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Mister J Dec 2018
Surrounded by walls
Clinging for dear life
Emotions in conflict
Claustrophobia ensues

I'm losing myself
In this battle for endurance
I'm trying to hold on
Vying for your elusive heart

Your eyes contradict
What your lips blurt out
Your here inches away
Yet the distance an ocean's length

You abhor the thought
Of getting me hurt
And yet your actions
Hurt me constantly

You are an enigma
Yet to be solved
And yet you hold my heart
At the palm of your hands

You surround yourself
In my warm embrace
Yet your life is a shadow
I have yet to see

So here I am
Trying to cross that ocean
In between us
Trying to break your walls

I pray for constant guidance
In taking on this long journey
A journey few men could endure
To tame a wild and evasive love

I pray for constant strength
To brace myself for the coming storm
To hold steadfast and keep chasing
The girl who haunts my dreams

I pray for Love to blossom
Between the hunter and the hunted
I pray for blaring passion
To burn the walls you've built

Someday I will cross this ocean
No matter how long and how far
I will keep my aching head cool
And my wanting heart holding on

Please remember me
Once you tell yourself
That you want to fall
In love again
Happy Reading!

Mister J Dec 2018
Strip these feelings away from me
If you don't plan on
Spending the rest of your life with me

Unkiss all the kisses you gave me
And flee from my embrace
If you never plan to stay anyway

Forget all our sweetest memories
Even the bitter ones too
If you don't see a future with me

Don't run into my arms
And cry on my shoulders
If you don't commit your heart to me

Love me when you really do
Because I madly do
Want to spend this lifetime with you

I love you
Happy Reading.

Mister J Dec 2018
Papers scattered all over the table
Like the thoughts jumbled in my mind
Pens out of ink, pencils' lead littered
Like this tired heart in broken chaos

Here I am, broken and tested
Twisted by fate to fall in love again
Here I am, fighting yet bested
Twisted by fate to fail all over again

You are the object of my affections
The one who gives me sleepless nights
You are the sunlight in this dark life
The one who sheds life in my sadness

No amount of words can paint you
A picture of my deepening emotions
No amount of broken pens can suffice
A poem that is meant to embody you

Please give me a chance to fight
No matter how long it might be
Please give me the will to endure
No matter how hard it might get
A mix of emotions and words

Instead of a rhyming scheme, I tried a different pattern, but on the first words of the sentences

It feels a bit unfinished, I may edit this soon if new inspiration comes, but for now here's my first draft.

Thanks for reading. Tell me what you think

Mister J Dec 2018
We're stuck in a fragile state
Hanging by a thinning thread
Standing on a melting winter lake
Struggling on a sinking ship

I'm pulling and you're pushing
In a discreetly vicious tug-of-war
We bare our emotions for each other
Yet we both end up getting hurt being together

Every night you're in my thoughts
Every day I'm on your mind
Insomniacs in an endless cycle
Worrying and doubting over their budding love

Is this the end?
Dancing slowly and cautiously as the music fades away
Do we let it end?
Even if the feelings pull us closer by the minute?

Why are we still at it?
Even if we're both bleeding
Injuries caused by each other
Yet I still choose to love you?

We're drifting in an uncertain stage
Taking a shot at love against odds
Even if the odds are us ourselves
I choose to be with you still

How about you?
Will you stay here?
And bleed together with me?
Or leave me bleed by myself?
Rushed.. Emotions overflowing.. Needed an outlet.

Hey guys! Happy reading!

Mister J Dec 2018
Its 3:30 in the morning
My eyes bloodshot and wide awake
My mind in a confused trance
My chest running out of breath
My heart growing heavier by the minute

Desperately going for my keys
Wallet on hand, phone in my pocket
I think I need a drive just for tonight
To chase where my mind goes
And clear the thoughts off my head

My hands trembling in panic
My eyes stealing focus on the road
Limbs on automatic as my mind wanders
I guess a trip to get some alcohol
Would help calm my nerves down

Took a sip while heading to Lord knows where
Holding back my tears as I run around in circles
I don't know where I'm heading, I just kept on driving
My heart in a constant state of agony
As I found myself stopping at your front door

Bursting into tears when I realized
Where I sought to find some comfort
In your arms I've always felt at ease
But this time it feels so different
When the same arms are the ones hurting me

I know I agreed to wait for you
Wait for you to fully open your heart to me
I even said I'd wait against all the odds
Just to earn the chance to win your heart
But why do I feel miserable at this moment?

You seemed so close to me
Well within my hands' reach
You shower my body with your embrace
And nurture my lips with your kisses
Yet why do you feel so distant?

