreams are only dark
empty seas Jan 2019
i want to
fall asleep
let my body
shut down
let my brain
not think

i feel wired
on the edge
like a seam being unraveling
or a boat breaking apart in a storm
not gone
but going
not passively
but pulled apart

and even in my dreams i do not escape this
i sleep for a long time, but i always feel tired as soon as i wake up
empty seas Dec 2018
my body was cold and hot
my hands shook
and as tears began to well up in my eyes
i could only think
why did this take so long
but in the end
only a few tears fell
and i was left
the same
151 · Aug 2018
empty seas Aug 2018
sleep well
I love you

read 5 minutes ago
sometimes silence hurts more than words ever will
empty seas Nov 2018
some people hate me
that fact pushes down on my chest
chokes me
it’s an excuse for my anxiety to creep in
it’s a simple fact that threatens to destroy
my fragile self-love
i cannot change that fact
some people i will never meet will think of my name and disgust will paint their face
some people will only know the worst of me, the person i have sought to change
some people i have met will dislike me
for no other reason than that i was annoying to them
and there’s nothing i can do about that
so when the hate tries to consume me
i just have to let go
in some places my name has been slandered even though i don’t know anyone and it’s a terrifying thought, but that does not make me or the people who believe that bad people
it does not make me worthless or awful
136 · Jun 2018
left behind
empty seas Jun 2018
this isn’t the first time
my friends
have forgotten
that i existed

it’s humbling
to realize
how easy you can slip through someone’s mind

sipping a melted popsicle
to hide the forming tears

”of course it’s alright!
everyone forgets something”

135 · Mar 2018
empty seas Mar 2018
I am sorry, but we are unable...
Hey, can we talk?...
Crushing rejection
pain unknowable and unavoidable
no matter how long
you dwell on the possibility
that the worst might come to happen
hope prevails
and pain comes
when it fails
You can never properly prepare yourself for rejection
129 · Sep 2018
empty seas Sep 2018
i don't like being caught in the rain
the moisture settles in my skin and sinks down
a painful numbness
i'm so cold
my muscles move in slow motion
and my bones ache
even hours after
the rain has been washed away
the cold is still there
settled in my skin
it never goes away
123 · Jun 2018
empty seas Jun 2018
the water in my body
has seeped into my lungs
each breath is harder than the last

i wonder
when i will drown

anxiety asthma - when my anxiety makes my (usually dormant) asthma worse
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