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 Jun 2017 Brianna
Zachary William
I remember the way
the alcohol
lubricated our words to each other
and she told me those three
poisonous words:
"I love you"
Except she added
my name to the end
to make sure I knew
how important it was.
"You're the only
person I've said that to,"
She told me that night
as we parted ways

The next day she told
me that it didn't count
and that she was being
and I remained in place
amongst those
who function better
as shadows,
withering under her
hoping to hear the
meaningless words
 Jun 2017 Brianna
All of the men I've met
Have wanted to know me
From the bottom up
They start at the toes
Treading lightly
Tipping towards in a dance
That is beginning to feel like ritual
After they pass the achiles
The speed increases
Only swiftly caressing
My cut out calves
It seems they think I might slice them
Then there are the thighs
Here they rest and gain reassurance
They burrow as if they will stay for winter
They start to cautiously creep towards
The cozy meeting place
And then they ******
Suddenly I am full
A capacity I have been yearning
A community event  I am hosting
The buzzing around, the coming
The, I'm coming
Then, the going.
All of the men I've met
Have only ever met me half way
They never nustle into my stomach
Or hustle and then halt inside my heart
They do not begin to beckon
All that is living in my brain
(Meaning all of me that is living)
They do not synchronize with my breathing
They do not braid their hair into mine
They leave me slick
They slide away in efforts i can't match
My muscles strain
They climb and reach a shallow peak
And then refrain
All of the men I've met
Well, they've left me feeling plain.
For the best time to learn how to swim is when you are drowning,
The right moment to live is when you feel you’re dying,
Be not afraid of the unfamiliar, of uncertainties,
That are disguised in forms of hundreds of questions and opportunities.

The life we live is a series of narratives,
Of wins, of losses, of growing seeds and falling leaves.
Be prepared for plot twists and guest characters,
As your role will change from each time and thereafter.

You will feel happiness and other emotions from time-to-time,
Things that will puzzle you and leave you wondering where’s the rhyme,
All I can say is take comfort in fleeting times you’re feeling lost,
For it only means you know where you want to go -- a destination you’re about to cross.

The uncharted waters might feel unsafe, risky, and sketchy,
Tread them carefully as on the other side are liberties.
Anxious? Stressed? Or perhaps startled and confused?
These are feelings signalling evolution that are being put to use.

Be excited to the places you will go and people you will meet.
Give everything, a wave, a smile, a meaningful greet!
You are destined to meet the You’s who are just about to be,
Greatness and possibilities are just some of what you are to see.

Regrets will be in place as they will always be part of this epic,
The ones which will hurt the least on your deathbed must be the ones picked.
Remember that a day in your life when you will ask yourself questions will come,
I wish that you’d be able to answer and forgive yourself for everything you didn’t become.
You wrote a poem in class
about a heart you don't have,
necromancy hidden in romance, remnants
of a younger, braver self nestled in
riddled sweet nothings.

It shouldn't have burned to read it.
 Jun 2017 Brianna
James M Vines
The most precious things are not always kept in vaults or in fortresses of princes or kings. Some of the greatest treasures can not be measured or given a value. The first kiss of true love or the first laugh of a new born child. These are things that no treasure can buy. A true friendship that has want of nothing but to just be, a life long love that can withstand the eternity. No gem stone or money can buy the value of these things. They are intangible treasures that are beyond the wealth of the richest man or the wisdom of the mightiest king.
 Jun 2017 Brianna
There is this split moment
When you realize
Something that
Everyone else has known
For the first time

A crack in reality
White noise in the dark truth

Its like your eyes are suddenly opened
And the lights are stinging bright
Everything you thought was true

You hear the walls all come crumbling down

Am I losing you?
Did I ever have you in the first place?
When it comes to you, L, why am I always the one reaching out? Why do you never tell me anything?
You said you wanted me the way I am.
 Jun 2017 Brianna
 Jun 2017 Brianna
"I love you,"

I said.

He replied,

"Good night."

That night

I knew

what love was for me

was a dream to him
 Jun 2017 Brianna
Emma Faith
dance with the constellations until your hands are covered in dust
feel the warmth of broken planets and the coldness of the earths crust
be strong like atlas and hold up the sky's weight
drink up the milky way and spin around andromeda's plate
ride the comets across the sky and around the sun
rest your tired head on the crescent moon
and while you drift off, sing a lullaby to the universe as you become one
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