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Gods1son Jun 2019
It's been a few years since you were gone
Your drinking habit those years,
I couldn't fathom
You downed every bottle and glass
that came your way until
you were down six feet in the ground
Anytime I think of you, I feel down
I wish I knew better at the time
Maybe I could have helped
It's heart-wrenching to remember that
alcohol took you away from us.
Gods1son Jan 2020
There are dreams that you see
when you are deep asleep in bed
And there are dreams (ambition) that
keep you awake even when you are in bed
Gods1son Sep 2019
Dreams alone are somewhat lifeless
Plans and actions are its heart and blood
You would also agree with me that
It takes more than those two (heart & blood) to keep a person alive, dreams alike.
Gods1son Dec 2018
Never let your dreams die before you die
Anyone ever said you can't make it, they lied
Darkness can't overpower your light
Only you have the power to keep your hands tied
It's your set time, get ready to fly!
Gods1son May 2019
Life is too short
Not to give your dreams a shot
Even many different shots
Don't just park them in the lot

Day by day
Layer by layer
Build up your dreams
Fasten them piece by piece

Pay no attention to naysayers
It's all in your hands
You either build or **** your dreams
There is no middle ground
Your decision today counts!
Gods1son Sep 2018
I think I'm losing my chill
I'm considering popping these pills

Too many issues to sweep under the rug
I think I might have to do these drugs

I have too many needs
I might just get high on this ****

Look at me, nothing seems to be on point
Yo, I'm just going to smoke a joint

I have got nothing to flaunt
I will stay indoors and smoke this blunt

Too many things my eyes have seen
I need to slow it down with this lean
Or codeine or promethazine

At the end of it all, they don't solve issues
I'm begging you, stop drug abuse!
Gods1son Sep 2018
It's okay to be drunk in love
I don't know about dumb in love
Gods1son Sep 2018
It's easier said than done
I gave him courage to walk on the thorns
I'm so nervous now that it's my turn!
Gods1son Nov 2018
Communication is the backbone of a relationship
Maybe not always about the talk frequency
But more about the authenticity
Communication driven by mutual understanding
Fuels a relationship that is outstanding

Undivided attention
Effective listening
Seeking to understand rather than listening to judge
Seeing with their eyes and not our heads
Respecting feelings and emotions
Finding common ground during disagreement
Disagreeing to agree

Effective communication is the ballast of a relation-ship
Gods1son Sep 2018
Ego is like...
Did he/she just say that to you?
You can't let that go.
You have to let him/her know.

How about you tell that voice NO!
Gods1son Jan 2020
When ego tries to rule
Blame game ensues
Then feelings are bruised.
But when love leads the way
We are careful of what we say
And resentment is kept at bay.
Why start an unnecessary fight
And silently miss each other day & night
Treat yourselves right
Hold yourselves tight.
Gods1son Sep 2018
It's better to be empty
Than full of crap

One has room
To save valuables

The other needs a broom
To save valuables!
It matters what we fill ourselves with, always save the right information only.
Gods1son Dec 2019
We came into this world empty-handed
And that's the same way we'll leave
So, what's the need for all the greed!
We have but a short time here to live
compared to the rest of eternity
Why are we so engrossed in these physical things
Forgetting or neglecting that we are spiritual beings

We perpetrate evil for our wants—excessive money, power or fame
At the expense of our peace of mind, which is a need
Who gives up what he needs for what he wants!
Well, there's many like that in the world today
Go after things that are of eternal values
Because life here is just a tiny fraction
of what comes after.
Gods1son Sep 2018
That time of the day
When you have to call it a day!
That feeling after a long stressful day!
Gods1son Feb 2019
Prioritize enriching your soul
Higher than
Enriching your bank accounts
You can't mine gold where
it doesn't exist
Gods1son Nov 2018
Can we allow love to reign?
Let us put her on the throne
Let her rule
We will not try to manipulate her
But we shall obey her dictates

She will teach us to forgive our mistakes
To see a person for who they truly are
In her era, evil and hate will be overthrown
The heavens will shower us with blessings like rain!
Gods1son Feb 2020
One of my goals is to keep evolving
Daily, I try to do something challenging
I try to stare my fears in the face until
they get used to my face.
Life is a personal race, others aren't
competitors, they are just runners too.
My previous best is what I want to outdo
I don't want to reach the end of life to
regret all the things I could have done
I have a goal to leave no stone unturned.
Gods1son Nov 2018
Dear Excuses,

I'm writing you, to bring something to your ears...
Do you know that you have been cheated?
You deserve to be awarded
As one of the most produced products through the years

You are one of the most diverse brands that I've ever seen
That's what you've always been
And sadly, you will ever be

Let me make this clear
You are manufactured everywhere
From the North to the South
From the East to the West

You are very very versatile
An easy substitute for plans, goals and desires
You have trampled a lot of dreams
And caused them to retire

With all your forms of existence
You are easily delivered in a simple sentence
You have affected many in different areas
You have ruined a lot of careers

I wish you could be banned from production
But making you is a choice
Avoiding you requires determination
Determination is also a choice!
Gods1son Mar 2020
Some say no news is good news
I say that is somewhat true if
you aren't expecting any news

If you are waiting for some news
No news is high blood pressure
You don't think that is true?

