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Fah Dec 2013
I for the lack of it
seek not fortune but a means to get by it is just being that i seek
emotions tumble
beauty is disregarded
a motionless failure
a notion bombarded by natures intertwining state of garden sunshine light and nebulas space i , an atom an atom am i , pull this forth , seek not the resides of man’s bitter games but feel the pull of fairy dust and sparkling stars
Fah Jun 2015
Our own imaginations are beyond comprehension
in the moment nonsense garbles
but with the sight of past eyes looking
there unfolds a divination
coming from the spiral pool depths
a fascination with order and control
may miss out on these soul callings
sometimes shoutings
out to our weary hollowed ears
Look at the stars , Look at the feet !
Run to the trees and sway!!
Fah Sep 2014
At 15 we were women
And at 12 we were sexualized, scrutinized , afraid , wary , shameful .

Plain Sight is the best place to hide something,
What do you stand for?

We are made from the creative ****** force,
So don’t tell me that I must be dressed up like a pig after slaughter to experience
I’m made from an ******.
I’m an ******’s repercussions…
And I won’t be told any different
No matter how “scary” you make *** sound
I’m a cosmic bliss wave flowing….
What do you stand for?
At 15 we were women , but we didn’t know what it was to respect our wombs for the stargates they are.
At 12 we were sexualized , scrutinized , afraid , wary , shameful of the natural blooming of this  cosmic force, sneaking looks at naked ladies on the internet
but we didn’t know how to respect that shaking energy that called out
so we hid it  , underneath our pillows.
Plain sight is the best place to hide something , and right there on the cover of The Sun or Daily Star is the most powerful force for change on this planet.
A woman…
And her ****** power –
If a woman can create a child from her own energy systems in 9 months
Then what do you think that power could do to a project or idea
Over .. say 5 years…?
What you stand for is where you invest your attention.
But for now we march on –
Because there are forces mightier than any human being
And they move despite all our frantic pride and jealousy ,
hatred and pain
they move in our heartbeats and in that solar flare , or the pulsar star on the other side of the universe
they move in the spaces dark energy
they move
crescendos rising
majestic beyond any king or queen
holy like you’ve never been privy to
the forces that move in the wild flowers breath
power the changes on our planet .

Balance is coming
Will you be in balance?
Fah Sep 2013
I've never tried door number 3 before ,

ocean world.
i step into some kind of glass box, this is not the ocean! This is the bath.

I'm in an oversized bath , with some fish and oh , someone is getting in ...
oh right , that is not someone
that is the rain falling ,

oh ,
this is no bathtub this is a pond ,

and i'm still at the bottom , the frog leaps in and the view shifts upside down ,
i'm on a cloud ,

i'm in a tree ,

i'm in a sewer , i'm under the mats
i'm inside the closet and in the heel of a shoe .
Fah Oct 2013
Only once you reach new frontiers
does the human mind decide they want to expand a little more
there is only

one love

one peace

one number that counts

when it comes to crunch time and you are lost in the dark where else can you turn to but you?

when there is government corruption and manipulaton of information

and there is no such thing as a truthful lie


the worst they say , but come,  one is not the number i'm talking about

i'm talking about 0.

the halo , the magicians secret .

add a 0 to any number and suddenly, it's worth a heck of a lot more.

And my dear friends, fellow poets ...weaver of words....minstrels of sound , technicians of language - there is one very , very , very , very subtle thing that i reckon... we know better than any legislation paper or cop with gun to head or bomb dropped or whatever warfare you want to call this

is , the ideas in our poems are not always our own,

unknowingly... or to some perhaps knowingly we have connected each other to each other

string theory using words as dimensions.
Fah Dec 2014
A Round table.

9 Goddesses Sit.

A chocolate Angel with aphrodisiac saffron, almond honey bars of bliss 2 squares enough to get you as high as you like, heart racing, body tingling, a silly silky kind of euphoria kissing the inside of my capillaries
and cacao energy bouncing across my hyper sensitive pathways.
A Smart Cosmic Cookie giggling with winky eyes
A flamenco beat with ideas to translate movement into music
A silver haired tarot reader from Peru, yellow beads strung round her neck, her vibrant skin glowing earth brown-red
her energy sung out luminous.

At least 3 generations are co-existing in pleasant harmony,
All of us : healers of a sort,
None of us :  hold only one job or skill,
Two of us :  are currently in nomad travel phase ( Youngest and Oldest)

When two men pass by and say hello
I feel our energy say hello in unison but with some nonchalance, centered more upon the union of grounded,
clean and compassionate energy exuding from us all,

We laugh and are present
love is abundant.

We joke that they don't know what they've let into the festival
"exorcisms and stuff" as a few of us fake laugh an evil cackle, erupting in giggles.

There's talk of herbal medicines and herbal hair conditioners,
I sit and maintain my conscious space by not thinking
being aware is my mode of being
acting upon feeling,
using mind to restrain all words from exiting my mouth,
not mindless babble.

I smile to myself and inhale the fragrance of light workers living.
Gratitude pours from me! ( she did say it was an aphrodisiac, so if this sounds even MORE luscious then usual you know why ! )
Fah Jan 2015
A chronic disharmony
clutching at the skull inside my flesh and the stomach unfurling in a perfect illusionary storm

sometimes i would wonder if i would see them in the street or what they would say about me and gasp in pain as the tyrants who lived in my belly chuckled at the residual aftershocks from an event that passed , at the height of it's rule , just over a year ago.

slowly with each breath i breathe i bring myself to a place of still resourcefulness
to react to that situation in a way that does not impale my sense of self nor rob me of my right to be
and that is my freeness
that only I can bestow unto me.
slowly i let myself breathe in being myself.
Fah Sep 2013
and i should be asleep
but it's nicer to let it seep
and maybe i'll just have a coffee to go
in the morning
running to the door
to catch that bus

sit at the back.

i'm a hood rat

hood lum

we all gotta wear tin hats out there!

countless satalites and countless wi-fi waves
countless phones
and countless drones
countless android apples

but where did the bible mention the fruit was an apple.

be carful...
be care.

be care and know

i care , so i hope you have a good day darling , a good night sweetheart and lovely inbetween baby ,

go safe ,
can't stop the flow,
don't wanna stop though..
words just know

cigg breaks..
why do i like things that **** me?

