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Willow Branche Jul 2014
The splitting pain so intense
Yet so worth the act
Fireworks exploding in your eyes
Looking down on me as we lay in the dark.
So cold on that night but
Warm underneath your skin
Goosebumps flutter over mine
As you say the magic words
That made this all possible
I reply "I love you too."
Muffled by panting and kisses.
Breaths in the January air
Common white puffs
As our bodies intertwine
Pushing your bony hips against mine
Feeling the pressure so extreme
Tears rolling down my smiling face
Feeling the soft touch of your fingers on my back,
My nails digging into yours
Holding back the screams
I can only repeat "I love you."
Knowing not what else
And also just to hear your reply.
This only occurs so long
But after, I know:
Fireworks are the most beautiful thing in the world.
About the night I "lost my virginity".
Willow Branche Jul 2014
My heart, already wounded, wants to give out. It cried in pain the night I said goodbye, but harder still the night you kissed me again. It's choking on the blood that keeps me alive, so I think I'll drain it, drip by drip. It's so hard to think of all of these things that I've done, and all those things I did with you. My eyes shrivel up in pain, with no more tears to cry. You made me cry again tonight while I wallow in my guilt.
It hurts so bad to see you like that, so bent up... So unhappy. Because of me.
My heart can't take anymore of my abuse. We were a perfect twosome, tangled in the strings of grief and passion, pain and pleasure.
My heart has been destroyed. I feel the fluids of life slowly leaking out... It gets so hard to say goodbye, but now I know, that my heart is giving up. Giving up on you. Giving up on an "us". I love you. And I hate what you've done to me. But I don't want to leave you here... Alone in the dark. But only I can see the light and I want you to follow me.
So watch me pull myself together with some ***** needles. Watch the blood deep though the spot where your X was drawn and watch me curl up and die. But I'm sorry. Will that ever be enough?
A rant I wrote about my first love. We were both a mess. Suicidal, depressed, and in this relationship for all the wrong reasons. It was so hard when it finally ended. It still hurts to this day.
Willow Branche Jul 2014
Is you and me
Laying in the dark
On a cold January night
Underneath our body heat
The soft friction it makes
The pressure makes me shake
In your arms
Under your skin
Keep me warm...
This only occurs,
In a dream.
A poem about when I "lost my virginity" to my first boyfriend and he broke up with me the next day.
Willow Branche Jul 2014
You think you're the only one who's lying?
The only one who's pretending to smile?
The only one who's dying?
The only one who walks into a room & feels so alone?
The only one who's heartache kills them,
And they deal with it on their own?
I remember every kiss,
Every touch,
The forbiddenness,
Of every moment that we spent,
Memorizing each other's skin.
And now you look right through me,
And I smile the same old smile,
While you go on with your life
Destroying yourself inside
And I'm standing here waiting for you to realize,
Slowly killing the burning fire in my eyes.
I waited too long,
And now you don't care...
Best friends, yea, ok...
I'll pretend it's enough.
Try to make it through the day.
You're not the only one who's lying,
The only one who's pretending to smile,
The only one who's dying.
Look at me.
Just really look.
Written by a girl I went to school with about her exgirlfriend.
Willow Branche Jul 2014
Don't come into my heart.
Don't come into my mind.
Don't come into my soul.
For there's nothing to find.
Let me be, Let me die.
Leave me alone to cry.
I need some time, space, and grace
To let these tears dry on my face.
But wait until then, don't come near.
Stay far, FAR, away from here.
Written by a guy I went to high school with after a rough break up with his girlfriend.
Willow Branche Jul 2014
You used to say you loved the fire in my eyes,
The light in my soul,
The passion in my life.
I used to love the way you smiled,
The way you held me,
So close and so tight.
It couldn't all just be lies,
So I tore down all the walls blocking my heart,
And I let you inside.
The rhythm of your voice kept me hypnotized,
And I fell into the deep abyss of you.
Now the reason why I laughed,
And the reason why I cried myself to sleep at night,
I was your sweet sacrifice.
And now every time I watch you walk away,
A little bit of the fire in my eyes,
Slowly and surely,
Dies. away.
A girl I went to school with wrote this about her ex girlfriend. I thought it was beautiful and I related so strongly to it that I asked her for a copy.
Willow Branche Jul 2014
Their names leave your lips and your heart starts to beat,
They fill your lungs with life as you speak,
Your heart is home to many loves that you keep,
But you have too big a heart.

Her sweet British accent made your mouth water,
Her flowing blond hair, you would have wished for your daughter,
The ones who hurt her you wanted to slaughter,
But you have to big a heart.

His warm hugs healed your soul and dried all your tears,
You counted his freckles as you both shared your fears,
He had been there for you through all of the years,
But you have too big a heart.

Her smell was addicting and her lips were so soft,
Her light olive complexion sent your heart aloft,
You traced her skin as her laugh would waft,
But you have too big a heart.

Her shy, gentle nature made you want to know more,
She guarded her heart behind a locked door,
But she melted away as you made love on the floor,
But you have too big a heart.

You loved him as her, and you love him as him,
You jumped in this pool, though you knew not how to swim,
Before his love, all of life seemed grim,
But you have too big a heart.

Night by night, you give and give,
Your heart dissolves, and you struggle to live,
You love so many, And love so strong,
Yet you know that this love is wrong.
The guilt, it builds and breaks you down,
In this depression you begin to drown.
Monogamy tears your soul apart,
All because you have too big a heart.
Being polyamorus isn't something that I chose. It's caused me a lot of pain and depression and If it were up to me, I would be monogamous. Life would be much easier that way. This is a tribute to the people that have my heart and a vent on how polyamory tortures me.
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