Ask the man whose wife is in labour room
Or the woman who recently did a job interview
Or the family with a pending immigration application.

In some cases, good news is irreplaceable!
Gods1son Feb 2019
I really love you
I lied when I said
I never cared about you

I had no idea what I was saying
You mean the world to me
When I made the statement that
You should get away from me
I didn't know what I was thinking

This is the honest truth
I'm opening my heart to you
I strongly hope you believe me

(Read back to the top)
Gods1son Jan 2019
I am working on my Facebook profile
As I can't get enough of it

F - Face challenges head-on
A - Acquire the principle thing; wisdom
C - Courageously deal with my fears
E - Enthusiastic about the love of God
B - Be understanding
O - Operate in untainted love
O - Observance and awareness
K - Know myself more by digging deep inwardly

I will Facebook all year.
Gods1son Aug 2018
You have to confront it
To overcome it.
Stop hiding,
Start attacking,
Victory awaiting!
Who says you cannot achieve it? It all depends on you!
Gods1son Jan 2020
Tough situations melt before a strong faith
Hope might be out of sight but it never dies
With persistent faith, victory will come at last
The trumpet of victory sounds louder
after a prolonged wait.
Gods1son Jul 2019
A mustard seed sized faith can move
a mountainous situation
Faith expressed and put to action
is no match for raging fear
Is it mustard seed size or mustard seed sized? I'm not sure which is correct.
Gods1son Oct 2018
Faith in God
Faith in yourself
Faith in your dreams
Faith in your plans
Faith in your moves
Faith to succeed!
Gods1son Apr 2021
With faith, you can speak the things you hope for into existence
But speaking without following it with works renders the faith breathless
And even after doing the needful, oftentimes it's necessary to apply patience
Meanwhile your spirit remains doubtless
And soon enough, your victory becomes evident to all.
Gods1son Jan 2020
Sometimes, acting on faith looks stupid

Imagine watching Joshua's men marching and shouting round the walls of Jericho
Or seeing little David stand against huge Goliath

Would you leave your comfort for an unknown promised land as Abraham did
How would you advice Abraham about sacrificing his only son at his old age

Would you call the 3 Hebrew men idiots
(Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego)
for not bowing before the golden statue
At the expense of being cast into the fire

The walk of faith isn't promised to be easy
But following through is required to receive all the blessings that lie therein
Neglect what others would think and
go for what you believe.
Gods1son May 2020
Their smile is not a proof that they are
happy for you but their thoughts toward you is.
But if you can't see their thoughts,
How can you tell the fake from the real.
Gods1son Oct 2018
Falling in love sounds like jumping out of a plane
What if I'm scared of height!

Falling in love sounds like diving into a pool
What if I'm scared of water!

Or maybe...
Falling in love is as fun as jumping out of a plane!

Or falling in love is as cool as diving into a pool!
Gods1son Mar 2019
The rain is not afraid to fall
Because it will always go back up
Never stay down when you fall
You are fashioned for the top
Anything/Anyone that says otherwise
Listen carefully to your heart
Gods1son Aug 2019
See how fast life is moving
If you become slow or sluggish
You could be left behind like a floppy (disk)
However, don't join in the rat race
Find your place in this vast earthly space
Be inspired by others
But don't put yourself out of order
Your life is what you make it,
It's a tough truth but you've got to face it
Keep learning and progressing
Be at peace, don't find yourself stressing
You'll definitely make it through,
Ensure to yourself, you stay true.
Gods1son Jun 2019
Fathers to a society
Is comparable to what
Feathers are to birds (+ more)
Able fathers help elevate the family
Like the feathers help a bird fly
Responsible fathers protect their home,
Providing shield and warmth
Like feathers do to birds
The presence of a father in a household
makes the family look beautiful
even from an outside view
just as the feathers of a bird
makes it look attractive.
Kudos to all
the responsible fathers out there.
Gods1son Jan 2019
Oftentimes, fear is the lock to the treasure chest
On the other side of it lives your desires
Or even your calling

The challenge is to go past it
But it would still creep behind you
Or dare you to your face

The truth is, powerless it is
But it can be burned as a source of energy
Certainly, it can't stop your destiny
Gods1son Sep 2018
Once again, I allowed fear cage me in
Lights out
I was pulling my hair out
Another opportunity missed out

Lost in my thoughts
Controversy going on inside of me
Fear vs my abilities
It was a tough one, I could tell by the way I was perspiring