( joke)
Fah Dec 2013
I've swapped:

Blue skies/\Grey Skies
Monsoon Rain/\Drizzle

and it makes me tired, but i should not complain, it's a strange kind of beauty.

All this's something i asked for... but it carries with it a kind of intoxicating nostalgia.

On one hand , it's a most free feeling , the nomadic journey.
One see's with eyes wide open , to the new oldness of a place , and the new oldness of the people who reside there.
You, with cut throat precision come to terms with the fact that,
whilst you have been adventuring, feeling the motions..routine has stood time still...

On the other hand. I yearn for a key to my own front door, where my bags are not packed, and i can invite people over, where i can cook, and clean and maybe fall asleep on the kitchen floor if i feel so inclined.

For there are more gains then losses and i am thankful , for my lesson filled  escapade that is this fictitious life.


I've been told many things but i have felt a few more.

I - in all my running , nothing has really worked out the way i'd hoped.
But i have become fierce , like a panther.

I stalk the quiet night time hours , i seek the cover of darkness, i want to fly under the radar.

I've been told many things but i have felt a few more.

Don't waste energy talking about something , just do it.
Watchful like a fox, notice the energetic frequencies of actions , of places of emotions , of times , of days.

I've been told many things but i have felt a few more.

People are always warning me ,
you need to remember you were made to have a mortal life.

As if i can escape it.
i've written very little - in a space where usually i would use writing as my funnel to make sense of this strange world...i guess it's all starting to flow now... Swapped Bali for London and another swap in 2 days..
Fah Apr 2014
nonsensical reason -
flash forward to now
see they had an essence of the
A world so Dark.
Light is
without much reason.
Actions are one's own
let their repercussions flow
Written first by hand - here is what it looks like

The blog is a new endeavor. Check it out if you wanna :)
Fah Oct 2013
what i did to cope with 5 peoples emotional overload

Here i sat , thinking i had dealt all my blows on this fatigued mind ,
worn down by the strains of family inconsistent values
of selfish values
and here i sat , thinking it was me - who was the trouble child ,

here i sat , thinking it was me who had healed herself time and time again ,
here i sat thinking i was done with the past heartache and headaches and whatever aches
oh...i thought...dang...

i saw in slow motion - as my mother began to talk once more about the past’s difficult trenches , the war in the living room .

the tears from a father figure at christmas on his knees begging for redemption ,
a child on the stairs
a tree without presents and i see the wall slowly come up
the obscure orange fog ,
cloud that segment of my minds garden

i had never noticed the metaphysical manifestation

that was what it took from me,
( through no fault , who’s to blame , we could spend hours and hours pointing fingers walking , the maze’s circles only to end up at the starts end, and it wouldn’t matter anyway ... )

but what i now see , what it took from me -
to pick up where the so called parents had failed ,
       and fallen ,

both self absorbed ,

       play the kids against each other , subliminal messages of

“your father did this..” oh but no “ your mother was this...”

pity at their own wounds , licking them like kittens , nursing the pain , moving on without looking at their damage because it’s easier

it took from me , to block all of my mothers emotions to mother my siblings
her manic depression , her answer for a partner , her go to call
me - who else could she pour blame onto when , she knew **** well
there was no one but her to blame, and it’s not without knowing that her life hasn’t exactly been rose fields of sunshine hues - her self only healing now too..

but it doesn’t excuse .

and now - finally - finally i see - and i stand at a distance replaying the scenes in my head
shouting how could you let this happen? how could you let me get so empty, and say nothing. how could you let this ice cold diamond heart form and not notice? And even worse, still talk about yourself?!

i guess , that’s just what happens when you feel too much , and you care too much , and when you love with such ferocity it rips through all ******* to the things that matter and that to me, was everyone else’s sanity. Because i’m rational enough to have understood that if i didn’t no one else would -

what i did to cope with 5 peoples emotional overload

it took for me to build a protection shield around my emotions and to bite the bullet as it came hurtling towards me and now do i SEE those defenses after having distilled my mind with meditational forces

,and man , i just want to tell my younger self , you’ll be alright baby , you’ll make it - you don’t need to , it’s just their discontentment at their own judgment ,


i recall having exams at school and doing the weekly shop because no one had gone shopping, the school calling me up and saying they’d hold them for later , so i could get my qualifications

i recall the smashed doors and recall the screams and the police and i recall little else in vivid detail ,

But i think the worst part , is looking at the ramifications on my siblings and i
yes , it’s made us strong and people who won’t back down at fighting for the truth , and fighting for the heart

but , it’s made us fragile and frail in our convictions and for me , the worst part is how i took on their hate

i know i’m not bad , but it’s when those voices keep saying :

you still are not good enough to deserve whatever the **** it is you want

and i thought i had banished those creatures , turns out , my mind isn’t infinite
i had a feeling ,
near infinity is as close as it gets
and eventually what you throw out will come back.
sometimes hearts are not beautiful, but at least they are honest.
Fah Sep 2015
For a moment a river,
just a moment a river,
rushing past, just a moment,
a river.

For a moment, just a moment
caressing curves on those river bed rocks
for a moment, just a moment a molecule of water in the sky
for a moment, just a moment,
a river
for a moment just a moment
rushing on by.