No matter how much I try to run to you
You keep on pushing me farther away
No matter how much I try to break your walls
You keep on setting up newer, stronger barriers
Sometimes I can't keep up with your thoughts

You leave me dazed and confused
And yet you still make me feel loved
You make me believe that this could be concrete
Yet you can't put words on how much I mean to you
I don't know how to respond to any of this

You make me feel at ease in adversity
And yet sometimes you're confusing to me
A source of both my serenity and sweet agony
You're an addiction that may be bad for my being
And yet I still offer to you my everything

You drove me in a crossroad I can't avoid
You want me to stay and yet you freely let me go
So now I'm in a dilemma I can't imagine to escape
Because even as all the signs point to danger
Here I am, still driving, still going towards you

I'll keep on driving towards where you are
No matter how near or no matter how far
People may say that I'm idiotic and crazy
But regardless I stand by the routes I choose
And amidst all the traffic, I'll chase the elusive wind called you
Heey! Its been a while!
Here's a new piece.

Hope everyone likes it. :)

Mister J Nov 2018
Its been a long time since then
When my hands held someone elses
Its been a long time when I last
Felt my heart yearn for someone

Awkward smiles flashing at each other
Flirting eyes staring towards one another
Hugs exchanged like there's no tomorrow
My kisses marking your cheeks and forehead

Emotions are in overdrive
As you look at me with your playful eyes
My heartbeats are skipping erroneously
As my lungs are gasping for breath

Your hands felt soft and sweet
As you happily laced them around mine
Your fingers touching each of my own
Each stroke sending jolts down my spine

Whenever you stare at me I want to melt
Ten seconds in your eyes feels like an eternity
It makes me want to pray for Time
to freeze
Whenever I surround you with my embrace

My words can't express how much you mean to me
My body can't endure such sweet emotions anymore
My time that froze when love was taken away
Moves again when you suddenly came
to my life

I love you Babe
No matter what they say
People will always have doubts
Even you may not believe me
But when I say that I'm in love
It is rare that I say it
With full and conscious conviction
Just like this one
So please
If you may grant me
Just one wish
No matter how long it will take
For you to reach a decision
Even if you make me wait long
Just please consider this
Please choose to stay
Here with me
Stay in my heart
Hold my hands tight
Embrace me fiercely
And never leave me alone
I love you
Hello Potato.. Err. Hello Poetry!

I am having difficulties in writing, I can't think straight.

Is this the effect of being in love, and that love being slowly reciprocated?

I dunno about you guys, but this has been the happiest I've ever been in a long time.

To my dearest Babe/Potato
I love these feelings
I love your company
I love the way you smell
All your good traits
All your bad traits
Even if I haven't seen them all
What's not to love?
I love how you stare into my soul
With those piercing eyes of yours
I love how you hug me tight
And how you hold my hands sweetly
I love every single moment with you
Everything we're having right now
I love you. :)

Thanks for reading Everyone!

Mister J Nov 2018
As I write tonight
Underneath this cloudy night
With little hints of moonlight
And a sky deprived of starlight
I contemplate on why
I made the wrong choices
My mind remains a mess
And my heart feels heavy

A man deprived of youth
Discovering my place in the world
Seeking a permanent home
Only to wander from place to place
The boy within my heart
With his mischievous charms
And his spontaneous whims
Making a mess of my life

Choices, you make or break them
I wonder why, in this world of numerous possibilities
I make only choices that hurt others
And ultimately, give me a stinging, guilty pain.

My mind is in the gutter
My heart in disarray
The person who keeps me happy
I think I've pushed her away
I admit this was a whirlwind feeling
But it became so strong
It blew me off my feet
And overcame my judgement

I'm sorry
For making the wrong choice
For not backing down
When you challenged my resolve
For failing you where
You needed me to succeed
For giving in to my desires
Instead of cherishing yours

I'm sorry
For making you think twice
When all I had to do was resist
For disregarding your trust
When you needed to trust me most
I know no reason would qualify
To be an excuse for my iniquities
But please, listen when I say, you're all I have

All I can do is apologize
All I can do is to make it up
To earn what was lost
And to labor day and night
To deserve a chance
And fight for your heart
To be yours in life
As I seek you to be mine

All I can do is say sorry
Even if it takes me
Day and night
As long as I can be by your side
A slave to your many charms
That no matter what you do
I cannot help it but
Fall in love with you..


Please forgive me.
Hey. This really isn't a poem, its simply a letter of what I'm feeling right now.

I know its kind of rushed and messy
But this is what I feel right now.

I made a mess of things
And I'm so sorry

I hope the intended person reads this.
Hello Potato. This is for you. :)


Ps: I love her. No joke.
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