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 Aug 2022 Gerald
My Dear Poet
You can reach for the moon
Because heaven makes steps
of the stars

You can reach for the sun
Because heaven makes a cradle
of the clouds

You can reach for the sky
Because heaven makes a friend
out of me
My words became
A paragraph,
a sword.
And when I
my first speech,
the room
 Aug 2022 Gerald
You are the light of my life
My morning sun and my evening moon
I want to reach you and stay by your side
Too bad you’re just “not in the mood”
Too bad “you have better things to do”
Because the only thing I do
is think of you

I dream
of you thinking about me too
Sometimes we want to be cared about by the wrong person
 Aug 2022 Gerald
Masha Yurkevich
you can't
paint over me.
My mistakes,
my life, it's whom
I want to be.
So go
take your
and your paint, too,
because I love my every
stain, and I'll keep every
color; red, green,
or blue.

By my every stain I mean my every mistake or misfortune, because I learn from each one of them.

I hope it looks somewhat like a paintbrush. I messed around with it, and the result is before your eyes.

every day is like
someone says
Merry Christmas
to me
and I have the presence of mind
to find
those things that I am thankful for.

She knows
what I mean.
Of you
Of your voice
Of your lies
Of your fake smile
Of your fake love
And when I see you with her
After you called to say your flight was late
I know I’m tired
Of my love for you
 Aug 2022 Gerald
Emma P
 Aug 2022 Gerald
Emma P
When I say
that you are my Sun,
I don’t mean that you are
Or even the center of my universe.
I simply mean that
I cannot look at you
Without hurting
 Aug 2022 Gerald
Mia Mcdaniel
 Aug 2022 Gerald
Mia Mcdaniel
Lily pollens glow
rain of tears drops though it rained
petals glow
lily gleam and glow through it reverses time
night crickets chitter in joy
clock hand reverse twelve
midnight bell rings
willow leaves raddle like reindeer bells
pasture sound chitters and shallow
river flow down the stream fast
the wind made tree leaves raddle
so quick time stopped beneath my feet.
 Aug 2022 Gerald
Tonight I hugged an angel
And it made my night
As she looked me in the eyes
And held me real tight
I sang to her a song
And I saw her dance
As her stunning beauty
Had me in a trance
Tonight I met an angel
And she made me so happy
Tonight I was in heaven
Because she talked to me
A poem I was in a pored to write
 Aug 2022 Gerald
Rama Krsna
the nectar of love
only comes with
the poison of pain,
two for the exorbitant price of one

at the chasm of life and death
destroyed by love
grief remains as life’s sole friend

the memories of love
now belong to time
and this aging body to the five elements.

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