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I've forgotten the way your lips taste,
And the greatest hardship of all
Is waiting for a reminder
That isn't coming.
 Oct 2015 Chiibe-The-Rebel
A cake I wont forget
Bought you without regret
Regretting not even my own breath
Everyone's favorite, red velvet

Mesmerized by your taste
Eating you without haste
Scrumptious in every aspect
Why are you so perfect

Every bite I make, happiness overflows
But doubting, "why sadness follows?"
Midway until the very last bite
A love of my life notice you in sight

As she walks towards you
Grabs you and there's nothing I can do
Oh red velvet, you're worth every dime
Everyone's favorite, until next time
looks are blushes, the summer skies burning
across the curves of my cheeks;
something deep down inside stirs.

'I want to get lost in the
mountains', you said, and i
immediately wanted to get lost
in your eyes.

Electricity -
that feeling of sudden power
coupled with the sting of vulnerability
that sets your nerves on edge
the first time he touches you.

(the first time he touched me
i forgot what my hands
even felt before
they met his.
they struggled to let go)

one day our eyes had
enough of waiting, our
hands got greedy for
naked flesh and we longed
for moremoremoremore.

we never admitted it
not to each other, and
especially never to ourselves
but baby, you were my manna
and i, *the one who perhaps
could have.

and to this day i have
not stopped longing
to wake up wrapped
around you, wrapped
in your arms,

Every time she makes a cute joke I say you're killing me.
Every time she looks at me with those deep ocean blue eyes I say you're killing me.
Every time she flips her perfect chocolate brown hair I say you're killing me.
I whisper in her neck when we sleep that she's killing me.
She kills me when she steps out of the shower with not a single imperfection on her body.
She kills me with the way she speaks.
She's killing me everyday and she hasn't a clue.

              I say it because its her love thats killing me.

           I will die for her love. And her love only.
i inch near you
pale skin covered in goosebumps
and i'm shaking

almost 6 cycles of the moon
and you still make my knees quake

who are you?
release your fears

sometimes i feel like a serpent
charming your eyes with my curves
moving so slowly
until i strike

sometimes i'm frightened
like a lost fox cub in the forest
wandering around in agony
searching for my leader

but i'm told
i'm too old
to be relying on childish fantasies
 Oct 2015 Chiibe-The-Rebel
Kindness is never worrisome. It will not bring you down. It will not let people abuse you. Do not listen to the world and their saying that "kindness will get you nowhere", or "you'll be taken granted for because of your kindness"; they don't know the real meaning of kindness. They are just lacking it for themselves, so be kind to them too. Be kind to those whom you wish to get back at. Anger won't solve it or make you the more mature one. Be brave enough to be kind. Be balanced enough to be fine. In your words and actions,

Be kind.
note to self and to everyone out there. knowing that you respond kindly to a person who just really annoys you or what, it gives someone a sense of self-satisfaction of maturity.
 Oct 2015 Chiibe-The-Rebel
I am worth more than my *******
My body is worth more than your ***** desires
If you lust after me then prove your desires through a song, written words or simple communication
Do not send me your less than mediocre ungroomed extremitie in a snap
With the word "*******?" written on it
Take you and your salivating mouth elsewhere
If all you see me for is my *******.
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