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 Jul 2020 Annika
Magic grows
 Jul 2020 Annika
Always keep
that little place
where magic grows inside you,
 Feb 2019 Annika
 Feb 2019 Annika
"All those sweet creatures, why they have to die?" she wondered
"They are not sweet" they said
"But ..
But they are creatures".
 Jan 2019 Annika
 Jan 2019 Annika
In a land  made of coal
And air filled with black smoke
Where the rivers so poluted
That no creature could live
And people filled with hatred
Till humanity no longer exist
Until one day
A star fell from the sky
Bringing down a heavenly spark
in the mud grew a rose
And a single heart shined with hope
The wind brought breaths of fresh air
And the darkened night finally reached thier down
And that was more than enough
To restore the land to what it really was
Springs and rivers
Animals and fields
Lilac and lillies
Butterflies and deers
human sharing laughter and hearts
Forgetting thier disturbed times of the past
And I stand and stair
To the beauty of that image
With a wide smile
And question deep inside
 Will my heart ever bloom
Like the land in my dreams ?
 Jan 2019 Annika
A feeling
 Jan 2019 Annika
It felt beautiful
Like warm sun rays from within.
 Jan 2019 Annika
if I die today
You wouldn’t know the decisions I made
Nor would you know my secret desire to change
You’d read the entries that I wrote
But find no meaning in the scripted words
For it resides in my deceased head
So many stories to be edited
And poems yet to be written
So many hugs to give
And kisses that were forbidden
You wouldn’t know the fears I faced
The dreadful night through which I was awake
Or the anger I once held towards the world
A world too blind to notice I was hurt
You wouldn’t know the love I held
For that specific shade of blue sky
And that specific scent with no name
That beautiful love I held for the world
And for myself as well
If I die today
I would die full
Of all what I was unable to give
With my stories and poems
My love and my kisses
And my peculiar thoughts about a more peculiar world
From which I gave to the world so little
But don’t mourn me much
For in that little that I gave
I still reside.
And I hope you will find me
Every time you see that shade of a blue sky
 Jan 2019 Annika
My Little boy
 Jan 2019 Annika
My sweet boy
I recall your first step
First word
Your Smiles and cries
The excitement in which you viewed a fly
Such a precious little thing you were
And now you're dead
Laid on a pavement, shot in the head
Eyes wide open, staring at the sky
Perhaps for one last time, you're searching for that fly.
 Jan 2019 Annika
Bigger life
 Jan 2019 Annika
This life
It is too simple
Too plain For a person like me
A person who seeks experiences
Someone who chases her dreams
I wonder what it would feel like
To dive in crystal clear water
Or watch a beautiful landscape
To jump from an airplane
And feel the adrenaline rush through my veins
To sing with the crowd at a concert
And dance the night away
To sit by the bonefire
Hearing the sound of the crashing waves
To gaze at the stars in an open field
Or gaze at the northern lights
To get lost in a big city
To experience both safty and fright
To simply live
In a world that is much bigger than the walls of my room
Bigger than my empty passport
Bigger than this simple life I lead
In which I could only experience these things
Through a dream.

— The End —