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Can you hear the violence
The bullets
the sirens

We can't comprehend how people die
Until it's right before our eyes

Here's a gift
A gun
For fun

People are exhausted
No more excuses
were losing

let's turn around
talk to the walls
they'll hear us out

I'm gonna go and pray because surely
god is going to hear me out
take away the evil
from their souls
I'm not so sure

not going to cry
not going to scream

can you hear it
wanna see it

lives are taken away
haven't you heard
the only monsters on earth
are the men pulling the trigger
to people's heads

next week it'll be forgotten
until next time it happens
so pathetic
Oh what a pleasure it would be to live under your skin
To attach myself to your body
To be your safety pin

Oh what a pleasure it would be to make your heart beat
To give you all my love
Bitter, sour, sweet

Oh what a pain it would be to have you love me back
Then break my fragile heart
Make it crack, crack, crack
I miss the way I use to write constantly. the way words, feelings and emotions surrounded me, grabbing me ever so tightly. bringing meaning into my life. the way my words cut the silence, like a cut from a knife. man how I was so powerful and just so sure. now I find myself carefully choosing words. I think I lost sight of what it really meant to write. not so much thinking but just allowing my words to take flight. pulling you closer allowing you to feel exactly how I feel. **** so real, for a moment your soul is what I steal. I felt like I lost it, like I was just lost in the world. another being trying to find peace but my thoughts in a swirl. can i capture your soul like I use to do. of course I can. I was solely… made for you. I was made so you’d b able to feel me. for you to capture who I am. free willingly.
tap into my mind and inhale thee.
 well look at that, Im alive b
3 years ago
what is harder to keep?
your love
or my sanity?
When your first child turns out to be a failure,
don't expect the other one to come running.

Years of neglect had hardened her,
training her to become a cold, silent child.

She had been deprived of her childhood,
always ignored or forgotten about,
abused and yelled at.

The day she went mute,
nobody cared.

She went on with her life,
living off of her friends,
hearing about their daring adventures,
hoping she could have one of her own.

When her parents had finally figured out
their first child was mediocre at best,
they quickly tried turning to her.

It was too late.

For her entire life she'd went without them,
what makes them think they can just go in now?
If you cry I´ll cry with you
because your pain is my ending.
if you scream I´ll scream with you
because your loudness wakes me up.
If you jump I´ll jump with you
because two floors or twenty can´t hold me back.
If you smile I´ll smile with you
because your eyes light up my life.
If you die I´ll die with you
because you life means mine.
If I die will you die with me?
If I cry will you cry with me?
If I jump will you jump with me?
Promise me you will.
Promise me.
You did.
You promised.
Why aren´t you here now?
I´m over the bridge waiting for you.
Where are you?
I called you.
You did´t pick up.
I´m falling now.
I hope you´re happy now.
I missed you during the jump.
I´m on the floor.
It did´t hurt that bad.
What are those voices?
Is that you?
I can´t see you.
Where are you?
You promised.
You did´t jump.
The end.
I´m done.
 Nov 2017 Brook raelyn lemons
Would you kindly
hug me tight
with your hands
around my neck?
Would you kindly spend the night
and comfort this nervous wreck?

Could you show me a smile
while you tell me that I'm trash
Could you insult my lifestyle
without even batting an eyelash

Should you care about garbage like me
your tastes must be perverted
Should I be allowed to feel this happy
honestly, I'm uncertain.

I need you to use your claws
to draw out the blood from my skin
I need you to break through the walls
I built to hide my true self within

I need you to split me open and dig inside
to grasp at my heart if you can
I need you to know the thoughts that I hide
and love the person I really am

— The End —