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7.2k · Mar 2018
Dream of the Unholy
Domagoj Mar 2018
This rainy night, Heavens will fall.
Divine light, extinguished under the Thy raven wing.
This rainy night Gabriel's trumpet went silent.
People pray for their salvation.
God doesn't hear dead man but He sure answer them.
This rainy night, wind drift through deserted land,
resonating sound of the emptiness and death.
Blood is washed from the thorn crown,
existence is meaningless without punishment by Lord's hands.
This rainy night, shadows will crawl from the deep underground.
Humankind is devoured by eternal fire.
People produce heat only when you burn them.
This rainy night,nothing matters.
His black wings will fly again over the sky.
leaving nothing more than darkness and silence.
514 · Dec 2017
In my restless dream..
Domagoj Dec 2017
Watch myself into the broken mirror,
thounsand reflections of my face,
and all of them are fail.
Their eye's are open,
but still I'm not awake.

I drown myself in tears,
sink down where no one can hear,
seeking for the light and hope,
they all remain silent.

I buried myself into the sand,
sand of the time which drift away,
reaching for the edge of this life,
it cuts, it's hurting me.

As I walk through with,
discolored tunnel vision.
Crippled by sorrow,
I wish I never existed.
So incompleted, so empty.
refill me with life,
beacuse I only know how to die.
Nobody needs me, neither do I
459 · Dec 2017
I need you ...
Domagoj Dec 2017
Angels are dead,
Roaming through darkness,
Everything is now silent

You can't feel my pain,
Our voices are eaten by wind,
Understand me?!

Sorrow as my morning sun,
Tears like drizzling rain,
Insecure, I walk alone,
Let me be, you love me,
Let me live, you hate me.

Holding myself before death,
Evenings are too dark,
Reality is broken mirror,
Everyone cut themself..
422 · Jan 2018
Domagoj Jan 2018
I was standing on that forsaken land,
watching horizont where sea kisses the sky.

where waves breaks  big silver moon,
washing shiny dust from it.

Feeling mildly wind blowing through my hollow heart,
whispering me all her lies.

the stars are woven into the black sky,
reminding me of the tears in her eyes.

Night cast the spell, feeling burning sensation of her touch,
sea brings me far away, where dreams can be touched.

Standing in front the moon, just like that night I saw her smile,
her smile was so long time ago, I barely remember.

All particles of her flows with me like those stars on the sky,
waiting dawn to pierce through dark, makes them fade.
Domagoj Aug 2018
Sacred blood,
dripping from wooden cross.
Washing them away,
with ****** tears of her loss.
Dethroned king cry,
My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?
Heavens silent it remain,
their son of God died in vain.

From holiness of her mother womb,
through this cold world to left alone in tomb.
Immaculate divine,
shall cast pearls before swine,
glory and pride will perish,
it shall bow in front of lord of mine.
On the right side of God, Eden's excrement,
it shall see morning star on their firmament.

Under thy wing, holy trinity destruction,
angels standing on the brink of extinction.
I thirst for waters of Ain,
I commend my spirit to the Satan domain.
As I break tablets of covenant over their calf of the gold,
I shall unleash infernal flames and turn world into cold.
Our scream goes through cosmo, Adonai can hear,
fallen angels shall return to the heavens and he will fear.

Marching through house of God,
bringing annihilation.
I open the seventh seal,
brining death over their creation.
Bringer of the light standing above the heavens,
trumpets blow for his coronation.
Wield with his banner over thy land,
for its uprising damnation.

Woman, behold your son.
By thy touch of the left hand of God,
he will succumb.
Father, forgive them, for they know not what they are doing,
praying to their Elohim, not knowing for the real king.
by the times it end, world stop turning,
heavens reduced to ruin,
Sinain will be burning.
405 · Sep 2018
My sweet brother
Domagoj Sep 2018
Come to me young brother,
you are so pretty and small.
Let's shake the tree,
make all leaves fall.

As I walk through narrow streets of yours,
squeezing between tight walls,
My breath, it's like a cold wind,
it makes your skin crawls.

Hot sweat streaming down your back,
like rushing river.
I whisper your name,
which makes you shiver.

I will go into darkness, to unknown ground,
grasping your hair as I hold you down.
Just be silent, my brother, make no sound,
Just listen as our two hearts together pound.

Aaa aaa aaa!
You feel pain!
Aaa aaa aaa!
After that we will never be the same!
Aaa aaa aaa!
Starting fire that cannot be tamed!
Aaa aaa aaa!
Together our bodies will be flamed!
394 · Aug 2018
Domagoj Aug 2018
Stay with me my friend,
I have nowhere to go.
My paths are broken and unknown.
Just like me,
everything is worthless.
I will talk to you,
with soft and nihilistic voice.
You can hear the screams,
coming from inside me.
Don't worry about them.
They are not to be listened.

Help me my friend!
My hands want to hurt me.
Mind is ruptured by despair,
creating black hole of solitude,
where my whole being fade.
My vision is discolored by darkness.
It won't let me see how I decay.
God forgive me,
but I can't forgive myself.
Grief is within in my existence.
By my hand, my name shall be eradicated..
387 · Dec 2017
Blank mile
Domagoj Dec 2017
Morning light kisses with melancholy,
while rain is drizzling behind my window.

My consciousness speaks with agony again,
while my existence is unclear.

