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 Apr 2018 empty seas
I'm sure I look fine.

Days like today,
I want to strip the skin
From my forearms
Using only my fingernails.

Days like today,
I want to wring out
My legs like a washcloth,
Squeeze the rolls on my stomach
Until they're empty.

Days like this,
I want to walk away from my body

I'm sure I look fine.
 Apr 2018 empty seas
She Writes
Watching meteors
Streak across the sky
Sparks the realization
Even things falling apart
And combusting all around you
Can be beautiful
 Apr 2018 empty seas
i'm too tired to live,
but too stressed out to die.
 Apr 2018 empty seas
Promise me
 Apr 2018 empty seas
When you told me about your plans for next year
I just smiled and listened without any worry
Just the through made you oh so happy
This is something you have been thinking about for a while because I remember the story you told me
As you talk about the loads of paper work
you still smile through it all
Because now you know one of your biggest wishes is so close you can see it
You’re my best friend and I want to always see you at your best and with a genuine smile placed on your face
But you’ll be in another country with a time zone
12 hours ahead of where we are now so I get sad
I will probably be lost without you and that thought makes me anxious and scared
Our friendship will be able to endure something like this right?
What if you find someone who gets you in a way I probably never have?
Call me selfish but I don’t want you to leave
I am trying so hard to look on the bright side and it’s the hardest thing I’ve had to do in a while
I know my words will never be able to do justice
But please promise me that you will not replace me
My best friend is going away for a semester next year and I don’t know what I will do.
 Apr 2018 empty seas
forty-eight hours is a long time to wear a binder,
and my ribs are screaming for mercy,
for a break from the compression and lack of mobility.
but it's not that easy.

sometimes i'd rather face the pain,
than face the fact that i am female.
these weights on my chest,
drag me to the ground.
i break down.

i feel locked in my body,
and all i want to do is break free.
nobody should feel the need to shower in the dark,
because the reality of their body is too much for them.
it shouldn't be this way

and i know i shouldn't compare myself to people,
but i cannot stop thinking,
'what if i were cis'.
i think of how much easier everything would be.
i wouldn't have to worry over how long i've been wearing my binder,
or if i pass,

i wouldn't have to worry about turning eighteen,
knowing i will be homeless.
but instead, my mother would celebrate her baby,
becoming a "legal adult."

forty-eight hours wouldn't be a worrying statement,
just another frame of time,
it wouldn't reflect on my self-care routines,
or lack thereof

it'd just be forty-eight hours.
 Apr 2018 empty seas
She Writes
 Apr 2018 empty seas
She Writes
You know you’ve hit a new low
When even as a poet
You are at a loss for words
 Apr 2018 empty seas
At 10:00 am, less than 100 students walked out to the flagpole
for our school's second walkout.
While there was less than one fourth of the population from the first walkout,
it was so much more powerful.
So many voices were heard.
We screamed, cried, laughed, read poems,
and all silently wished for a riot; wished for change.
We all wished that we didn't have to do this.
Wished that we didn't have to fear being shot at school,
the place where we are supposed to be safest.
But in that moment,
we were one.
We hugged, rested our heads on each other's shoulders,
and were one giant support system.
We are going to make change.
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