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 Nov 2014 Sarah K
fascinating how
at night, the moment my eyes
filter out reality, my blanket transforms
into                      a                    shield,
warding off all the spears that life hurls
towards me, only to shatter like
glass in the light of
Sometimes my poetry tingles have weird, weird timings. This thought decided to flutter into my insomniac brain while I lay under my poofy blanket and worried about ghosts and monsters under my bed.
Sorry I'm such a burden.
But my depression can show up so sudden.
It comes an goes,
Sometimes when I fake that smile to the world,
I can fake out myself.
I think I'm happy sometimes.
But I never am.
 Nov 2014 Sarah K
'Poetry is for emos!'
screamed a prosaic once
Don't worry,
he's dead now
I shot him with my gun
which is made from words
'Poetry is for the beautiful minds'
Someone once said
'No, silly! Poetry is for the scarred soul'
replied a maiden
'Poetry is for people like me!'
screamed Mr.R
'No happiness but chests filled with money!'
'Poetry is my hobby.'
said a future entrepreneur
'Poetry is for the one dealing with loss'
said the scientist
'I don't care about poetry, How often do you floss?'
said my dentist.
'Poetry is dumb.'
said the misanthrope
'Poetry makes me think about him'
said the victim of infatuation
I cleared my throat and spoke to clear the confusion
'You're wrong to say poetry ain't fun
poetry is for everyone
comment below and tell me what do you think of this. might add more later
Like happiness, sadness is ephemeral. Nothing last forever. 
So use your energy instead to improve your future endeavors.
The imprecise nature of our real existence,
Is an approximate level of our understanding
They say a calm mind and an optimist view
Can even save a Crash landing
 Nov 2014 Sarah K
they say we are all made up of stardust;
an evolved specie from the distant galaxies.

but I think you're a genetic mutation,
an incomplete evolution

for I could still see the stars
reflected on your skin
dancing through your fingertips
and swimming in your eyes.
 Nov 2014 Sarah K
 Nov 2014 Sarah K
it kills me to say this
but i've forgotten what your voice sounds like

it's been twenty-one days
and i am alive

i want to drown myself in drugs
i want to drown myself in Jesus
i want to drown myself in self-loathing
i want to drown myself in you

the thought of kissing you
brought me solace on
sleepless nights
now it's the source of
my worst nightmares

i tried making dreams my reality
and reality my dreams
but you haunt every crack and crevice
of my being
i can't dust the places i can't reach

i am not well.
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