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 Feb 2016 Esther
Martin Feussner
You sit
You stare
You breathe
You wonder
You blink
You imagine
And then,
You realize...
No one can see how you feel.
people say the feelings deep within you should leave them alone.
showing feelings deep within is like playing with fire, you will get burned.
No one wants to show their feelings if they fear they will get burned.
It is ok!!
 Feb 2016 Esther
i s a b e l l a
do you have to feel scared
to be in love?
i've known you for so long,
that all i feel is comfort
and safety.

do you have to feel butterflies
to be in love?
when i think of you, they flutter around,
but when i look at you,
there are none.

what is the true definition of love?
because when i look at you,
i see someone so beautiful,
so caring,
so fragile,
all i want to do is hold you close.

am i in love?
or am i in love with the idea of you?
 Feb 2016 Esther
Lisa Ann Noe
He Shall Rise Again
By Lisa Noe

Oh glory be to He above
He is my Savior friend
With Him I do feel love
On Him I can always depend

The Lord my shepherd seeking truth
He forgives all my sins
He has watched over me since youth
And my troubles he mends

I shall always believe in Him
No matter what you say
He suffered then He rose again
They say on the third day

God sacrificed His only Son
Because He loved the world
He spoke it that it would be done
These words will He uphold

He will be back one day you’ll see
It’s promised in the Book
I only hope He will save me
From Heaven He will look

And all the people they will fear
For he will come with fire
And we will never know the year
Bow to Him He’s the sire

If you believe with all your heart
And ask for forgiveness
He’ll give you a new life to start
You will be His witness

He will come to take believers
Make war with enemies
And will destroy the deceivers
He’ll come with an army

A new world will He bring with Him
Where only good reside
Gives paradise on earth for them
The sinners they will hide

All of the world will bow to Him
King of all and Heaven
For the sinners the lights will dim
Fly my sweetest raven.

© Copyright 2016 ~Lisa Noe~kittylove
This is a poem that is about the coming of Christ, hope you all know him!
 Feb 2016 Esther
Ryan Nyberg
you broke my heart
and now im breaking yours.
im taking my ships back
to homeland's shores.
im redirecting winds
and raising tides
you wont find a lone soul
you'll hear no cries.
you broke my heart
and now im breaking yours.
im giving back the wounds,
the pain, the sores.
 Feb 2016 Esther
Sara Jones
Once, I knew what I wanted, and it was you.
Now, you left and handed back my heart
But what you didn't notice
Was that I slipped it in your back pocket
When you walked away from me
 Feb 2016 Esther
Damian Murphy
From the moment of our birth
There is no one else on earth
Who loves us as Mothers do;
So steadfast, loyal and true!

So why wait 'til Mothers Day
To make such a grand display
Of how we love them so much
With flowers, cards, gifts and such?

Let them know the whole year through
Just how much they mean to you.
Show your love in some small way
Other than on Mothers Day!
Proud word you never spoke, but you will speak
Four not exempt from pride some future day.
Resting on one white hand a warm wet cheek,
  Over my open volume you will say,
  'This man loved me'--then rise and trip away.
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