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Beatrice Knox Mar 2019
Day after month after 1 year
All the same
Walking on egg shells
Waterfalls forming on my face
Never coming home
I have everything
But feel nothing
Breath quickens its step
Every step I take when going home
Afraid of making mistakes
Afraid of showing who I am
Afraid of my identities real emotions
Bad thoughts coming back
The knife coming back
My body in danger
Need to hide
Need someone
Need to feel again
Beatrice Knox Mar 2019
What is your deal?
Controlling everything you touch in your path
Controlling my decisions
Everyone's decisions
Changing courses
Not letting the perfect plan come to task
You take my time by going too fast
You make me feel down when you go too slow
Can't you stay at one speed?
Can't you let me go out and climb a mountain?
Can't you let me do my homework for 36 hours?
Can't I sleep?
Can't I see my friends?
Can't you just let me control my own destiny
Coordinate with me here
I can't be truly happy if you can't compromise with me
Beatrice Knox Mar 2019
Hey! Ahole
Don’t you ever get in my face again
You’re just scared of me
You don’t understand
You don’t believe in what I believe in
That’s ok
But don’t push me down
Don’t choke who I am
Don’t punch my soul
Don’t called me a Holocaust attention *****
Ignorant A
You don’t get the world
You’re moving backwards while I will move a million leagues ahead of you
Beatrice Knox Mar 2019
Why am I like this?
Why was I born like this?
Late for understanding
Late for being human
Life keeping me back
While others move forward
My mind tries to think
My mind tries to learn
My mind is different
My mind was cursed
My mind will never run fast enough
My mind will always be the slowest
People say, "You're amazing"
"You're unique"
You're special
But are you though?
If I am, why am I slow?
Why does my brain trip, fall, and watch the others keep going?
Why was I born like this?
Beatrice Knox Mar 2019
They all say
Actions have consequences
They keep talking
Telling me
Look what I’ve done
They yell
Shake me
Hit my brain
Try to wake me up
I’m awake
But I want to sleep
I hate standing in this moment
I want to walk to the past
To heal the mistake
So I can keep the one thing
That keeps me at peace
Beatrice Knox Mar 2019
Stronger, sharper
That’s what I’ve become
Stronger, faster
That’s what Cappy’s become
Stronger, stronger
Faster, sharper
That’s what we’ve become
Dynamic Duo
Well Oiled Machine
On ground level we fight
But together we work in mid flight
Jumps getting higher
Muscles getting bigger
Minds combining into one thought
Loyalty becoming our strength
Each lesson challenges us
Each lesson we triumph
Always room to become better
Always striving for perfection
No such thing as perfection
We’re never perfect
But we’re always on fire
Beatrice Knox Mar 2019
Blinds separate from each other
Light sneaks in
Touching the walls of my room
Touching my closed eyes
I open
Ruby red in my face
Brush it away to get a clear view
Of the eggshell ceiling I see everyday
I sit up
Stretch my sleeping bones
Telling them it’s time to work
Put on my blue headphones
That correspond with my ruby red hair
I let Imagine Dragons
Set it Off
Panic! At the Disco
Fall Out Boy
Play through my ears
My own personal concert
In my head
Where anything is possible
Door let’s the hall make a tiny entrance
Below is a beautiful creature who wants to snuggle
She jumps on my bed
Puts her paw on my hand
And licks my arm
Fur is black as night
Paws are white as snow
Eyes can’t beat the green of grass but try
Nice morning it is
Helps keep the bad demons away
From entering my peaceful space
Morning sick calm cat
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