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 Nov 2017 Dawn
Dear Daddy
 Nov 2017 Dawn
Dear Daddy,
Do you know what these men say to me?

With their
eyes and their mouths
when I walk on the street.

With a grin and a nod
and a look up and down.
A wink and a kiss
and a cat call heard from downtown.

With my skirt short
and my top
It’s a cold world daddy
and no
doesn’t mean no.

Daddy do you know
how these men look at me?

Like I’m a piece of meat
strutting down the street?
With my head buds in
and my favorite song on.

I’m asking for it Daddy,
I’m in the wrong.

Do you know how it feels
not to wear what I like?

To walk a little faster
when I’m alone at night?

Daddy the world is my predator
and I am it's doe,
Daddy what happens
when I can’t say no?
 Nov 2017 Dawn
Broken Poetry
 Nov 2017 Dawn
I am the trending poem.                                                            ­            
         you see me and I make you feel alive
                                             so you like me and re-post me
                                                              ­    then you leave me alone to die.
I am your forgotten lines.
             you created me with a careful love
                                                          an­d decisive rhymes
                                      and then to the bottom of your page I'm shoved.
I am forgotten, alone and unloved
                           a faded smile a broken dove
                                               I once was beautiful, touching.
                                                       ­   now, I've been replaced, I'm nothing.
 Nov 2017 Dawn
L Seagull
There’s always ****, misery and deep conversations
 Nov 2017 Dawn
 Nov 2017 Dawn
Why should you limit yourself to being just pretty?
Don't be just pretty.

Be a storm, beautiful, dark, intelligence flashing across your eyes like lightning and a voice as loud as thunder. Be a storm and never be silent.

Be a forest, rooted, wise, strong and unmovable in the force of opposition and yet a dancer in the wind. Be a forest, and loyal to your land.

Be the ocean, glittering, mysterious, captivating thousands of hearts and countless lives in your allure. Be the ocean, and be ruthless.

Be nature. I guarantee nothing will get you farther.
 Nov 2017 Dawn
Edgar Allan Poe
 Nov 2017 Dawn
Edgar Allan Poe
The noon's greygolden meshes make
All night a veil,
The shorelamps in the sleeping lake
Laburnum tendrils trail.

The sly reeds whisper to the night
A name-- her name-
And all my soul is a delight,
A swoon of shame.

now say when shall we find to realize
how they keep lurin' us into their lies
we forsaken abilities of minds
now say how is it ever we shall find

by the "yes's" pronounced, tho "no" we mean
these roads we walk, but do not want to be
why bother, when we do not seem to see
proses we make, upon cliches we lean

metaphors we come up with, eas'ly done
most times not knowin', where it all comes from
for these thoughts alone keeps us reelin'
upon those mysteries 'n' real meanings

for there's more outside our understandin'
when we stop wander inside our feelings
* always...

عرفان بن يوسف © AH 02/03/1439

'a (pentameter / freestyle rhyme scheme) Sonnet'
 Nov 2017 Dawn
Natasha L
Two Years
 Nov 2017 Dawn
Natasha L
Two years
Two thousand tears shed
All because you took my unconscious body to bed
What was going through your head
When you peeled my skin-tight dress off of me

What did you see
Did you see me
Or was I just something to get you off
Was it the dead weight of my body that turned you on
Or the fact that I had just turned 21?
 Nov 2017 Dawn
David Rusiecki
 Nov 2017 Dawn
David Rusiecki
New York ~ News
New Jersey ~ Beaches
California ~ Movies
Florida ~ Disney World
Kentucky ~ Chicken
Texas ~ People that can't fit in their cars
Connecticut ~ Lyme Disease
Lyme Disease originated in CT due to deer ticks. See what I do? I make you laugh an learn. I'm like that chill teacher in school

— The End —