Now is the moment, just a moment, river-like,
for a moment, just a moment I am that river.

For a moment, just a moment
I remember what time is
for a moment, just a moment

For a moment just a moment
a riverbed rock,
for a moment, just a moment
an ancient stone,
a moment just a moment,
this is who I am
forever and never
some time ago.
healed by the riverbed rocks, i hear this drumbeat song
Fah Sep 2013
[9/28/13 6:07:47 AM] Saeng Graham: on earth does not mean , they were born from the same time realm
[9/28/13 6:08:02 AM] Saeng Graham: this puts them in perspective
[9/28/13 6:08:07 AM] Saeng Graham: well - for example
[9/28/13 6:08:15 AM] Saeng Graham: my twin akemi whom you heard sing
[9/28/13 6:08:22 AM] Saeng Graham: well she's actually my younger twin sister
[9/28/13 6:08:24 AM] Saeng Graham: fire
[9/28/13 6:08:32 AM] Saeng Graham: but because we both are from 2 years apart ,
[9/28/13 6:08:45 AM] Saeng Graham: and are bOTH gemini
[9/28/13 6:08:47 AM] Saeng Graham: there's a counter balance
[9/28/13 6:08:51 AM] Saeng Graham: -
[9/28/13 6:09:07 AM] Saeng Graham: i THINK
[9/28/13 6:09:07 AM] Saeng Graham: so i think -
[9/28/13 6:09:09 AM] Saeng Graham: maybe
[9/28/13 6:09:12 AM] Saeng Graham: thata
[9/28/13 6:09:24 AM] Saeng Graham: you are my counterbalance - imaginary friend from your childhood
[9/28/13 6:09:42 AM] Saeng Graham: and you are mine - kinda like doing pulling each other up throughout time and space
[9/28/13 6:09:52 AM] Saeng Graham: ''''''''''''
[9/28/13 6:09:55 AM] Saeng Graham: so.
[9/28/13 6:10:08 AM] Saeng Graham: now we've defined that YOUR act form is VERY MUCH NOW IN THE '3D' WORLD
[9/28/13 6:10:17 AM] Saeng Graham: OR AT LEAST
[9/28/13 6:10:22 AM] Saeng Graham: your essence - is possible in that form
[9/28/13 6:10:25 AM] Saeng Graham: weellllllll
[9/28/13 6:10:29 AM] Saeng Graham: then anything is possible
[9/28/13 6:10:34 AM] Saeng Graham: SO IF YOU ARE STILL HERE
[9/28/13 6:10:37 AM] Saeng Graham: AT THIS POINT
[9/28/13 6:10:39 AM] Saeng Graham: I'VE GOT A PARROT ON MY SHOULDER
[9/28/13 6:10:44 AM] Saeng Graham: AN EYE PATCH ON MY EYE
[9/28/13 6:10:49 AM] Saeng Graham: AND I'M ABOUT TO ROCK YOUR ***** ****** WORLD
[9/28/13 6:10:54 AM] Saeng Graham: jokes -
[9/28/13 6:10:59 AM] Saeng Graham: it's double at.....jazz hands -
[9/28/13 6:11:13 AM] Saeng Graham: shot of moonshine
[9/28/13 6:11:17 AM] Saeng Graham: **** of spicy morning zoot
[9/28/13 6:11:22 AM] Saeng Graham: and some roiboosh tea,
[9/28/13 6:11:27 AM] Saeng Graham: a little bit of wine
[9/28/13 6:11:37 AM] Saeng Graham: some smutted rasberrys and age old pistachios
[9/28/13 6:11:38 AM] Saeng Graham: which hum
[9/28/13 6:13:03 AM] Saeng Graham: frightful actually , how ******* scary bryce is.. like....i wouldn't like to have my 'revenge' concocted by him...dark kind guy....nice...but dark....arty kinda you know it's the kind of super smart kinda dark......but then super emotion kinda dark too....they aren't that hard to spot....
[9/28/13 6:13:11 AM] Saeng Graham: but the bryce i'm talking about
[9/28/13 6:13:17 AM] Saeng Graham: - yeah he's all over the place
[9/28/13 6:13:20 AM] Saeng Graham: always with the bee's
[9/28/13 6:13:22 AM] Saeng Graham: and stuff
Bryce , Harlon..
tipping hats to poetry masters - from Western Realms...Naga's


loves you guys x
Fah Dec 2013
silken honey dew essence ,
natural bioluminescence , Aura pulsates in time to the  flowing blood veins ,

fingertip lips taste like lightning just before it flicks the ground with his forked tongue -

stomach tingle , heart dip , drop.
lose it all , lose it again -
transfer the same -
enlarge the plane,

feel the vibrations of:  never the same , again. Expansive minds roll on ...

                                                           ­          ~~~*

Escaped moan is free, darkness turns to light.
the whispers,
   kept between you and me.

Animal instinct , Divine instinct

        slips in.
                          slips out.

carving chasms and canyons out of skin...a glint of menace  and copious amounts of mischief dance in his eyes , like a snake charmer sashaying the imaginary into existence.
                      the space dew raspberry Champagne bubbles...

the energy flows are opening now,  to handle the cosmic ******...

one must prepare -
an untrained mind , might combust -
or worse yet , attract the dijins for foolish endeavors into treasure map waters...

Sensi bows - game , set , match.

