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 Sep 2017 Brianna
Samantha Marie
"Do you miss me" he asked

"Define miss" . . . yes

"I miss you" he repeated

"You don't miss me your just bored" . . . I miss you too

"I'm serious I miss you, there's something about you I like"

"You want me to say I miss you and then what" . . . You know its hard for me to forget you

"Then we unmiss each other by you coming over"

. . .  you haven"t changed
Stop tormenting me
 Sep 2017 Brianna
 Sep 2017 Brianna
You're a dream
That crawled into my bed
And never came true

You're a laugh
          About to burst into tears

What you are
          Is vague
                And beautiful
 Sep 2017 Brianna
Zachary William
last night
I dreamt
that I got into
a fistfight
with Copernicus
he wouldn't agree
with me that
the universe seems
to revolve around
your smile
 Sep 2017 Brianna
I wanna have lunch with Poe,
at Burger King,

because I'm sure he would appreciate how ghoulish that King in their commercial is

I don't want him to recite verse
while we fill our medium cups with corn syrup nectar--a giant leap
down from laudanum

I do want to ask about the Cask of Amontillado and being walled in slowly, for eternity

for to me that is creepier than all the crimson cream in the Masque of the Red Death

I want to know if he likes the fries--will he dare to dip them in scarlet paste we call catsup

mostly I want to know if he remembers the alley where he was found,

not yet a legend, consumed by consumption and delirium in equal measure

and if there were rodents privileged to hear his last whispered words--or even a gasp

I am buying, Ed, so grab that Whopper with both bony paws and tell me terrible tales, evermore
 Sep 2017 Brianna
Hanna Jordan
Your love is like a drug,
except I crave you so much more.
When your lips touch mine it makes me
feel like I'm floating on cloud nine,
unable to come down from
the sensational high.
When your laughter floods my ears, I can't get enough. I truly want more.
When I feel your fingertips softly graze my skin and your sweet scent dances
through my nose,
I'm suddenly wide awake craving you more than any other drug
on this planet.
It's amazing really, this thing you call love. It's more addicting than anything.
Maybe, that's why we can't help but turn to alcohol and drugs when we're heartbroken.
 Aug 2017 Brianna
My eyes saw
How everybody
Talk about your flaws

Of how uncontrollably you fall
Beyond face, background, beyond it all

Of how open you truly are
And how others don't get you from afar

Of how hearts take you for granted
Yet act like you're all they've ever wanted

Of how you silently shutdown
And drown yourself with frown

I've Seen your battles
Within yourself and other troubles

Felt your struggle
Reason why I always try to be able

Thought you should know
That above it all,

Still have no answer
On why I should not fall.
I , your admirer from afar
 Aug 2017 Brianna
Vale Luna
Do you ever write something
So good
That you feel like you've peaked
As a writer?
And everything from then on
Is a question in your head?

Maybe you should never
Pick up a pencil again
Because your writing career
Has already been wrapped up
Tightly with a bow

Maybe you planned to be a poet
Get a proper creative writing degree
And forever make a living
Off the rhythm of words
But every idea now
Seems like a steaming pile of ****
Compared to your last masterpiece
So it just sits
Rotting in your brain
Until you stink
With a lack of genuine creativity

Maybe you've written so much
That your rhymes
Begin to sound tired
And overused
But if you don't rhyme
It sounds as if you've gotten lazy
So no matter what you put down
The effort doesn't show

Maybe writing about the ordinary
Seems boring
But writing the extraordinary
Has already been done
And every option in between
Seems like a cheap plagiarism

Maybe your standards got too high
And people expect more from you
So every ounce of energy you have
Is wasted on doubting yourself
Until you're too exhausted
To write at all

Maybe you dreamt too big

Maybe quitting while you're ahead
Sounds better than actually trying

Maybe the emptiness you feel
When you don't write
Is worth not risking failure

Maybe saying goodbye
To your dreams now
Will be easier
Than a downward spiral
From the inability
To write something better than before

Or maybe
You're just overthinking it.
Wow, the feedback I'm getting from this poem is amazing. Tbh, THIS was one of the poems I had written that I doubted and almost didn't publish cuz I thought it wasn't good enough.

Moral of the story. Keep writing no matter what. Some things will suprise you.
 Aug 2017 Brianna
 Aug 2017 Brianna
the gold trapped in my dark eyes
could make flowers grow
but the rain and crystal water in yours
could make them flourish

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