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 Apr 2021 deyrah
Rebecca Brenes
I tried to warn you the box was fragile.
But you held it and shook it,
Until it became too much to carry.

Then you dropped it.

And I heard my heart
shatter on the floor.
© 04/18/21 Rebecca Brenes All Rights Reserved
 Apr 2021 deyrah
 Apr 2021 deyrah
She was like
a sunflower
who looked
for the sun
even on a
rainy day
 Apr 2021 deyrah
Michael Angelo
My past creations are revelations
Of the beauty I once possessed.
My mind deserves its rest.
My best
Is distant memory
That I can reflect on
When you are in love
Daybreak brings you fairy dust
Glittering on fields of four-leaf clover.

When you are in love
Crows take music lessons
And sing to you Brahms Lullabies

When you are in love
The clock turns into Jello
And time loses all meaning when together

When you are in love
The Moon becomes your closest friend
And you can tell her all your secrets.

When you are in love
The world becomes a magic place
And you’re the Head Magician.
Off the top of my head.
 Mar 2021 deyrah
 Mar 2021 deyrah
I dared speak into the silence
spoke a word ' Love'
and I heard the answer;
"who will speak up for love"?
if not the poets?
One computer, two computer
Three computer, four
Shed a tear of happiness
As five comes through the door.

The last one was demented
Made life a living Hell
Devised new ways to torture me
And did it oh so well.

This new one is an iMac
Just like the one before
But maybe not as crazy-
I can’t take that any more.

The only thing I’m asking:
That it do as it is told.
Don’t make new rules in secret
Leaving me out in the cold.

Leave the curser where I put it
Don’t erase what I type in
Don’t correct my unique spellings
That is not a game you win.

Don’t crash just as I finish
Some complicated rhyme.
Erasing all my poetry
Would be a major crime.
The continuing saga of iMacs with minds of their own.
 Mar 2021 deyrah
they say
is a certainty.

they're right.

i'm not
i'm waiting,

full of fear,
i'm waiting
for the next call.

who will be next?
 Mar 2021 deyrah
they throw
their expectations at
me, as if
they were
a ball.

i've never been good at catching.
 Feb 2021 deyrah
daily writing 6
 Feb 2021 deyrah
when i look into your eyes,
they reflect a million tiny memories.
when i see your smile,
each word that comes out reminds me of what you said.
how am i supposed to act like nothing happened,
when your sole existence screams it into my face?
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