Practice makes Perfect..
Fah Sep 2013
crossed over to the island of found dreams.

there is no way to know how to get there without the means
and the schemes and the dreams

slit their throats and pull out the teeth for good luck -
run boy , run ,

slip into the otters skin and don't you dare look back
watch out for the sontaran hive ,

it's a nest.
up on the cherry hill tree
we find only the

stop , he borders the patrols

it's not the edge , it's not the time - we've got many moons to go but we need to **** well learn how to fly

this is the date to mark in your books ,
but summers last drop of flesh has been drunk and the slips become stumbles and the stumbles become falls and the fall is upon us,

down is up - up is up.
once more. stay feet on the ground , hover only a little -

tell the weak from the weeds .

much difference in shorn sleeves.
Fah Aug 2013
i , yes, i , no not I but i in my life so young , have found
God. No , not God, life. No , not life, light. No , not light , darkness.
Oh, i , yes , i , oh.... i , saw , i...

through the rapidly clearing miso soup of my perspective
it is as if each whirlpool of salty broth , clears to reveal a single piece of seaweed
that splatters on the floor as i drop the bowl
paradigm shift.

And just like that , the afternoon light which was just environmental delight becomes a so , essential detailed
prop to the existential conversations baseline drop

later , after i have pondered what this new fangled spyglass lends to my current present
i pick up a magazine by the name of 'Ok!' ... i read only the images and few words in english
i put it down
i have a headache.

i get up , i feel sick
i read the front 'Super Dad'
so harsh , so much pressure to fit into the narrow channeled idea
somethings got to give , this ain't living it's a waiting room for the already dead
Horoscope tells 'KNOW YOUR FUTURE NOW'

at least that's accurate...
( pun)
what a magical day , only one way of knowing how it ends
to bed only one way of knowing how the next day will start waking up
Fah Aug 2013
Well - didn't i say , we'd be in new spaces ... Harlon Dearest

THey got my email somehow

but i got the pictures before it was closed down

i'm a director now
we found the island
it's great working with ya - just saying ,  mad respect to the living dead

just ghosts floating around in machines

i just wanna love everyone ya know
and make sure they are all fine and happy and tuck them into bed with some cookiesz for lunch and just chill about and yaknow have fun :)

i love you harlon rivers from the day you were born to the single day you died and still in eternal (!)
life is
this .

this . is life and the messages from the bottles are all coming back
and so we just send more
and more

and we send them across time answers and space's questions because those fabrics are real and they leave some zeal and i won't keep it under wraps
rivers flows are free and rivers flows don't have eyes that see
they have eyes that carve and caress and breathe and leave the mess till after

we got the cleaners in at the moment






but don't you worry

i got friends on all sides

heh heh heh

didn't i tell you i was naughty ...but nice


A little drop of poison  doesn't **** the man quickly

no , his punishment is slow and painful

but i dance with the devil

i have a crown of butterflies and black roses

every day i go more and more insane

jokes we all millionaires up in dis hood

ain't a penny that is wasted

we grow our own food -

metaphysically .


oops and i being rude again. i swear to you this country is a mess

there ain't no country for old men better than the wild planes of I AM ERICA (translation AMERICA: PEOPLE OF NATURE )














dreams are real
and have value worth more than money can buy

use wishes wisely
Fah Apr 2014
holding back , holding in the worried words.
imaginary tension of the brain.

What is the worst thing that can happen , that i can not deal with.

Turn this leaf .

Spring takes no prisoners, expansion is implosion - breath - explosion.






Hold onto your heart.

Each thought creates a being, that is of the nature of the thought....
Fah Jul 2013
**** this
**** that , **** it all , i am eloquent when i speak and when i write so why is profanity rude?
tell me , if i was a guy would this be different ? am i meant to stick to some code , of rules that dictate how i share myself ? how i share my words or my body or my mind or my soul or what , is it because i'm young? or is it because you think i'm trying to ****** you? did i write this peace for you? primarily , i wrote this peace for me , for me ages 7, 6 , 5 , 14, 16 , 67 , 56 , 43 , 23 , 22 , 89, 900, 10

the girl who grew into a woman not knowing a father , having to be her own , and from experience how hard that is , how alone you become , how closed i became , i become let me tell you , this is it :

I am my own , i trust , in myself enough to be able to make choices about who and what i want to ****

because , to me , it's not just a ****, or not just a kiss, or not just a lip synching , heart racing moment of pure unadulterated bliss because if i touch you like that , it means that this is some form of love , ****** attraction is energetic and why define the love that is bolder than the stars , why hide it?

i don't mean to be crude but it's true , i've ***** footed around the topic,
but this is the father i saw ,

and maybe i'm not so eloquent when it comes to feelings but let's be frank ,
nothing compares to the electric field created when we touch

we touch in the rips in space and the rips in time and rips in all the words that don't rhyme , the misses , the hits , the highs , the lows , the missing link , the found , the soft inside the hard and the lost inside the found - i can feel you , the wounded healer


unsure how to heal own wounds , a wounded healer on the run , until eternity's sunset rises

fatherless , our collective society took on this crucial role but counter balanced by a mother who knows her stuff and is loving but tough and clear but clean and who showed me hurt so i needn't be hurt so much , yeah ,

that combination along with the cultural deluge in my veins
it ain't vain to take care of the emotional realm - sort through **** so one may move on ,

and yeah change takes time so peace , peace until the liner merges with the rest , patient child,

not everyone can feel like you do , it's too much sometimes
you'll be fine , just breathe and do what you want to , you can't go wrong your heart is too strong

rest easy , you've done nothing wrong , it's all on the way
shhh , sleep now , sleep and when you wake the world will still be here , bright to greet you again , the love doesn't have to end - and when the time comes he won't let you go , watch for the look
it's in the body but manifests as

a wink
Credits to Harlon Rivers for the lines "the soft inside the hard and the lost inside the found" - Thankyou :3
Fah Nov 2014
If i'm quite sure where to listen              the words exist perpetually

What once  little me                   sung gospels of
has sunk into the sea.

