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 Apr 2015 Blue Angel
Dr Strange

There are no more jokes to life.
WE are FALLING as a RACE and we should be ASHAMED in ourselves
Violence is erupting in our streets
Innocent people are dying
Yet instead of mourning over the lost we are being ignorant
The foolishness needs to stop!
Proving that we cannot be civilized, that we belong in shackles being whooped in cotton fields
Our ancestors would not be proud if they saw what we are doing today
In fact they would turn their heads and bow them in disgust
Thinking to themselves all that hard work for nothing
Is that really  what we want...history to repeat itself all over again
For us the black race to be treated like animals
To be treated as if we are inferior to dirt the other races step on
If that is what you really seek then continue
But if not...
Stop the meaningless violence
Public announcement idea borrowed from Frank Ruland. Ladies and Gentleman don't forget to read his work.
 Apr 2015 Blue Angel
Cat Fiske
It didn't start with blades,
It started with panicked hands of third grade,
going into my mouth,
To rip my teeth out,
a mute daughter,
not even wanting her compassionate and loving father,
Just waiting for the day,
To take her pain away,
And see he would be the one to find her body,
at the bottom of the deck she leaped to the ground from,
but she saw and heard his tears,
watched him carry her up the hill,
watched her daddy take her to the hospital,
to be relived to see she had a broken leg,
and to think it was an accident,
and she fell,
the daughter felt well,
but she still had a problem she couldn't fix,
and that was living,
and her mother,
who yelled and yelled,
that was the winter the girl stopped eating,
that was when the hospital became a second home,
the better parent of the divorce,
she got out of school,
for being a wrack,
looked so sick like she was a corps,
she was though,
he mother still hated her,
her daddy still prayed for her,
all because the school let everyone pick on her,
the students,
the teachers,
no one gave her any relief,
and neither parent could seem to get,
that there daughter was getting beat,
but her mother thought the way to deal with things,
was to hit,
and the girl learned that's what happens,
when your bad,
to the people you love,
and all she saw was how she hurt her daddy,
but she thought her mom deserved to get hit too,
because she didn't do anything but argue,
years later the girl got older,
got over these things,
thought things would be better,
she was still hurting herself in so many ways,
she met a boy,
who treated her with nothing but love,
he took her for a walk down her past,
made her want to love him,
like she never could love her parents,
she let him do what ever he said,
he hit her,
sometimes she would hit back,
like she always wanted to do,
but she learned quickly,
it would only make things worse,
to her this was normal,
at home,
with him,
nothing was wrong,
til the day he forced her to be naked,
tricked her,
with his little charm,
made himself seem like he cared,
said things no one ever had,
and then ****** her,
with no care,
no matter how much she cried,
no matter how much she was already crying,
he didn't care,
but she though he did,
she though this is what happens,
and let it,
with out speaking,
like old times,
she eventually left him,
over a fight he had with her in front of her friends,
she didn't figure out what he did was wrong,
what her parents were doing was wrong,
how this all made her personality disorder worse,
how what the school had done was enough,
and this put me over the top,
I broke down,
threw things,
I have never thrown things,
and this person sat there watching me,
freak out,
and I cried,
and cried,
ripping my hair out,
bitting off my whole nails,
and it wasn't Until I grabbed a pen from her desk,
that when she got up,
to call me an ambulance,
and I drew on my arm,
every ones name,
of people who had been doing these things to me,
and I filled both arms,
I took the pen,
and I sliced strait down once on each side,
laid down,
and cried,
til they too me away,
and then when they came to see me in the ER,
I couldn't remember what I had done,
And she showed me,
A security copy of my panic attack,
and I cried,
because that wasn't the me I knew,
and she pronounced,
I was suffering from so very extreme,
Post Traumatic Stress,
and I looked at her funny,
because I had never been in war
and she giggled,
almost ****** herself laughing,
and said,
soldiers aren't the only one who get it,
and we can talk more another time,
how i found out about my PTSD and everything that led up to it the caused it,
 Apr 2015 Blue Angel
Sarah Gammon
I keep trying to run,
but there is nowhere to hide
from all of my problems
that I keep inside.
Honestly, I think
we're all just waiting to die.
We try to seize the moment,
but then its "good bye",
and forced to face reality,
you see an ugly side.
There is no one that knows me,
that can say I hadn't tried;
everyone's watched me grow,
and seen me as I died.
There's still nothing I want to say
after all the tears I've cried,
my words received no water
and to the world they simply dried.
With no direction,
I only stumble with no guide,
a wimpering soul,
just trying to get by.
My mind my biggest bully,
a truth I should confide...
as it rips on me each day,
I wish to run and hide.
I can't stand to seize the moment;
I must go out with the tide
even though I ran away
they can't say I hadn't tried.
Copyright Sarah Gammon 2015
 Apr 2015 Blue Angel
friends to acquaintances
together to alone
comforting streams to open oceans
warm flesh to rotting bone
from bed to soil
from earth to unknown
what will you say
when i lay in a place no longer called my home
but a graveyard
of silence and of stone

a stranger in a holiday card
voicemails become mementos
my laugh an ancient folk song
and the poems will attest to those
for the words shall live on
through dusk onto dawn
they will merely curve to your interpretation now
the neck of a swan
remember last year and how ****** up everything was
well the mess we made back than didn't clean up itself

please step on my heart, break every single piece appart
burn the ashes of my soul till nothing is left

brainwash me and make me yours
use me like a doll, I will play along
treat me like Im not worth seeing the birds in the sky
and still I will be the person who is there for you at 3 am

everybody knew that we had to much fun
spending all my time with you talking about things I'd rather forget
things that didn't even matter when she was around him

the stars turning into different constellations tonight
and we both knew from that moment we kissed again
nothing could be the same anymore

maybe the world was in love with the idea of us being in love
and maybe at one point in my life I was in love with that too

I dont know what I want

the stars were out and I was crying
the universe was dark and everything around us was dying

I always told you I loved your blue eyes
but maybe I was lying.
poor miserable heart we are in this together, again.
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