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LJ Chaplin Nov 2015
Black and blue eyes
From rolling with the punches,
Another lonely night
From relying on the hunches,
Flicking through the channels
And hoping for a sign
That tonight will the night
He won't walk another line,
Shielding his face from the red and blue,
Slurring his words
Because he hasn't got a clue,
Where he is
Or why he's behind bars,
A night in a cell
Because he's written off his car.
He wonders why women walk away,
Why they give him the finger
Or why he never gets their name,
But then again he enjoys the rush,
Of taking them to bed
With another heart to crush,
Of sleeping in sheets
That still smell of Chanel,
From the woman before
Who said "go to hell".
He puts on his shoes
And walks through the door,
Hoping tonight
He'll once again score.
© L.J. Chaplin
LJ Chaplin Nov 2015
It was during the warmth of
The spring when you arrived,
A stranger from thin air,
An entity that only I
Could see.

You watched from a distance,
On the sidelines of my life
As I rose and fell,
Sailing a ship that had no
Destination but still drifted on.

I was reckless, I was young,
I was free.
But with freedom came the price
Of uncertainty,
Of holding a compass with no
Sense of direction
And too much open space
To find a home to settle down.

That's when you stepped in.
It was unnerving at first,
To have you sit me down
And play out my future
In front of my wandering eyes,
But then it grew beautiful,
Like a cinematic masterpiece.
I knew what I had to do,
Where to go,
How to root myself to the earth
And move with its rotation
Like the hands of a clock.

And then you were gone.
I never knew your name,
Your story,
Or why you arrived.
© L.J. Chaplin
LJ Chaplin Nov 2015
Raindrops collide with the fogged glass of my window,
I stare out,
Acknowledging their desperation to enter
But dismissing them because I am too selfish
To let go of the warmth.
A cup of tea rests on the desk,
Steam rising and vanishing
Like waves at sea,
The grey clouds roll across the horizon outside,
Releasing their tears across the sky,
Crying from days of an endless pilgrimage
To a salvation only the people with their feet
On the ground can fathom.
There is an aching in my bones,
From seeing the world turn to
An empty canvas when only hours before
It burst with a breathtaking vibrancy
Of blue skies and blazing sunshine.
The storm clouds roll in,
The stars will never illuminate
When the day time falls to its knees
And the moon is alive,
The wolves will never howl
As the thunder grabs the land
And bangs it like a drum,

All that I wait for now
Is for the candles to blow out,
For the tea to cool down
And for the sun to return again.
LJ Chaplin Oct 2015
I turned my back and felt the stare,
Of someone close but wasn't there,
No shadow to cast
Or a body to hold,
Not a drop of warmth
To ease the cold,
No hands to clasp
Or lips to kiss,
Not an ounce of insecurity
Gone unmissed,
No burdens to carry,
Or weight to share,
Of the glare of the person

*Who was never there
LJ Chaplin Sep 2015
The heat,
The way it ripples from the steel handlebars
And burns my hands,
The way the clunking of the chain feels
As each pedal propels me forward
Beneath the sun.
The sky is blue,
The air is crisp and leaves pinpricks
On my skin,
Soothed by the tenderness
Of sun rays that fall like curtains
Upon the concrete.

It smells of rubber,
A lingering scent of nostalgia
That fills my lungs like tar
And fills my heart with youthful
As the wrinkles emerge,
And the delicate cracks begin to show,
I realize that my bike
Is the last memento that
Resonates through my aging ways.

Let's take a final spin down the boulevard,
Before the sun goes down
And my bones ache once more.
LJ Chaplin Aug 2015
They want to see you burn,
They want to trample on
The ashes that fell from
Your skin like it was dirt,
They want to **** the switch,
To blow the fuse in the lights
That shined from your eyes
And pierced all those who
Loved you.

They want to abandon you,
They want to push you out to sea,
With only a single row boat
And a flare that had already been
Used from the one before you,
To cast you out and let the waves
Douse the flames that raged from
Your voice as you cry for help.

They want to see you suffer
So that you realise that you are Stronger than you think,
They want to torture you
To teach you that the raw and
Emotional pain you feel
In your chest is an indication
That you are still alive.
LJ Chaplin Aug 2015
Like a whisper can spread into a rumour,
Satirical  slur can be somebody's humour,
The way that we talk as if the world is deaf,
Shouting at walls as if there's no one left,
Cut throat consonants and viper vowels,
Too many blows makes you throw in the towel,
Spit out the blood and wipe off the spit,
Get your head in the game
And dive into the pit,
We all have a voice that shapes and that moulds,
Too many cards that we're able to fold,
Speak out for peace or speak out for change,
Irritate the lion and make him roar from his cage,
No bad blood will spill if you speak the truth,
And not spend your life just jumping through hoops.
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