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Love the little spider
Who naturally spins
its thin silken web
Love the little pig
Who is so happy
just to play in the mud
Love the little worm
Who is blind
but still tunnels the Earth
Love the little girl
Who hides herself
behind all those books
Because aside from what
other people may say
Everything that has been called
Will show you true beauty
some day
With love, kelsey
Paper thin
Who she was is hiding within

I cry
And plead
Through quivering lips
As her essence slips through my finger tips

Her soul
Her heart
And Her mind
Disconnected all this time

So I pray and pray that she may stay
One more day, I say, just one more day
With love, kelsey
Something terrible has happened to me and my family. Please keeps us in your prayers.
 Oct 2015 The Broken Poet
"you can't just
touch my soul
and leave"
If I get angry
It's probably because I said
I'm fine

And I really hate lies
It feels like I'm dying
Like I'm being burned alive
From the inside out

I feel hopeless

And as I burn,
I scream
And I cry
But no one ever sees

And I feel myself dying
And I try to want to live
But I can't
I can't

Not when I'm burning inside
And then my thoughts take over
Every little thing is huge

The fire burns hotter

I'm starting to melt
I can't breathe
I'm dying

My vision is gone
Sound is fading
Everything is...

I'm dying inside
Exam week at school... I almost passed out
Bare feet on long beach
So short was our time together
Sands slipping to sea
There was a moment at midnight
lit by stars shining bright
shining down
    the moon lit night
the face from above
holy and right
just and pure
relieved of sin
shame set free
let it be known the light in side
that shines bright in the darkest of nights

we must come together
as the stars of Abraham
  we will shine brighter than the moon lit night
tonight is the night to make known the presence of sanctity in your soul.

one minute past midnight is tomorrow. so choose today who will be when you awake from the sinful slumber of this world
God came to this earth. His name is Jesus. He is the Christ of Salvation. He shed his blood for the sins of the world and all time. He conquered death and resurected Himself and showed us His power. Repent and seek knowledge from Gods Holy Word. He is sufficient. He will bless His children, as many as the stars, with eternal life in the presence of His glory. It is our choice to obey or disobey. And He is the judge of our consequences and the redeemer of our repentance.
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