Reading into past, not knowing my future.
My dreams were clouds in my coffee.
Silence echoes, foreshadowing the end.
it follows my path of self destruction.
               (em pleh)
Closed behind these walls, with thick layers of fear,
screaming feelings what nobody understand.
                                          (evil ot)
Obscure mind planting seeds of the nightmare,
growing roots that suffocate my ambition.

I broke into the pieces, sharp enough for self harm,
listening Moonlight Sonata with few drops of the blood.
               ( em dnatsrednu)
Constructing my deraptured mind, reversing my life,
Feeling lost but I am still standing here.

I got few pills to help me see why I am fading.
Carrying sunset on my chest, I am alone.
                                ( evil ot drah si ti)
White noise reconstruct voices in my head,
sinking into dream, leaving my body to rest.

Many mornings passes from that day, they forget,
cries and whispers ends under remains of the lost life.
375 · Dec 2017
Hope and silence
Domagoj Dec 2017
My heart shatter in many pieces,
with one I slit mine own throat,
whenever I call you
you will hear me gargle with blood,
although you never loved me.

My mind is crowded with darkness,
gunshot illuminate my ugly face,
whenever I write you
letters will be splattered with blood,
although you never loved me.

My body is weak,pale and alone,
abandoned on the cold rain,
whenever I hold you
I cant feel anything,
although I never had you.

There are so many shades of my life,
and you are none of them.
There is so many pain in my life,
and you are all above them.
There are so many feelings inside me,
and yet you never care.
There are so many endings of this road,
but I choose to die in your shadow
369 · Apr 2018
Domagoj Apr 2018
shard of the broken heart pierce through soul,
melting into blood and tears.
pour me over the dark ground,
draw me, write me a symphony,
your name is disintegrating on my lips.
serpent crawl down my body.
Feel me, accept me.
I breathe behind your neck, so cold,
like morning breeze, you shiver.
I am vision you don't want to see
but you can't deny me.
Break me, collect me.
Make mosaic of your dreams and let me burn.
My blood screams and it flows through your mind.
Believe me, follow me,
I am holding the world you used know.
Our flesh fuse together, feel that burning sensation.
I am you but you don't know me.
Now you are sad, sitting in the dark.
Memories are fading, nothing matter anymore.
Rest me on your chest, dream with me.
Counting your heartbeats,
one ,
before you leave me.
358 · Jan 2018
Look over the shoulder
Domagoj Jan 2018
I'm the man of yesterday,
reversing through this life.

Watching memories in stop motion,
through discolored lens.

Blurred faces with familiar voices,
cutting them out from frame.

My soul,two-tone Silhouette,
was never connected with human touch.

Let me capture those perfect moment,
before tears touched the ground...
before I understood this world...
352 · May 2018
Existence is our burden
Domagoj May 2018
I am sinking into vilest filth of the hell,
my existence is disintegrating in your eyes.
Heart is trapped inside this coffin,
his weeping and screams will never leave me.
Reaching for the hope that never existed,
wiping tears that you can't see.
time is enemy to me,
nothing brings me and it never heals.
Something devastating is inside me,
only remains of sorrow and memories you can feel.
Silence and lonely wind,
exist in realm inside me..........

351 · Mar 2018
Nothing was there for you
Domagoj Mar 2018
I walk on the blank mile,
crossing over the brink of the existence.

I hold self destruction in my blood,
it heats the shattered corpse of mine.

Morning light opens my eyes,
but I'm still not awake.

I push enslavement through my veins,
filling raptured mind with pleasure,
as I walk on the blank mile,
falling over the brink of existence.
341 · Dec 2017
Domagoj Dec 2017
There is something sinister,  (it follows)
creeping me from my past.
Resonate voices of ones I never heard.
Breathing as a fragile being,
which crushes by own existence
I can't remember much,
my family,
my friends,
they talk but I won't listen.
Morning light pierce through,
deadmans broken dream,
it reflect our no tommorow.
Do not be afraid of the death,
afraid the life worth no living.
Something is dragging me down,
exposing me to this cruel world.
It shows my blank face,
blank, pale face
with no pain and suffering written on it.
337 · Jul 2018
Confession of the lost man
Domagoj Jul 2018
There is child sitting in ruins of childhood,
it's dissolved by flames of self aggression.
the child reminds me of me,
it have my scars inflicted by this life.
Talk to me child, our existence is eradicated by despair.
We are backtracking in nihilism,
wearing black veil of futility over our pale faces.
our steps are silent and worthless,
they are soft like dream which crumbles under our being.
Help me child, I want to live.
I want to hug my disgusting life.
It remains silent. I can see tears in his eyes.
The child reminds me of me, it cries like I do.
The child is so alone and hopeless,
but there is nothing to do.
275 · Jul 2020
Still walk the same path
Domagoj Jul 2020
My voice parted by thunder,
which cuts through sky,
insdie the storm, in grief craving eye.
Heartbeats sleeps into the depths of my tears,
broken grounds, ruptured mind from our fears,
Left in silence, spoke to me nevermore,
in this neverending winter, pain is the only thing I wore.

I speak self agression,
cutting parts of my immolation,
we are all far from perfection,
but only I, can't resist to the burning temptation.

In my hands pills with many names,
but none of them I can't reconize,
drink water, wash them all down,
just another step away from paradise.

— The End —