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 Mar 2016 lila smith
grumpy thumb
Splinters of shrapnel
explosive relationships
One day I was seating,
Looking at the sky.
Oh, how it felt like
I got that realization,
That my life could end
In an   i n s t a n t   today.

And  H E R E   I    A M,
With my unfinished businesses.
Wondering if life always end
In the middle of thinking:

" What could've been my life, if I chose this. . . "

. . .brought tears to my eyes,

I am free. But,
I feel utterly **helpless.
Or am I really just lazy?
Maybe, all this time
I was feeling this,
A l l    a l o n e .
. . .
This is not a poem,
But what I feel,
A l l    a l o n g .
 Mar 2016 lila smith
grumpy thumb
She plays "Misty"
for me
drifting into its veil
merging with waves
of minors and major-7s.
The passion of her
closed eyes
swoop and rise of brow
gentle sway
mouthing notes
playing from memory
lost in its depths
as I am in hers,

".....look at me..."
Remembering one who played for me.
"Misty" music my Errol Garner, lyrics latter added by Johnny Burke.
I wanted to pluck a flower for her but fear told me when it wilts
I'd be burdened by untold guilt
I wanted to deal her maximum pleasure
doubted she'd deal with the sweet pain of plunging to the hilt
to construct her a high and strong Trojan sanctuary
to protect her fragile heart through every hour
when I realised walls would mean solitude built
I wanted to build her bridges for a global adventure
but I feared it might turn to be the white bull to Europa
I wanted to forever write her poems with rhyme
but my vocabulary was fading so fast with time
I wanted to walk with her till the end of the road
albeit every extra mile was a tiring load
I wanted to pluck feathers and build her wings
so that I could see what view her presence in the sky brings
but I feared she would fly too close to the charming sun
lured by it's fatal beauty and burn like Icarus,Daedalus' son
I longed to see her smile like there was no sadness
and I embraced the feeling even if it was utter madness
I wanted to hear her talk even when I cherished her silence
to shut my eyes and store her scenic ambiance
I wanted to free her in the heavy chains of my chocking passion
and always watch how she gracefully soars the skies of my cage
I wanted her name in my love story on each and every page
starting with once upon a time until the last on the edge
as two olduns breathing the air and drinking sweet wine of  old age
I longed to sit with her in space and go
wherever it settles when she shyly spins the globe
desired to decorate her presence like the dangling ring on her ear lobe
I wanted us to swim in the shoreless deep Oceans
among the sharks to shield her from their gnawing rage
I wanted to employ her, her duty being mothering
our children with care and her undivided attention
and wages would be gold standard breath taking affection
I wanted to be her breath when she can't respire
to incinerate her heart with romance and fires of desire
I wanted the world to be a serene paradise
for the calm and innocence of her soul,evident from her eyes
and though it's hard to concede that I'll never express what lies within
I can't move the vast Oceans and Seas that sadly lie inbetween
Take my love but leave me the joy
Take my Heart but don't make it a toy
Take my mind but leave me reason
Take my passion, not just for a season
Take my name but leave my identity
Take my hand and hold me for infinity
Take your time like you're taking a picture
Take my actions, understand my gesture
Take my lips but kiss me not to death
Take my sigh but leave me some breath
Take my attention,just be my cynosure
Take my past and find me closure
I'm brave enough to fear, deaf enough to hear
blind enough to see, I'm a soul in ecstasy
I'm weak enough to fight, in the dark of light
crippled enough to stand, insane enough to understand
that I'm eternal enough to die, truth enough to lie
perpetual enough to end and straight enough to bend
I'm hard enough to bruise and triumphantly lose
I'm desperate enough to believe, happy enough to grieve
afloat enough to drown and smiled enough to frown
I'm treasured enough to be thrown,a dusk enough to dawn
a man enough to cry,I'm mindful enough to pry
I'm question enough to answer, goat enough to panther
I'm block enough to bridge, free enough to siege
I'm lone enough to clique, wake enough to sleep
love enough to hate, I'm free willed to fate
I'm chain enough to freedom, unknown for my stardom
pleasure enough for pain,I'm sunshine trapped in rain
I'm wrecked enough to intact and powerless enough to impact
probability enough to certain,I'm God enough to Satan
I'm peace enough to war,ignorant enough to know
less enough to more, I'm Yes enough to No
I'm stuffed enough to hunger, silence enough to thunder
obvious enough to wonder, I'm builder enough to plunder.
All of us are entitled to dying
But not all of us smell that sweet
scent of living.
so let's try to live while we can instead of
worrying about death after all we must die
All of us must fall hard and wreck but few of us shall rise
so let's rise while we can,before gravity makes the call
All of us must grieve but not all shall smile
so let's stretch that laugh while we have it to a mile
All of us must hurt ,a small number will pleasure
so while we are at it let it be a wide measure
All of us must labour yet not all will leisure
So always find sometime,treat yourself as a treasure
All of us are entitled to vile but few can truly love
few give their heart that which they deserve
All of us are destined to hurt but few of those will heal
be among the few who after they scar won't suffer still
All are young but not all see old,not all mature
so live while you're young, tomorrow isn't sure
all must journey yet not all in the walk will reach
make adventure of your travel, it's the peach
all must work their *** off but few will grow rich
appreciate your worth, ambition will throw you in a ditch
all will compete for the prize but one will win
appreciate you tried, win or lose the globe will spin
all must hear but not all will listen
ride with the few cause the hearing are missing
All must sin believe me but few feel remorse
you too can find a place in your heart to repent of course
All of us must sow but a few of us will reap
we must keep sowing,we should keep herding our sheep
all of us are talented,sadly few will find mention
keep trying,go for goal, you might as well attract attention
all of us are entitled to dying but I've seen some live
you too can do it,you just have to believe
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