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 May 2019 JDK
WendyStarry Eyes
Funny how gossip and lies
Rules people lives
If one is wise
He will not allow them
To survive
Above this madness
One can thrive
Peace is alive
 May 2019 JDK
moonlight lover
 May 2019 JDK
she was the moon
radiating the night sky
and dancing among the stars

you were the darkness
the shadow that waxed and waned
through the phases of her life

she grew to believe
that your presence
is what made her whole

but like the full moon
she shone brightest
without you

 May 2019 JDK
Pagan Paul
 May 2019 JDK
Pagan Paul
He is just another notch
     on her sterile bed of love.
He is just another victim
     of conquest for her thighs.
She is just another link
     in his daisy chain of woe.
She is just another span
     on his long bridge of sighs.

© Pagan Paul (21/05/17)
 Mar 2019 JDK
Ditte Jakobsen
 Mar 2019 JDK
Ditte Jakobsen
I'm watching my every single step
I'm careful not to stumble and fall
One stone on the road
could lead to a landslide
And one broken bone
could ruin it all
I'm watching my every single move
I'm careful not to scare you away
The faintest blow
could lead to a hurricane
And one wrong word
could be the last thing I say.
 Mar 2019 JDK
m a k a y l a
Why am I always "that friend", the one who is so easy to leave,
You know? That friend that makes the group an odd number
No one likes an odd number.
I hate that I am constantly on the outside, I hate it
Why? I force myself into so many groups and friendships
I fall in love with people, they're my people
I don't like fake but I surround myself around it, a people person
But why not? Why can't I be fake and be happy? They are
Its always I and we, never you no there can't be a you because if there's a you, then you win, and you can't win.
I am "that friend", I have turned into everything I do not want to be
They won't notice, they haven't then and they won't now
If you're that friend, I see you, you are important, and you will find yourself, I did.
 Jun 2018 JDK
Rob Rutledge
We wage wars with words,
Whetstone sharpened wit.
Wounds win rounds of applause.
A pause,
While metaphors are mustered,
Rusted dictionaries dusted,
Cobwebs shed from unread shelves.
Pikes of pronunciation
Pick apart
Portraits of ourselves.
While poetry parries,
Prose pivots,
Prepares and rallies,
Stares down violet valley below.
The violence of lavender
Shines like silver in the snow.
A scent sentenced to silence,
Flowers on death row.
 Jun 2018 JDK
She Writes
Artists minds
Have fragile souls
The delicate way
We pen our words
Shows our vulnerability

We bare our scars
Hopes and dreams
To heal the pain
Of our wounded hearts

We must create
For our own understanding
To process the turmoil
And calm our fears and anxiety

Tattooing our thoughts
On our readers minds
Letting each person who reads
Carry a piece of the pain with them
Until there is none left
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