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we're living in a fallen world
reason can no longer be found
where right took flight
with no strings on that kite
and common sense doesn’t come around

we're living in a fallen world
every man, woman, and child
where the thought of a gun
overrides that of love
as people only think of themselves

we're living in a fallen world
where no two sides can agree
it's i, me, and mine
all of the time
instead of focused on others needs

we're living in a fallen world
where every day is a shift of the blame
it's always someone else
never ourselves
when wrong decisions are so often made

we're living in a fallen world
where evil has a hold of the reigns
pulling on man
in every wrong direction
drinking from the fiery lake

we're living in a fallen world
where opposite draws the map
with its own border lines
right is wrong, wrong is right
with nary an eye being bat

we're living in a fallen world
where it is plain as day and night
except to those
whom along the way choose
what will soon show to be the wrong side
I hired a robot
To write poems for me
Now I'm able to rhyme
In modern technology

Though his imagination
Isn't quite up to par
The relaxation I get
Outweighs it by far

From 0 to 1
To 1 0 1
He likes to write
In binary bytes for fun

As long as the rhymes
Keep flowing from him
He can have all that is mine
From the head of my pen

If all this goes well
We'll just wait and see
But I might even hire
A robot to read poems for me
In the moments that most matter
In the space of tried and true
Like a hunter of pleasure I'm here to gather
In the beauty of you

I have searched beyond the seasons
Rode high on the rhythm of rhyme
Given thoughts to all the reasons
That point to the many signs

As I focus on what's before me
With nothing else this heart can do
I find over time I'm blinded by the light
That is the beauty of you

Being pulled along in the wake
Of the oceans you command
The purest of love will have its say
By any means it can

Imagine here right now forever
Never will this time be through
I do not take light holding with all of my might
All the beauty of you
When people ask what's wrong
I'm just going to tell them it's a long story
Because I really really don't want to tell people the whole story
Because that story
Now comes to an end...
It's over. Exactly what I feared would happen did and I have no way to recover. ****...
Last night was a terrible night for me.

I was told I'm an amazing person
My girlfriend told me that
Or should I say my ex.
Because she told me I'm amazing
As she also told me she has found someone else.

Am I really that amazing
That you've found someone else
Who can fill my place so easily?

Last night was a terrible night.
Today feels like a terrible day.
I'm looking forward to a terrible month

Last night was a terrible night.
I cried myself to sleep
And woke up with tears in my eyes.
This terrible morning isn't getting any better
As the tears continue to flow.
I think tonight will be
Another terrible night
I'll cry myself to sleep
Because otherwise I'll drive myself insane
And then I'll wake up
With tears on my face
And scattered on my pillow
As I reach to pull you close to save me from the nightmare.

Only to realize
That you're not there any more.
I'm so amazing, aren't I?
I wonder if she knows
that now when I smile
that tears cascade down my eyes
because when I am smiling
I begin to remember
all of the memories
of the times when she
pulled me back
from the depths of my own mind
and brought a smile to my face
She was happiness incarnate for me...
My heart
Like any other muscle
Will rebuild itself
So it is stronger
And harder than it was
Before it broke.

I just pray
That my own heart
Does not become so strong
Because if it does
It will be
Like a heart of freezing stone.
 Sep 2016 Ann M Johnson
He hugged me
Tears running down his face
I felt him shudder
For the whole human race

Just who condemned him
Has always been clear
The righteous
The believers
The possessors
Of fear

Yet sympathy
I felt
For the Devil
Because forgiveness
   Runs through my veins...
Traveler Tim

We pay our debt sometimes.
Love is blind
But I am not
And now I
Must watch you
Fall in love
With someone else.
I'm only 18 so call this meaningless
I'll tell you I've been in love on at least four separate occasions
with at least four separate girls.
Say that it wasn't really love then
that I was too young and naive to know
what love truly is.
You have every right to believe that if you want.
But to me, each and every one of those times
It truly was love and honestly still is.
I guess it's that they just don't feel it anymore.
I'll doubtlessly fall in love so many more times over
and cry on so many friends shoulders over having my heart broken
but if this is the path I must take to find a truer love than I have ever experienced before than so be it.

I want a love that burns with a passion and intensity so bright
that most others would be burnt up in its light....

Is this too much to ask?...
I want to make somebody feel special and beautiful and wonderful and like they mean something. Like they're somebody's reason for getting out of bed in the morning. The first thought in my head when I wake up in the morning and the last image in my mind before I fall asleep.

I'm not too complicated. I'm really simple, honestly. Just tell me you love me and be faithful. Let me be there for you and let me show you that through all the difficulties in life that some things are worth going overboard for. I want 2 am car rides to Wendy's for frosties and a midnight bonfire in the country as we watch the stars and try to decide which one most resembled the twinkle in the others eye.
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