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I just want to get drunk with you in the middle of the night
And stare at the none-ending universe
And wonder how we are just a small molecule
if we compare ourselves to the whole galaxy
and all the places we didn't discover yet
the whole wide world is just at our feet

I just want to have those late night calls with you
Where we tell our stories once again
And I'll listen to your voice
till we both fall asleep

I just want to laugh and cry with you
Laugh about those stupid metaphorical love poems
But i'm such a hypocrite because i'm writing that **** now
I used to joke about those corny cliche lines every poets uses
to describe their lovers, like their ocean blue eyes or
their cherry red lips and how they're so madly in love
So joke if you must
But i'm liking those poems nowadays
Because every poem is starting to remind me of you

I just want to cry with you
crying about those songs which we don't even know the lyrics to
but just because the song is so beautiful
the beauty of the melody and how the words fit so nicely along with it
I dig that ****

I just want to have endless conversations with you
About the questions only god knows the answer to
And always argue about our disagreements
And **** boy, you are so stubborn
But you probably think the same about me

I just want to explore your mind
Read every page of your book
And every little thing no one else sees
Your mind is like a labyrinth
It's just so confusing and ****** up like mine
But i'll find my way
And the more i learn about you
the more i'm starting to fall in love

I just want to describe the wonderful person that you are
and to analyse every little thing you do
And notice your beautiful features
but when i look at your face
it feels like my mind just stops thinking
like writing songs without chords
lost words and unfinished sentences
And when i look in your eyes
I see a galaxy with countless stars and i just get lost
And the only thing i could possibly write down is that
Boy you're so **** amazing
And I think I love you
There, I said it. I feel so relieved now
Cause i always hated to admit that

I just want to wake up next to you
Each and every day
And to start a new day and a new life with you
And i know there are so many places we didn't discover yet
And so many long roads to wander on
And if a car ever crashes into us
I wouldn't mind dying that night
cause to me it seems like such a heavenly way to die
Just right there, in your arms
Feeling nothing but peace

And even if we were going straight to hell
I wouldn't ever be scared, I wouldn't even doubt it
Cause when i'm with you

Everything is fine.
I haven't written for a while so it feels good to be back. Even though this is not some great masterpiece, but just my thoughts lately.  

Winter 24.4.2015
 Apr 2015 Blue Angel
Your eyes they seem distant.
They fill me with great curiosity.
When I called your name,
you looked at me and smiled.

I remember the warmth of it.
It was the hope for a disaster.
Like a torch in a dark cave,
I'll find my way home to you.

Your eyes they paint the art in me.
It was a masterpiece.
Like a paintbrush surfing through the
waves of purity.

I burn in every gaze.
Like a phoenix dying, revived only by your love.

That warmth of your smile,
I imagine myself melting.
Staring at your homeless smile.

I long for you.
My favorite eyes and lips.
maybe one day you'll remember my name
you can scream it out of your broken window
but those memories we made won't fade away

the scars on your wrists and arms
will tell your kids the story of when you were young
how you felt back than and how ****** up the world was

this boy needed an escape
something so he could let go of his emotions
so he choose the way of blood and pain

and it worked, it was his way of surviving
and for me he still was the same beautiful boy

the lines on his arms formed a pattern of loneliness
the stripes on his wrists told me a story of darkness

everytime I close my eyes, I wish I could save him
his soul was haunting me and I couldn't be his hero

this time it will be me screaming your name
maybe the he is me and the me is you.
How I glance out the window to see the
monolithic clouds, taking to the sky as if it
was the interstate that led to
the great American dream.

The dream that was revealed by Fitzgerald
and died of starvation from Steinbeck.
The dream that begged for reconciliation but got nothing.
The dream that was nothing.

Nothing but the plastic glow of ****-jobs along
with the lights that illuminated the local Walmart.

Nothing more than the glimmer of hope
shot down by the square conformity that is now.

The now that forgot humanity at the hazy bus stop,
leaving them to return home and ****** the intellect.

In head melting Sundays where I sit staring at electricity
that kills time slowly like a premeditated ******.
 Apr 2015 Blue Angel
Black Roses
I Know You're Not Proud, Is It Because I Did More Then You Allowed?
Why Do You Disapprove? Can't You See I Can Improve?
Why Are You Keen On Removing My Chapter?
What About The Memories We Could Capture?
To Everyone i let down.
although i tried to make it right again, they didn't give me a second chance.
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