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Jack Mar 2018
The world tells us we are nothing,
They say we cause crime, so disgusting,
They say we have no work rate,
They insight all this hate,
They say all we do is drink and smoke,
And on their lies people choke,
They will charge us a fortune simply for living ,
And exploit our blindness, unforgiving,
They will take our money with brutal smirk,
And then say it’s because we won’t work,

They call us “snowflake”,
But all of our happiness they will take.
**** The World.
Jack Mar 2018
Staring deeply, her eyes locked with mine,
Her spirit drink garnished with lime,
A beauty wrapped in a deep khaki dress,
Turns my mind into a hopeless mess,
Walking home, her body wrapped around my arm,
A whispered promise to protect her from harm,
We crawl drunken into my bed,
"Cry for me" in soft voice you said.
Jack Mar 2018
What would happen if I die?
Would anyone I love even cry?
Only capable of lust and to lie,
I wonder what it would be like to fly.

What would happen if I die?
Maybe it’s worth a try.
It’s not time yet though. Stay safe and live well. JYx
Jack Mar 2018
A painful tear leaks from my eye,
It screams a terrible sound,
A sound so loud but unheard from all around,
It flows down my cheek and seeps into the ground,
“Help him”, it cries “he wants to die”
Jack Mar 2018
A shadow of my former self,
With broken sense of mental health,
Knowing now his soul won’t mend,
Hopelessly praying it will soon end,
Smiling, the disguise it will always be,
No longer wanting to pretend to be happy.
Jack Feb 2018
Where has that boy gone?
The excitable, football-mad child,
Enjoying every second of his youth,
Playing with friends so close that they’re brothers.

Where has that boy gone?
The one who showed unimaginable love to all,
Cherished his family without fail,
So happy, so free, was that not me?

That boy has gone.
Only a shadow remains,
A scarred existence taken day by day,
A vacuum to all happiness within his house.

That boy, I fear, has gone,
I do not like who remains,
An emotional wreck unable to feel,
A dishonest mess unable to stay sober.

It took too long but now I see,
He’s thinking about killing me.
Jack Feb 2018
High as a kite he soared,
Visions of worlds running by, never bored,
Filling his lungs, letting go of the weight he flew,
In the end just another distraction from you.
Anything to forget. Stay Strong and Live Well. JY x
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