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Hold me closer to you,
     Until this throe is over,
          Wipe away this despairing tears,
              And build smile into my face,
          Take away all of this weights I'm lifting,
       And let me rest in your embrace,
   Whisper comfort into my ears,
With the warmth of your breath I feel.

                                You're all that I needed.

                                                    But­­ oh well, I won't expect too much,
                                          I know for a fact that it won't happen,

'Cause I'm just a NOBODY.

                             © Earl Jane
                               ♥ E.J.C.S.
First post
I would write a poem on your skin
long enough to hide your scars
Deep enough to dig up all your loved ones
and long forgotten stars
Yet short as your fathers temper
so you could feel the heat from the aftermath
I would write a poem and hide on your path
Written: June 15. - 2015
it is getting worse and oh so bad
nights get longer and insomnia
she keeps me awake like the cold
biting finger bones and blue lips

the dark circles swallow my eyes
into a back hole greeting my heart
with the music of all forsaken souls

if eyes could bleed I would be dead
look closely 'cause they speak of truth

bones shall remain as I kiss you goodbye
Written: June 17. - 2015
Poetry is for the bruised and scared we spill our guts onto paper and pen our minds explode emotions for us to write in words

Writing is a coping mechanism and even though we might not save ourselves we keep on opening our hearts with words

Never stop giving pieces of yourself to the world nor stop taking pieces to replace the empty spaces with new found words
Written: June 17. - 2015
Cancer, Cancer, Cancer
I know you well,
we go a long way back
you wanted to **** my mum,
starting with her *******,
and then fondling my dad's *****,
wrecking homes wherever you go.
Who's next?

We build rays to keep you out
what are you all about?
You like those children, too, you pervert.
Cysts, cysts, cysts,
he who will be kissed,
will be missed.
Who's next?

People blow on your cigarettes
while you **** the life out of them,
cutting their hair off, sending off moans.
Listen to their groans.
Why do you wanna see their bones?
Who's next?
At night when everything is dim and quiet an anxiety creeps in my skin
I do not know why but I always try to recall her voice when there is
Maybe she will never leave me alone again yet I still try to remember her
We screamed together till my parents bled the words in the color of pure
They could not hear her so they only had me to blame for the explosions
They locked me up at night while she tore me down till the last brick was
Sleeping does not happen at night when she is muted and I am alone
It only happens when I feel protected with the sound of a voice from
Written: June 11. - 2015
My thinking is in bold,
but my words in lower-case.

She dreams in italics,
speaks in CAPITALS.
My heart starts to ache when I see you
the only evidence of your existence is the pictures we kept in frames and hearts
An impact greater than you'll ever know
Because dead people know nothing at all
I want to remember the sound of your voice and beautiful veins
But all I can think of is your silence therefore I speak to my heart and create answers on my own.
Written: June 7. - 2015
Jeg lader vægten af mit hoveds overarbejde holde dig til jorden (bare lidt endnu).
Aldrig før har jeg følt noget så tomt som hullet i mit hjertet.
Aldrig før har jeg været så bange for sten.
Jeg lover dig at den dag mit hovede lader dig svæve elegant til vejrs vil jeg give slip på min frygt men indtil da ved jeg ikke hvad jeg skal gøre.
Du må forstå at jeg ikke forstår hvor du er og jeg vil lede under hver en sten i verden hvis det kan bringe dig tilbage.
Måske jeg skulle starte med den hvor dit navn er indgraveret i.
Der hvor jeg skulle slippe din hånd og give den videre til et håb om liv efter døden.
Men jeg holder stadig fast som anker der sidder fast under sten.
Skrevet: 7. Juni - 2015

I let the weight of my heads overwork hold you to the ground (just for awhile). Never have I felt something as empty as the hole in my heart.
Never have I been so afraid of stone.
I promise you that the day my head will let you soar neatly upwards, I will let go of my fear but until then I do not know what to do.
You must understand that I cannot understand where you are and I will look for you under every stone in the world if that can bring you back.
Maybe I should start with the one that has your name engraved.
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