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 May 2016 Kourtney
Dhaye Margaux
I start to over-think again
When I see things between us
Like in a Tug-Of-War
I feel like
I am out of your world
I am out of place
Like a small ****
In the midst
of beautiful flowers
Out of your world
 May 2016 Kourtney
I used to think I knew what heartbreak felt like.
When I came home and saw my bed freshly made and your clothes were out of the closet.
When I saw there was one last cup of coffee left on he counter that you had time to drink.
When I saw the note and your words I barely had time to read.
Because I ran to the garage to see your car and your things were gone.

I used to think heartbreak was sitting alone in a cafe while you watched everyone laugh and smile.
Or walking around the grocery store trying to find food to make for one person.
Or dreaming of endless romantic vacations with you.. When there is no "you" once me.

But the minute I realized you had enough time to drink coffee and write me a note saying you were never coming back.
That's when I realized what real heartbreak was.
 Nov 2015 Kourtney
Lazlo Mehl
God created earth
Man created destruction
God created trees
Man created disruption
God created rain
Man created pollution

God created man
Man created Greed
God created love
Man created Cheat

God created peace
Man created execution
God created rest
Man created death

God created commandments
Man created laws

God created us
Man created mistrust.
Save Our Soul, do not perish
 Nov 2015 Kourtney
AD Sifford
Good job!
You went to church for Grama on Sunday

...And you texted the whole service

Good job!
You helped out and watched your siblings

...And showed them R-rated movies

Good job!
You wore a Bible verse T-shirt to school

...After buying it with stolen cash

Good job!
You got a purity cross necklace to wear

...Then "hooked up" that same night

Good job!
You got a brand new Bible

...And stored it under your bed with the rest of your " junk"

Good job!
You visited your church's website

...And bookmarked it right beneath *******

Good job!
You went to that Bible-study group

...And afterward, to a party

Good job!
You turned down a smoke while you were there

...'Cause at the time you were just thirsty

Good job!
You prayed at the dinner table

...To get your turn over with for the week

Good job!
You call out to God before falling asleep

...To blame Him for your problems

Good job!
You plan on going to church again tomorrow

Just don't forget your cell-phone

Good job, Christian
Keep it up.
|Written 2010|
*from my Emerge collection, being poem #7. Please see the collection page itself.

This poem is one I've never felt quite satisfied with, yet it's a concept I want to address in this same basic form. Now that my poetry and mind has matured more, I may re-write this as a new poem addressing the issue I intended to in this one, in an improved, or heavier, more emotional, or more clear way. I'm not sure.
Line 18 originally said "under *******", but I thought that could come across as the bookmark bearing that name, rather than the new bookmark being beneath it in the least, to signify lesser priority as added weight to the hypocrisy.

© 2017 A.D. Sifford.
I'm okay with you sharing my poetry, I just ask that you show courtesy by being honest and attributing it to my name. Thank you,
- Sifford
 Nov 2015 Kourtney
Going On
 Nov 2015 Kourtney
Desire is a dangerous thing. Almost as dangerous as hope.
The moment you feel a hunger in your soul for something, it can own you.
I do not enjoy being owned, but I am bent.
A longing bows me towards the life I want, the girl I want, the peace I want,
But I resist it
Simply because I know that I could not withstand the hope that I might have it.
It is a delicate balance to be struck, though, because without any desire,
Without any tightening of your chest to guide you through life, you are.... cut adrift.
This can be scarier than being tractor-beam pulled toward a situation you can see ending badly, because then you are pulled toward nothing.
Nothing has gravity,
Nothing has weight, and it dismays you to find that although you no longer have to run
From your secret, devastating wishes
By drowning out the silence when the sun sets,
You must still run in the same way, but this time from the knowledge that you don't know what to wish for.
Desire is a dangerous thing.
Dangerous in presence and dangerous in lack.
Do you understand how fragile it is that we are human? How vulnerable? How shaky and unsure?
This skin that barely holds us in imprisons us well, because we are just a little bit more afraid to leave it
Than we are terrified to stay.
It is a dangerous, dangerous thing to be a person.
To want anything.
To want nothing.
There is no safety. It is a truth that will always rub me like a rock in my shoe that I can't dislodge.
there was always something about my life,
in a way that it wasn't my own.
loss is just another thing waiting outside the door

you should never look to a parent
and see nothing in their eyes
its terrifying that we're all just tearing out each other's insides

i'm waiting for life to come
but this "life" is in my way
it's not my own
it waiting for what someone else will say

and for me theres just no future
just your own in your narrow eyes
those empty threats aren't words anymore
because death isn't a lie

i've been beating my head against the door
because you were waiting to leave
i felt the pain more
because it was wrong and all that i could see

heartbreak seeping down the walls
sweat and tears left on the sheets
and i'm here left waiting
this life isn't up to me

in someway i can't wait to go
but it tears me apart to leave
destructive love turned to tears
i'm blind and i can't breath
destructive relationship
 Oct 2015 Kourtney
 Oct 2015 Kourtney
Everyone is staring
You're trying so hard to stay standing
But your heart is racing
Instead of walking straight
You start wobbling

Your eyes begin to strain
You start feeling as if you just gained a lot of weight
Your heart sinks as you run away
You have to hide

You musn't let them see
The you that is scared to be seen
You feel like you can't even breathe
Your lungs are tightening
As you sink down against a wall
and take into the fetal postion

Just cry, maybe someday it'll be alright.
 Oct 2015 Kourtney
 Oct 2015 Kourtney
Anxiety, like fire,
Needs fuel,
We feed it with fear,
If only,
we can let it burn out.
 Oct 2015 Kourtney
Char Olenczuk
She walks into school
It starts again
The shaking
it rips through her like a wave
She hears the sound of voices
In the busy crowded hallway
But yet she can't make out what the others are saying
She thinks all eyes are on her
Everything is just one big blur
She can hear laughing
She automatically thinks it is directed at her
She waits in the girl's bathroom
Likes she does every morning
For the hallways to be clear
Then she comes out
wipes her tears away
And heads to class
still Shaking
Because of her anxiety.
the girl in the poem is me. I have bad anxiety when it comes to big crowds.
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