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There is forest and quiet
The trees reach to the sky
Darkness abounds
The air is cool and clear
A cabin sits
Surrounded by snow and trees
Mountains are in the background
A light is burning in the cabin
Smoke coming out the chimney
Scents of pine trees in the air
A dog sits on the steps
He’s a husky
Beautiful white and black
Waiting for it’s owner
A pie is baking in the oven
Apple perhaps
Coffee is on the stove
A fire burns in the fireplace
There is sublime quiet
There is a sense of calm
It is intoxicating
Like a sanctuary

Deep in the woods
Fall breezes gently blowing
Cool to the touch
Dark skies overhead
Bright colored leaves
decorating the landscape
Red, orange and yellow
Rustling in the wind to their
own melody
Offering their scent as perfume
Others hugging the branches
ever so tightly
Knowing what is coming
Chimes softly ringing
Playing their own muted tune
It’s a new season
Mother Nature is creating
Once again
Please be kind
Have patience with others
They may not be like you

Please listen
Take time to understand others

Please be careful
It’s a dangerous time
Your actions may affect others

Please don’t harbor anger
It doesn’t help a situation
Step away if you have to

Please have an open heart
Instead of a closed mind

Please offer love instead of hate
It lifts us all up
Offer someone a smile

Please stand in the light
Instead of the darkness
Lift up the world
With your special light
 Sep 9 Antonia
Emma Peters
When the end is near
The lights turn off
And the sky turns black
Will you stay my dear?

When the end is near
The animals start to run
And the wind gets stronger
Will you stay my dear?

When the end is near
The people around us are all gone
And we hear nothing but silence
Will you stay my dear?
 Sep 9 Antonia
i haven’t written
in a few years

i needed a break

but i’m back
i’ve missed you, hp fam
 Sep 9 Antonia
A drunken god has
spoke you into existence
A stolen diary that told you,
it’s a sin to return this body
even if its weak bones
couldn’t carry the weight
of your heavy heart

I know I can speak myself out of it
With a blade in my hand
standing on the edge of the stage,
I’ll wait for the Almighty to sober up
and watch me steal his role

After twenty years of rehearsal
I’ll play god,
lights will go off,
and curtains will close

Your followers will clap in awe
at my convincing performance

As I bow before them
As I fall before you
This is merely satire.
 Sep 7 Antonia
elle jaxsun
i always have
the urge to run.

but what is it like
to be a tree?

to be confident enough
to root yourself
and grow with
wild abandonment,
being unapologetically

i'm still running,
but i wish i knew.
 Sep 7 Antonia
Monet Echo
What if every little thought
That lives inside your head
Instead of hiding away in there
Was spoken out, was said?

Would you be embarrassed?
Would you hate your mouth?
Would you rather be mute
Than let the truth come out?

What if every little thing
That people thought of you
Instead of being tucked away
Was heard, was listened to?

Would you be ashamed?
Would you cover your ears?
Would you rather be deaf
Than let the truth come near?

And what if every image
That passes through your thoughts
Was freed from its prison
To roam until it rots?

Would you be disgusted?
Would you look away?
Would you rather be blind
Than see your thoughts at play?
 Sep 7 Antonia
He doesn't burn photographs
He doesn't join therapy sessions
He doesn't smoke too many cigarettes
Nor he drown himself into alcohol
He scratches his wounds daily
And never let them heal
He doesn't try to get rid of the pain
Instead he let it grow on him
He waters the seed of sorrow with his tears
He feeds it with the manure of old memories
He takes it to sleep with him
And nurtures it in himself
Till the moment when every single drop of his blood gets replaced by this pain
Until his fragile heart can bear no more
And his soul starts overflowing with emotions
That's when he dip his pen into this pain
And empty his heart on a piece of paper
He bares his soul for us to feel
He creates poetry that the world would cherish for centuries to come
That's how true poetry comes into existence
 Sep 7 Antonia
 Sep 7 Antonia
you left
and suddenly i realised
why we started naming storms
after people.
- i wonder if the scent of thunder meeting earth haunts your memories.
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