thoughts met with resistance
stagnate and form dis-ease

especially them reflex thoughts ,                given a
thought              turn out to be denial
that thoughts
can (be            let) pass
without marker or address               that a notion
can cross the endless ocean            of of my self-mind
without duress           or that opinions                 can
move right through.
slowing myself down for this piece , written by hand on a beach
seeing an alternative way of being
Fah Apr 2014
Creation can be a dangerous game ,
the words are not just words , nor the pictures measly brush stroke paintings

creation magic tricks
translucent transfiguration from thought realm to
physical plane -

eat from the palm of third eye mind
lick the plates of your halo
Fah Aug 2013
we need you
we need you to be you and no one else
we need every ounce of every pinprick of sunlight that shines forth from your soul
this world is changing
we are in a time to be free
we have all we need, and more
but we lack love

so , i deplore you and i deplore myself to find love
in everything you do ,
because you
yes you
deserve every ounce of love that pervades the infinite, hear that , in finite , universal soul
because you are

you are beautiful
and brilliant and wild , you have horses running through you hair and lions in your breath
you are the culmination of every single thing that has ever happened in the universe. ALL of time had to happen for you to happen,
now, if that ain't special ...well...

i don't know what is.
Fah Aug 2014
So says self - selfish
soul so made of gluttony + misery
temper! So oblivion
so called
mystery so severe
i want only to shake out some memory or ignite
ignite my own soul
Fah Mar 2015
Come back , flow out
humble me and humble me again till
I am worn
and round.
Fah Sep 2013
faze into dwelt upon days
only to find
old friends
merry dance and gay

only to drift into shape shifting plays
knowledge turns wisdom
turns rust
turns dust

blown about in the wind

who knew , it's alot of fun
trickle into lines

trickle into time
make the particle reactor of bodies dance
our actions are just as important as our actions

our reactions are just important as our actions...

to wonder.

no faced smiles

little giggles
little laughs
little jump , skip and hop across the horizon

a breath
of fresh air
scented with geometry's stare ,
scented with midnight bloom

and jazz riffs tune , melodic beat , riptides feet ,
riptides soul

grown old.

tip the scales , let the yin flow to yang's shoulders

tip tap those feet baby !!
Fah Jul 2013
It's tough long distance and we die daily in our ritual rebirths
who i met then will not be the same man who will stand before me in a matter of weeks

it seemed that i had wished upon a star for a love that returned me to us at 14, the melancholy boy who drew cartoons and watched obscure japanese horror flicks , who cooked me dinner as i baked lemon pies and macaroons to add to our movie nights, i didn't know then , that love didn't feel like rainbows and sunshine but like a heavy day where the sky is riddled with thunderstorms all on the verge of breaking and none dare to let loose a single drop

Yet this is different too , not quite the same innocence but a similar flexibility of the building  pressure and it surpasses me,
when i look down and see your hand has ripped a hole in my breast

i've always been told not to let a man touch my naked heart and that i must guard it against all kinds of pain , but how can i ? How do i stop the rivets from popping off the chastity belt around my soul? How can i not let him in? When the cuddles are like molten gold and the conversation flows like wine and there are moments that capture all of time in one look

But of course , maybe i am premature in my judgement, there is a darker side to you, but i respect death and decay and the asylum worthy thoughts of your mind because
they are a constant in mine

What is it i feel , is it real? we are both so young ( well you are 6 earth years ahead of me) ? has time really come undone? what is
this new feeling of fear that i'll lose you to some girl at a bar who , lord knows , won't be able to hold your heart in the way i can , or maybe she can, maybe she's all yours and you'll break my heart like the aunties said and then i'll have learnt my lesson

Too late , i shout as i streak through the garden , not a cloth on my body
i'll revel in these mystic sensual delights , and dream of far off nights in far off lands
i already know i can survive a broken heart , even when i didn't know i had been broken
Fah Sep 2013
its always sunrise

things move in every atoms presence
tonal vibrations power through into tmorows
certian serenity

blissfull melodies
we die daily in our meditational  cremation ground of  minds past eye had been cast upon building up
or down

spiral, the.sine curve of life
respect the crecendos with ease
the patterns are flexible in form shape and mind
Fah Aug 2013
new powers appear everyday
off course

simple stops in the day play out their onwards gleaming parralells of night

you shall not pass beyond my chartered flight

as day time slips to night

the army's leader
i'd be scared

if i was u

but i'm not

i'm w

and w

is for winning
so sorry not sorry if i am a ninja of the night and i know martial arts

but - when i say i wearthis face for the both of us

we all know who is the most beautiful

friends all over
smoke and mirrors roy , all smoke and mirrors

and at athe age of 13 that is when my training truly began
at 10 my head was a book

( this is a riddle btw
)time rider

i'm the sphinx

and also the elepahnt in the room

i have found my niche and it is clean clear and free

night /
Fah Jul 2013
drips like sugar water into the once heavy womb of my heart space , the energetic debris from tsunami waves , the riptide pulling in layered insides revealing prayers materialized
dreams actualized, work finalized  , pieces fit together in the most miracles i've seen in so short a time

Living our reincarnate lives, within this one , the unraveling tendencies of parallel  realities that merger in the spiders fresh spun web of glittering pearls
just like the Buddha said , are we not all Buddhas too?

