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 Nov 2015 Veronica
Myaja Black
 Nov 2015 Veronica
Myaja Black
Black Rose
                      Black Queen
              Black me with my black heart
      You think my black clothes are so trite
Because they cant be seen at night maybe
They weren't meant to be seen I keep trying to lay low Its so hard to hide with all this melanin im bound to be spotted
 Nov 2015 Veronica
I am a Kid
 Nov 2015 Veronica
I am a Kid.
You hated gays, We would never forbid.
I am a Kid.
In school you learned to read, I learned how to work a power grid.
I am a Kid.
We will have to undo, what you did.
I am a Kid.
This isn't targeted to every adult, this is targeted to the people who think that my generation and the generation before me will ruin the earth.
 Nov 2015 Veronica
Thomas EG
The same old routine's dragging on
Our zombied bodies slump along
We philosophise more and more
Making our forgetful brains sore

For we are rotten, we are gross
But isn't that just how life goes?
We all will fall, we all will die
Nothing matters so we ask why

We have to live, we have to be
We have to pretend we're happy
Because in actuality
No one lives for eternity

So what's the reason for our race?
Is it for love or for disgrace?
There is no clear answer just yet
Or else there was, but we forget
(We regret and then forget)
 Nov 2015 Veronica
Marlon James
**** Tumblr. **** Facebook. **** thumbs up. **** Iphones and everything with an " I " before it's name.  Even if it's  an " Ivone ". **** Justin and Katy, teenagers and children. **** the children. **** GIFs and Instagram. **** the hashtag #. **** twitter. **** ‘selfies’ , ‘felfies’ and ‘braggies’. Put a camera in your ***, take a picture, that's a selfie too, you ******. One you can brag about.
******* as well. **** this, **** that, ******* again. Especially you, yOU ****. **** twerk and Miley. **** MTV. **** the 2000's. **** rich people trying to look poor cuz they're hipsters and that's " Indie ". **** Indie ****! Everything's " Indie " nowadays. **** that! Not everyone is struggling. Make some noise, you don't have cancer.
**** people who smile to every **** a **** does when they visit the hood to buy drugs, because they're stupid and soft. **** social conscience.
******* again for pushing a beard and a moustache because it's fashionable. **** John Lennon. **** the Beatles. **** **** as a trend. **** me, but at least i'm cool. **** cool. Everyone's cool currently!? I started smoking when I was 11. Now that i'm 25, i realize smoking is kid's stuff, so i quit smoking. **** cigars. **** having 25. **** sexist and feminist.
**** the dikes who think they have an advantage on other women for not being a **** fan. **** LGBT haters. **** the LGBT flag. **** flags.
**** Amsterdam. **** Vintage, used to be cool, now it's fake ****. **** cars these days. Their shape and their drivers. **** TV series. **** this zombie ****! What's with the zombies? **** FOX. **** people who hate on TV, because their to smart for that, but let computer/internet melt their brains into liquid ****. **** stupid people. **** the army,everywhere. **** politics. ******* for trying to make me vote. I don't believe in it and i'll never will ,it's a ******* waste of time and i don't care. ******* for believing that's a choice. ******* for participating in that sharade, making politics who they are, you ******* *******. **** people who talk to much. **** people who don't listen that much. **** people who talk WAY to much and expect you to be as excited as they are. *******! ****  "LOL" in a face-to-face conversation. Laugh *******. **** random generation. **** " Likes " and **** " Sharing " because no one gives a ****.

And yes i'm a misfit, you genius. We all are. That's the truth...
**** the truth.
Marlon James,  Porto,  Portugal                                                                 23-04-2014
silence slowly settles around me like a warm blanket
buckets of sunlight spill thru the torn clouds
my september mind wanders its backwoods dream
masters each slow footfall imprinted on the soft textured ground
my path clearly carved into my minds fading yesterday thoughts
never quiet except in the soft kiss of warm humid breeze

we stood there
in the darkness
holding hands
your fingers moved ever so gently in my stiff grip
you knew the track and taste of my world
your words echo there without the
image reminding me of childhoods sails of a stormy sea

now you look into my eyes
without a word
you see me
 Oct 2015 Veronica
Thomas EG
 Oct 2015 Veronica
Thomas EG
My eyes
They feel tired
My lashes yawn, quiver
I am weak, as I lay down
I enjoyed myself
It was good, it was nice
Everyone was so nice, to me
I dream the friends back to me, now
I pull them closer
But, really, there is no one here to pull close to me
So, I readjust my body parts
My external organs
And trudge through the emotion
The thick over-exaggerated feelings
I rest myself
Then hold my head up high
I am not afraid, tonight
Foolishly, I joke about them
Your new "friends"
For they do not know you
(Not like we know you)
It's just not the same, nowadays
And yet I had a nice time
I had nice company
Your aura was sweet
As were your lips
Foolishly, again, ours meet
And I am calm
And I am glad
That we have each other
That we are friends
I had a nice night :-)))

— The End —