My abilities took shots at fear
Fear backed out
Looking forward to the next opportunity
I know fear will try to resurface
I will use it as a means of propelling!
Gods1son Jan 2019
Fear is a beast
That wants you to settle for the least
Don't let the Lion in you
Tremble for the Deer out there
Gods1son Feb 2019
Fear wants you to
Forego Everything And Run
But you can reverse fear;
Resist And Experience Fulfillment
Gods1son Feb 2020
Receive feedback with an open mind
But don't let opinions drive your life
Examine the words said unto you and
sort them accordingly –
Some are to be disregarded
Some are to be considered
Some are to be implemented
People are not always right and
they are not always wrong either.
Listen carefully and act wisely!
Gods1son Apr 2019
Would you please feel at home
in your own body
Be unmoved by what they define as beauty
Everyone cannot all have it equal
The creator is very creative
And He loves diversity
Don't be put down by these product sellers,
All they want is your money in their pocket
The absolute truth and reality is,
You're gorgeous just the way you are!
Gods1son Mar 2020
There're certain blessings that we enjoy daily
And often times, we take them for granted
Isn't it a blessing —
To breathe in natural air without any worry
To see trees, buildings, movies and be able to read this
To hear the different sounds of life
To put food down the belly with no assistance
To leave the house and return home safely
These things clearly sound simple
But many around the world pray for one or more of these.
Gods1son Apr 2019
Bullets from a steel
Turning living bodies still
The max a killer gets is life behind bars
Or in some places, the chair
But none of those
will bring a lost life back

Why do we have humans
with their human feelings
disposed in the landfill?
Gods1son Sep 2019
Fight! Fight!! I said fight!!!
Fight for what you believe in
Not the fight where you throw punches
But by pushing through with tenacity
Look the challenges in the eyes,
Charge towards it with a brave heart
Take every step with a victor's mentality
Never back down even if you get hit
Listen to me, to surmount an uneasy feat,
You have to be willing to face the heat
You'll never win if you don't attempt it
So, fight like your entire life depends on it
You'll be more than happy that you did
My friend, now is the time to go take
what is already yours
Once you win, remember to inspire someone else.
Gods1son Sep 2019
What is meant to be will be
Well, maybe or maybe not
However, it becomes more feasible
When we do what we're supposed to do
But if we just keep our fingers crossed
perpetually, waiting patiently
for what to be, to be
Then, what isn't meant to be could be the continuous "be-ing"
Gods1son Aug 2019
I've been unable to finish a single poem
My notepad houses a pile of unfinished pieces
My mind has been swinging on all angles like an empty can hanging on a thread,
thrown in all directions on a breezy day

Wishing the pieces could help one another
finish like a relay race
But each piece is set on its own course
Hopefully one by one, I'll bring each to its finish line.
Gods1son Mar 2019
Burn your doubts
Swim in faith
I submitted this for a 6-word challenge on the theme "Fire and Water"
Gods1son Dec 2019
I put all my trust in God
He's the firm foundation on which I stand
Other grounds are nothing but quicksands
I've submitted all of me into His hands
And I look to Him before making my plans
He nourishes my mind with creative ideas
And He blesses the works of my hands
In all my endeavours, He gives me an edge
He's also blessed me with sound health
All the days of my life, on this Rock will I ever stand.
Gods1son Apr 2019
I was crowned a Victor
For a battle I didn't fight
That is what you call
"More than a conqueror"
All credits to my Saviour
His name is Jesus!
Gods1son Mar 2019
Even at your lowest point
You still have wings at your back
All you need do is flap
Those voices are nothing but traps

Even at your darkest times
You still have within you your light
Like a room with its lights turned off
All you need do is flick it on

Remember you were destined to shine
You were born to soar
You are not and never will be a flop
So, flick on your lights and flap your wings
Gods1son Oct 2018
This light of mine
I will let it shine
So why do I complain about the darkness
When I can just reveal my brightness
Time to flick the switch on!
Gods1son Apr 2020
Tiny seeps of water into a boat
over an extended period of time
could eventually sink the boat.

The outside water isn't the trouble
but the one that is allowed to get in.

See the outside water as the crises
going on in the world today and
See yourself as the boat.

It is your duty to protect your soul
Don't let the news find its way within you
Remember—what is inside is more valuable
than everything on the outside combined.
Gods1son Aug 2019
Can I tatt your name in my skin
As you've seared your love into my heart
This love is a game of two
And you've never ceased to play your part
Even when the terrain was rough,
You've shown yourself to be tough
I promise you my untainted love
Till the very end of time
Whether things be as sweet as honey
Or as sour as lime
You'll forever be my honey,
You'll forever be mine and
I'll forever be yours
Cheers to a bright tomorrow,
Our world of beautiful possibilities.
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