meat machines being driven by holy spirits no less ,
angels in plain clothes
third eyes expose the truth behind every face
a feathered friend sends messages and the constellations of cloudscapes aid in delivery , soft wind , hard wind ,
fire reduces all to ash ,
some flowers bloom only after a forest fire
Fah Jun 2015
love is easy peasy - letting go
falling to catch the updrift wind

fear is difficult - clinging on
surface level entry wears away,
turns to roots

love is easy and requires work
to dig up the fear roots , keep them away

by gliding in the up drift
allowing worries to flit , flutter , float away
because loving is easy
nothing to it at all
natural flow
inside my heart
from last year....just what I needed ...
Fah Aug 2013
Don't let them fool you

this is very real and very real very real

sometimes reality is better than dreams
and when dreams collide we all know what happens

we weave intricate together and i want you to know that the passion the ignited is still alive and well

breathing in and out soft sighs that escape my lips without my choice
because it has been and is always but a choice made in the seas of seas and lights of lights in need

restless rivers flows have entrenched and doused by heart space and womb space with untold treaures untold untold untold

and that's the way we do this news
new songs lyrically i've never seen you write better
then i saw you play last night

and i knew you
i know you
and i have known you so this is not exactly a love sonnet but it is and improvization

of lyrical *******

and this is a blessing in friendship
i stress the point should woman and men be friends first before they let the pen slip?

i write my thoughts of thin strips and thin line of callouses of me
and the scars form mothers and lovers of old
and new light illuminates from them and from them i feel that i could never stop this healing
untill the healing is done

then and only then we die

and then and only then we die

and then and only then they die

and then and only then do we really feel the power rise up in our bodies and we let that wave course through the restless resltess rivers flows always wanting more

it's our prerogative
green gold sits my heart in the tree
as a stone one may imagine a dense emerald with flecks of gold dust and orange creeps in on the side
this is a mood ring after all the color of our hearts


in bliss diamonds flow
Fah Sep 2013

and lips
add lust
pour out of veins

mingle with
philosophical brains
and made up stories
to feeding the needy
and indeedy
there are many who need

but what
those simple
words say to you?
are these but spells

knocking on the doors of heavens  oh so ,   bells

profound are the notes that escape the woodland forest at  noon

typewriter quickslips

and merry go round fish lips

rooftop jelly bean highs
chinese restaurants on the sly , back ally vibes

pools and sala's

dancing in cabanas
by rivers soft meander

how sweet

dreams left in invisible seams
an atom
an atom
i an atom
i , many atoms
i , atoms many

i , light bearer plenty.

need a fix,
i got the goods

hips, lips ,lust misunderstood.

hips, lips, kisses and midnight snacks.
moment writing
spiraling from my fingertips
Fah Aug 2013
Where do i call the borderline?
On this map drawn by the oil barons,
and Kings and Queens of made up names

No one owns anything , not the shoes on our feet - not the blood in our veins , not the houses we build.

We merely borrow all this. But one thing we do - own it , this.

We own our thoughts and yet even they are comprised of borrowed segments from traffic light intersections and off hand comments , soaked up like a sponge the knowledge of my surrounding life
tip top of History's eternal spiral forth lot
until the next young chump comes along , i hand down my invisible crown
and hope they can wear it with ease

that their life time may have fruits aplenty and vegetables too ,

Rich tapestries , cast of wool , fine gold thread all jumbled in with the ruby red and lines of green field.
Fah Aug 2014
An over whelming emotional incident that used to terrify me
now i have enough strength to take a step back  then one more and survey that emotion
is it me?
it is me.
I hug me.

It is not me ?
it is not me.
I hug not me.
Fah Sep 2013
Centuries old

i've seen these stars dip and fall
and i've seen the daily motions
unfurl and unwind time and time again

passing -
Fah Sep 2013
Aligned moons trajectory

outline class , outline fueled melody of knights in plain clothes , we sing from the rivers edge in forest disclosed ...

into endless sphinx serenading the riddles to thine's heart ear
and the scarf , oh boy , have i seen a scarf

Snake tails eat themselves , it is only simple logic to be acquainted with the slivers of one's soul like light
that glimmers new hope unto battle fields of dead glory

i'm not sick - define for me , if you would - sick.
or disturbed , the darkness forges , like molten lava glow luminescence if i ever saw it.

darkness is light
up is down
exist in only planes mist

take a ride , if you dare

all hallows eve draws near.
and we draw closer to moon's full moon wonder.
written with friends at sides , and coffee shop blues....

blue cups yo.
Fah Jun 2014
Bring me your lips so i may nibble them ,
your eyes so i may know the depths of your love like a deep space observation , never cease to amaze my neurons with your subtle light.

Grant me your legs , wrapped around me at dawn .

Know that when we are together in the closest of moments i know that everything falls away to reveal the mystical dimensions , dreams aspire towards

The whispers kept between me and you ,
like the
Texture of grey beard hairs.
cherished heart-breaths.
Fah Jul 2013
strength is found in



and it graces

haphazardly the weak

and meak

in their hour of need,

not to be mistaken for greed.
Fah Jul 2013
Nothing but made up sorrows! Encased in the ignorance of *** for tat reality!
Every second is different , that is the beauty of it
I present to you a new fangeled idea! You've seen the PAST
you've heard about the instant FUTURE , but

a special today , really really sumptuous , the PRESENT !

Subject to change- constantly
Fah Jul 2013
Black tree's lit by purple haze skies
pin pricked by fireflies
the night bleeds , quiet peace
my solace ,
the place where i can let it all free , words mean double here
looks mean triple
and touches are finite

but that's just tonight or was it last night? it is some night
Fah Nov 2014
laughing at myself
silencing my grief
as the ashes of my death filled childhood are dispersed into the breeze
so i can breathe                           a     non-smoke filled sigh of relief
laughing at myself
as the morbidity slips away along with the anxiousness of a root chakra
disturbed in growth
whilst my worries of enough       are quelled with enough                      on my plate
and beautiful places to sleep
laughing at myself
visions of my dreams cast far into the future are coming back at me thru
the freed up space that still smells a little of pain
but is dotted by ethereal rainbows like the room of a tibetan monk after the Rainbow Body 'phenonmanah' has taken place
i am laughing at myself
in no forced manner
as the lightness fills my being
a bountiful glow

i laugh at myself
Fah Jul 2013
Dearest Victoria ,

you enquired so, we have:

