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 Dec 2019 Leo
 Dec 2019 Leo
I remember feeling warmth
in almost overwhelming amounts
Writing love notes
to roll up in a bottle
Saving pebbles
to wear around my neck

Now I feel disconnected
Like watching a movie
and seeing myself stumble through the plot

Where has my heart gone?
And why didn’t I notice when they took it?
 Dec 2019 Leo
Mrs Anybody
i saw you
for a split second

and i smiled
like an idiot
part 22
 Dec 2019 Leo
I am the lamb
Lead me to the post you prepared
Tie me there tightly

Take your knife from its sheath
Plunge it deep in my neck
Drain me until there is no more

Love me while I perish
 Dec 2019 Leo
Mikaela L
It Withers
 Dec 2019 Leo
Mikaela L
One of my curls delightfully wraps around his finger,
My hand reaches for his finger, sizes the awful curl,
A word of hate strikes the lover.

You love me, but what is love?
Love is patience,
Love is kindness,
Love is wise,
My love, we are none of those things,
Our love's impatient,
Our love's cruel,
Our love's foul.

See the flower in the desert?
Under the dreadful red sun,
See the petals as they fall?
That is our love.

For you,
M. L.
 Dec 2019 Leo
Ciel Noir
 Dec 2019 Leo
Ciel Noir
What other kind              of creature could divide        
        Each different thing             into its different sides                
  With chaos versus             order, dark and light
The stark duality of         wrong and right
We even split the very        world in two
With human versus human,       we and you
But still no matter how much      we divide
Each thing has infinitely many      sides
 Dec 2019 Leo
دema flutter
It seems that
I like that
I can't have you,
but when the
challenge is over,
so are my wants.
 Dec 2019 Leo
Tom Atkins
 Dec 2019 Leo
Tom Atkins
There are flowers on the window sill.
Wildflowers in a blue vase.
A small oasis
in a life that is anything but.

You release a sigh,
and with it, tension.
You focus, completely on the still life

and feel your own heart still,
your breath slow.
You fall into yourself,

You sip your coffee,
your morning slowed to the point
you control it. Not the other way around.

There is a small smile on your face.
Today will be a day of victories.
You know it, not even knowing the battles that await you.

Still. Slow. Aware,
you are invincible.
How we start our day can color the entire day. The days I manage to keep to my routine of prayer, meditation, and writing, I can handle anything.

I have a lot of little places of peace around my house. Still life vignettes. They do my soul good. Not quite temples, but soul stilling none the less.

Today is a good day.

From those things, this poem.

 Dec 2019 Leo
cosmo naught
the angel on my shoulder
picked up smoking,
the devil on the other
took up yoga—

they don't know
how much they have
in common.
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