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 Oct 2018 Braedon
Anna Bell
 Oct 2018 Braedon
Anna Bell
“i love you”
those words
                                      from his lips
i believed his deceitful manner
his charisma, it was alluring
I think most people take this as an s.o. but it could be anyone who stopped loving you a friend, a parent to just deceive you to get what they want from you. I also thought of the devil as I wrote this, he deceives you and feeds you with lies to follow him.
I am your necessity and unruly desire.
You know I am your Lungs worst enemy.
Still, you won't leave me.
Thanks for that.
One day I 'll be the reason for your one of the diseases.
And you are ok with it.
Campaigns being raised to stop me, but thanks
You ignore them.
I am disturbing the environment and you are the one helping me.
At last, I wish everyone can think like you and destroy the civilization entirely.
With love,
Your Cigarette.
 Oct 2018 Braedon
the words spilled from her mouth

here i sit,
as my best friend,
tells me
you have another.

i shouldn’t care.
but i do.

no matter how hard i try,
the poetry for you in which i write,
never ceases.
it just keeps pouring out of my soul.
it sometimes seems as if,
the poetry i write for you is what keeps my heart beating.
what keeps me breathing.

but now, what am i supposed to do?
do you think she will love you?
do you really think she will love you?
please tell me.

it’s hard to think of you with another
because we used to be so in love with each other.

it’s been a long time since we last spoke,
but it feels as if all the memories of us i have were just made yesterday.

you have another.
who will never,
love you in the way i could.

but my question for you is,
will you love her in the way you could towards me?
 Oct 2018 Braedon
"Grow up"
 Oct 2018 Braedon
She becomes woman
When she puts her foot down
After only using them for

She is woman when she
Doesn't question herself
Or her feelings and isn't scared
To talk back for once.

She is grown when she can
Still giggle and be playful and dance and have wonder
And still put you in your place
 Oct 2018 Braedon
i didnt fall in love with this boy,
not this one
                     who tore me to pieces,

and i feel like an angel ,
suffocated in white, my wings were clipped
on the first day you
                                  wanted to kiss me,

and it feels violent,
my halo wasn’t built just to break —

and i did not forgive you,
i never will .

because you were never meant to go to heaven.
It’s so funny I’m not even religious, I just love religion. Ever since I was a child I’ve used it to cope. The title is lyrics from a really dumb song.
 Oct 2018 Braedon
i’m afraid
you’ll find me
for loving you
too hard
too fast
too much
i want you
to know
all my thoughts
but i’m scared
you’ll run
I love broken poetry like this
 Oct 2018 Braedon
Angie Christine
my security blanket
is the thought
of your kiss
on my forehead
and your breath
on my cheeks
17 October 2018
 Oct 2018 Braedon
Ashly Kocher
Can you hear me?
I’m down here...
6 feet under...
Not where I’m suppose to be
You come and visit me
I hear you constantly pray
To talk to me again
Hold my hand
Hug me tight
Well I’m right here
I hear everything you say
I cry with you
I laugh with you
I pray with you
I am always with you
Even from 6 feet under
I pray myself
To heal your pain
Dry your eyes
Help you move on
Don’t forget me
You know where I am
Always in your heart
Forever your friend
I will continue to grow old with you
Until we meet again
When we walk together in the sky
Holding each others hands
For now I stay
6 feet underground
Loving you
Praying with you
Hearing your voice
As I lay in silence
6 feet underground...
Wrote this from the perspective of a person who has passed away and what they see and feel everyday....
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