Listing the problems from her front teeth to the back molars, Winston sat with her back to the mirror

She had bad eyesight so couldn’t really see the contours of her face but was comforted by the fact that there was another person in the room ,

Down stairs Q was making cakes ,

the outfit she wore had enough diamonds to drown a drag queen , some ended up in the cake , along with the usual ingredients : ***** , fluff from under the stairs , a pinch of cremation dust from her Pa’s last fake funeral , the end of a shoelace that had begun to fray and very good quality butter Hard to find in these parts, Most the butter was mixed in with genetically modified jaguar pelt,

modified to grow their pelt as butter, the farmers would attach buckets to their bodies and collect as they malted

This was the latest trend, Q despised it , she made cakes for the café up the road , a dingy old shack with only four stools and one type of coffee, sludge

Out in the garden Sarah Whitely grew her carrots, alongside her parsnips and next to that stood an oak tree who rained down her wisdom onto the veg ,

this made sure that everyone in the house was stocked up with their daily doses of Wisdom ,

Otherwise they were sure to get sick without it ,

I believe in your world , you’d call it something a bit like vitamins ,

Only as one ate the carrots their eyesight into other universes would develop

And the parsnips helped them with their imagination,

I like eating mine with thai tea caramel sauce, shipped in from the faraway land of JAUL , there I hear they don’t need to eat anything but pastries and pizza to keep up their health , they live in amongst wise trees with wise people and wise mountains , thus their capacity for wise is already overflowing, they keep it in jars under the stairs and gift their visitors with at least 3 jars before they depart ,

From across the valley I can see the Snarls house, they are friendly enough and pretty decent fellows but quite honestly they must learn to be a little more understanding and a little less demanding ,

they keep on borrowing all of our rolling pins and never give any back , and the ones they do give back are the ones I don’t really mind them having , it’s that silver one with the flecks of gold dust I really want to use, the gold flakes onto the pastry , that

my dear friend, is the secret to a good quiche, gold dust

The market is 19 kl away , john the Baptist is often the first up , so he goes out there on the solar bike ,

his name isn’t really john the Baptist but ever since he had that motorbike accident he , firstly , switched to solar bikes , and secondly decided that he wouldn’t live any more of his precious life being called Barry McWetsulf ,

anyway, so John does all the shopping but seems to almost always forget the washing powder that doesn’t foam , ergh , the foaming ones contain maggot eggs that burrow into your clothes and before you know it , the foam is all maggots and you’ve got to buy a new cloak ,

that’s a pain you know ,

they aren’t easy to come by anymore Since the hobbits passed through and bought all of he stockpiles up ,

no one thought to make any more

We heard they were dead


supply and demand eh?

Who am i? Ah I forgot, I am the local fortune teller ( that’s what is written on my business card ) but I really I trained in mechanics and have a knack for fixing jumbo jets , sadly the last one I fixed did crash into the Indian Ocean ,

killing all passengers but the dog survived, turns out I had left the last piece of the engine at home, I thought we just didn’t need it anymore

but ya live and ya learn old chap!

So dear, you didn’t put a return address on your letter asking who I was and where I live , so I wrote you one anyway , we do have signal boosters here , maybe I’ll catch you on the airwaves?

Your Friend , Trustee , Peaceful Neighbour , World dweller , Life consumer , time creator , music maker , nebula fornicator

Fah Feb 2015
Sometimes there is nothing to do, when all there is to do is wait.

Action would be overt
stepping on toes of brewing events.

When missed connections collide silently, the pieces fit somewhere else they'd rather be

Doing of nothing can seem daunting and wrong
like trying to open cans with toothpicks facing a starving crowd of 5 year olds

but when the recent turn of events has requested a movement
out of the fast lane,
to not comply would be foolish
something is germinating
hard work in the past is ruminating
and manifesting
a future.

The way we've shaped our habitat,
less than an instant seems too long.

It is a curious succession of feelings
when all there is to do is wait -

longing fades first,
to an epiphany of what is attachment
the new years celebration of relinquishment
a rising to the surface from the bottom of a body of water with eyes wide open
hands free of shopping bags or luggage
and a slightly confused sensation of nowhere

not longing
not not longing
Fah Aug 2013
Birthed from the realms of finite
Exist the twilight purple hue
Bruised , sociocultural views
Elevations of the so called unholy mundane , the evocative refrains of the woman's vally
Inexplicably shaped by the hands of men who can know no more what to be a woman feels and it is for a woman to feel what a man is

*** sells . *** sells. What condensed canned factory excuse is this ? *** sells , ah then we must continue to **** eah others minds - yes. That seems apt. Seems reasonable.
Oh , it makes money ? Right - quick up on the double put *** on everything ! WAIt! What is *** ? Make it taboo first , then sell it ... Openly ... Wonderful .. Wonderful.. Oh also whilst your at it ... Make sure you coin the word love ... Yes that should bring humanity to their knees... Oh no wait , haha , wait... Also coin the word God, take their faith and take thier hearts and yes make money , oh ... Oh .. No wait , one more thing ... Coin the terms right and wrong ... Stifle their imaginations with doctors notes ordering the consumption of scientific make believe ... Haha I deplore you one last thing .... Take thier children , and dictate exactly how a child enters this world... Cut open the mothers womb , tear it to shreds , call it medicine , call it anything as long as *** sells and money is made...

Do you see what I see ?

I see that this smog , this veil is very , very , very , thin .

And I've seen beyond the ingrained Pre-programmed neuron pathways that exist in sub ether relms ,these rely on the capacity for one not to notice..... Not to notice the infinite joy and beauty in the so called mundane - in the simple observation
Of the one doing the observing .

