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 May 2015 Lauren Bennett
you had a fever
rambling hot then cold
just crying wolf, you'd say
before hallucinating again
at the dark
come to swallow you whole
If you give a girl a with a big heart your broken pieces,
she will gently pick them up and carry them in her soft hands,
and pay no mind to your sharp edges.
She will try to glue you back together
and she’ll do it in a way that made you forget you were ever broken.
With scratched finger tips and ****** palms,
she’ll lift you up to the sun,
letting it's blinding rays shine through you
to show you that even the worst things have things to love in them
and that even the shattered can again be whole.

If you give a girl with a big heart your body,
she will study you like an archaic God.
She will learn your curves and surfaces like braille,
she will adjust her hearing to the pitch of your laughter
so that no matter how far apart you become,
her ears will perk up like a dog's when you giggle,
and she will smile, knowing that you smile.

If you give a girl with a big heart your time,
she will make each second feel like infinity,
and each sunset like the end of the world.
You'll forget that the universe is as vast and wondrous as it is,
because you will be so captivated by the light that she emits
right where she sits,
by your side.

And if you take from a girl with a big heart,
for the love of God,
do not take it all.

If you take from a girl with a big heart,
please remember that her love is not a renewable resource.
The wind and the sun and the water will forever be there to serve you but
she will run dry, and become another fact of history that will one day be forgotten.

If you take from a girl with a big heart,
please remember how sharp your edges were before her,
how lifeless your body was before she touched it,
and how meaningless time was before she made it into something magical.
The truth lies
not in her eyes,
for she learned
long ago
how to forge
desperate lies.

It's as she was
conditioned to do...
to tell lies
with her eyes,
and beguile
with her smile.

The truth lies
not in her eyes,
but if you must know
just where her
verity dwells...

it's in her voice...

the timber,
the rhythm,
the words,
the whispers
in the sound.

It's in her voice
that her truth
will be found.

Can you hear it?

By Mercurychyld
The sea beneath
the sea within
the hollow feelings
from there to then

As the thought breaks
parts the clouds
As the light comes
within allowed

I touch your lips
you gentle thing
you touch my heart
oh hear it sing

The sun beneath
as far as be
the sea within
sets sails on wing

There go no
red day dawnings
there are no
red flag warnings

Only reflections on the iris
of the eye
only purest warmth
over oceans glide
 May 2015 Lauren Bennett
Dear God,*

My soul is feeling idle,
My stomach kind of empty.
Everyday, I have the urge to feast upon your fruit tree
Because in this world of temptations sins are looking tasty.
But if I take a bite, can you blame me for this fault?
You made me in your image so tell me,
Why did you include flaws?
 May 2015 Lauren Bennett
Emily L
Every inch is
dressed in gray
ashes of our yesterday
Scattered all throughout the air
I let them go without much care
since every time I breathe
Through what remains
I ask you not to leave
For me
while you slip
from my hands.
My life line does not understand
Why this array of
Burnt remains is almost through
While I cry out your name
It all tends to be the same
Please don't leave me
Here alone
I'm afraid too
I grieve for you
As all your
Ashes, ashes
May change
 May 2015 Lauren Bennett
The morning sky faintly blue
A gust of wind rustling leaves
I don't know why you laugh
At the boats bobbing in the harbor
Your little feet don't reach the ground
As you sit on the bench next to me

I can't believe you belong to me
Your eyes the same grey blue
Standing two feet from the ground
You disappear into a pile of leaves
Already forgetting you don't want to leave the harbor
Your innocence makes me laugh

You reminded me how to laugh
Unknowingly you saved me
From the dark thoughts I harbor
That once made me so blue
I had become someone who always leaves
But you brought me back to the ground

I couldn't watch them lower you into the ground
All I could hear was your laugh
And the rustle of dead winter leaves
The naked trees mourned with me
Their tears made of sap & mine so blue
And salty as the frozen harbor

Why'd you have to go to the harbor?
Is it so hard to stay on dry ground?
It's enticing waters gleaming blue
Swallowed you with a menacing laugh
Taking you away from me
A reminder that everyone leaves

Everyone's child eventually leaves
Sailing across the promising harbor
But not in the way that you left me
Unable to pick myself off the ground
In a delusioned fit I hysterically laugh
At a bird in the window with feathers so blue

I hope the harbor in heaven is just as blue
And while you wait for me I pray that you laugh
That same silly way you did in the leaves on the ground.
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