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  Feb 2016 Dani Jo
Karina Norris-Veirs
I peer into the hole
Six foot deep
Upon inside
My doppelganger, me

I shovel dirt
Till my hands bleed
Into this hole
Six foot deep

Cover me up
The old me has ceased
Risen from the dead
The new me set free
Dani Jo Feb 2016
Oh no, what's that?!
It comes and goes and then comes right back.
The tension it builds as I stand guard aiming my shields.
But wait they're gone!
Oh ****, something's wrong!
I'm searching as it continues lurking.
I'm open, I'm game,
When did it all change?!
Oh yea, that's right it came with new life.
It's now how I live.
I guess I'm just scared.
It's new, it's real....
I guess I'll just FEEL!
I was going through some new things the other night which is something I masked over by's the main reason why I did use so I didn't have to do this. Today I celebrate 116 days drug and alcohol free! Been using for 15 years and never thought this could ever be possible, but I'm doing it one day at a time!
  Jun 2015 Dani Jo
Day Wing
When happiness and smiles you have within grasp
They’ll charge in with swords of pain and sadness
Raise your shield with a tighter clasp
Be strong, be strong against your demons!

As achievements and great success chimes
They’ll attempt to feed it with arrogance and pride
Keep watch and be aware at all times
Be strong, be strong against your demons!

While innocence and upright honesty comforts
They’ll rebel on with lies and sly deceits
Restrict them from ever passing forth
Be strong, be strong against your demons!

Among the midst of compassion and pure love
They’ll counter with anger and ugly hatred
Fend them off with all the might you have
Be strong, be strong against your demons!

They will be close your whole life
They will force themselves in
Do not let them win
Be strong, be strong against your demons!
May 'they' be something, someone, or even yourself.
Be strong my friend! Be Strong!
  Jun 2015 Dani Jo
Path #1

Forgiveness is the sinking
head into heart..
The head dwelling in separation
concedes logic's demands
but confronting questions
time after time:
Why? and What?
Surrendering at last
to the sinking..
the Heart...

Path #2

Forgiveness is downloading
of new software..
Our old software
employs the ego rampant
rendering forgiveness
a difficult dream
searching in forlorn places
finding only traces..
New software finds it all
Here and Now...!

Path #3

Real forgiveness is Now
not in time..
Events in the past
seeming in need of
are only known
and what of the Now..?
it's other name
our true identity:

Path #4

is an iteration
of Forgiveness..
a shading and
concealment of
formulated light..
Our awaking brings
the repentance
the return
the feedback
to never absent

Path #5

A shock it is
to learn that
Forgiveness is not personal..
It is a realization
of a substance common
to all concerned
transparent and eternal
the real Self..
With that realization
duality of conflict
dissolves in the

Path #6

Quantum forgiveness
is the only
A leap into
infinite non-locality..
The suddenness arrives
within painful progress
or perhaps
strangely enough
out of the blue...!

Path #7

an experience of sealing
our separate brokenness..
It is mandatory..
Yet the sealing
can be accomplished
only by those who see
there is no need
for the sealing...

Path # 8

in a separated
dualistic reality
seeking forgiveness
in thought and time
is not satisfying..
The lingering pain
from a fruitless search
for forgiveness in
all the wrong places...

Path #9

is a restoration of
peace and happiness
with new clarity:
The Awareness of
peace and happiness
was never in need of

Path #10

We need to see clearly
that all relationships
take place in
infinite Awareness..
But wait..
not in .. but as..
All those hurts
are constrictions
of Awareness
crying out their
illusory separation...
Dani Jo Jun 2015
My hearts undone,
one by one,
plucked away until they're gone.
I can't pretend, I'm going in
mind unwind oblivion.
Forced by fate, I sit and wait
through the motions of each day.
The hope it fades, frustration rage
Long haul for the pearly gates.
Makeshift breath is put to rest,
it's what they call the life of test.
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