And beyond that.... Well it all crumbles away... Revealing ( at least for me) the Eden we never left....
Written in a spontaneous moment of distaste .. I haven't lost my fiery Kali essence .. Hahah.. Who wants to fight ? Only words are the weapons of choice and music is my shield , the paintbrush my arrow , my photographs form armor - and my kisses and lovers light lead the way , keep me strong keep me sane , make sure I don't devour all
Fah Sep 2013
This life aint'  love song whilst i march on blindly....

Each secretion of dissections interrogations are on...
on my LIVING soul

man ,

if only you knew ,

i slip like a hidden seamstress
into the alcoves of plenty, the catacomb of mind

and sit and wait untill

the seductress is ready -
her lesions
are lessons
learnt in TIME

she is the mistress of the dark
she needs no title but if you prefer you can call her Q.

this is because , yes , not only is she an insane nerd

she is also -

the softest heart i ever ( dang ) - had the chance to grace ,

Mother for those in need ,
Brother to those indeed
Lover to the oh so lucky few ,

Who she might like to point out, are just as glaringly brilliant too...

so , it's simple.

The layers of time are VERY FLEXIBLE
we need not notion ,
to the motions
at futures unclear - well
but see glimpses ..

- of , past's rejuvenation's born again into different actions
conclusions ..0...

the butterfly effect are the ripples : figment metaphor ( metaphysicians apply inside)
of wings - we are all ANGELS of a sort...

but i like to call angels = experts
they seem to know what's what...
note: the first line is from the song 'Black Eyes' - By Radical Face
kudos to Harlon Rivers AND Brycie

top , notch explorers

yo - a toast - to all of you who are sticking till the very end,
this - over here - the words - this is radio waves


where you at?
Fah Jan 2015
I returned to where i fit like a puzzle piece into the transparent rock and the crystalline water,
where the trees grew prehistoric palm fronds, wild grass with a view over islands and shades of blue
where the sand felt like silk
birds flashed by the water, visions of grey bodies, yellow legs and wings shaped like pterodactyls,
the waters reflective surface barely alludes to the cosmos beneath
a teeming reef with blue starfish, red starfish, all manners of little fish, parrot fish, shiny squid in hues of blue purple iridescent as I snorkel I see eye to eye with fishies
the coral how they move or don’t ,
their shapely curves in brain wave formations or flowers in perpetual bloom, perhaps akin to a large mushroom

So I breathe and let my fear go.

This is where showers are outside and doors open all night for the breeze to wash me as I sleep.

Where the sky is shifting all in sight,
miles away rain falls and I delight in the visual ecstasy
of the creative flow
the ease of the wind and the lap lap lap of waves
at tidal flows bubbling in, sloshing out -

No skyline disturbing “skyscrapers” but horizons are in vision and further further
inside and out as
I watched a stacked Cumulus mediocris cloud rain onto the ocean, progressively getting smaller and smaller top down,
I saw a lightning storm illuminate the rising sun behind as moon slice smiles
I saw the reason why the heavens are called heavens
the stars almost close enough to touch, an expansiveness of space
when I breathed
it came inside me and filled me
with the vibrancy of billions upon billions of alchemical workshops, working in conjunction with each other, some element created here, some element come together there.
I paused at the highest point of the rock hill a shooter slings on by
past condensed galaxy middles.

When I breathed the expansiveness of ocean and rocks, reefs and prehistoric vegetation I was filled with expansiveness

It was there that I felt the shadows held friends too
my heart beat slowly , quickly, round up down
until one morning I woke up, transparent too
vibrating so highly becoming nothing
even just for a moment
I felt in unison with the rocks and the waves and the sand
the being I currently am
made up of the same stuff and in there
Fah May 2014
If it means for the next 3 days you do nothing but eat apple butter and pizza toast , then so be it. As long as it is you who is feeling this. Being guilt tripped be fear happens to us all. But recall to oneself that fear is
False Evidence Appearing Real…. that and 5 long breaths should clear any fog.
Do enjoy yourself….. life is not about pain only. Subjective  are the connotations of things like pain and fear , death and war. Do see them as rough materials to work with. There is too much ( and i’m not the too much police , believe me.. ) There is too much wonder in the cosmos for life to be about pain only.
I am a thought artist , an astral creator , a realm wonderer with purpose.
Dig deep and hug that fear , transmute it and in the process aid another being who is stuck , woman … do your good in all the nooks and crannies…. see how light it makes you feel , see how whole it makes you feel… see how centered it makes you!
Do trust.
Fah Jul 2013
Explorations of the unknown , fruits quite delicious.

Little drops of perfume that

explode in fairytale mysticism.

What film are we in now…..or shall we write it ourselves?

Lets dance the salsa in robes and sunglasses.
Fah Feb 2016
We're just two clouds passing through -
just passing by,
colloquial for but a while -

Firm and fleshy in the moment,
wispy and nonexistant later.

Our cracked and opened shells of a solitary death
waft up their sweet scent of fertile ground
moist, fresh
smelling faintly of stardust and the impossible -

Our edges that don't exist in this world
shimmer and sparkle
pop and crinkle on foreheads and bellies

shining out of our eyes
is the magic of respect
that blows a strong wind

pushing us away
from each other
from each other
to ourselves
our own dreams

have changed directions.
Fah Jul 2013
the breeze of change blow in expectantly , but a nice surprise , one of todays daily miracles
last night , there was party for the universe
inspiration abound , new faces , new takes on food , new love in the hearts of travelers
bed at 00:13 asleep at 2
tears and laughter
doobies and wine
peace and time , wonder is abound
i thank all , i thank me , i thank thee
frogs croak now as the night draws in after a pink and purple sunset fleshed out cumulonimbus clouds
how big they are !
clear skies abound even rain clouds bring blessings
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