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 Dec 2015 Ayeshah
You poke and ****
Until you draw blood
& how much I'd bleed for you
I fear that you love

I wake up each morning
With more scars than the last
& with every new touch
I pray I bleed fast
"...We've got blood and honey
Getting high and getting some,
It's the only pain you know..."
 Dec 2015 Ayeshah
Jacob Cuadro
I don’t drink but you intoxicate me and make me feel numb
I don’t smoke but you make me feel so high
Was so lost but you were calling my name and still till this day don’t know where you came from
Somehow it seems like you just drop from the sky.

Your love is too much too fast to catch up with your pace
The gleam in your eyes hypnotize me that just makes my heart beat race
Is this a dream or am I not thinking straight?
For a woman to find me and love me for who I am and seems like she open heaven’s gate.

You make it look like its magic
That you created a thousand butterflies in my stomach
She finally here and I found my true love
But somehow I woke up from this dream
Wish that I haven’t.

**By Jacob Cuadro
 Dec 2015 Ayeshah



as if a faucets dripping,

drip drop drip drop,

sing song sing,

bleeding limbs,


cut wrists.

Tequila & pills

easing me

into a sedation

of sweet oblivion.

limbs, wrists, tears


blending together

meshing in & out,

insistingly extracting,

melting round & round.

pins drop soundlessly

on the carpet.

Blue & red

lights flash

brightly out the window,

I can't hear,

I can't feel,

I'm fading....

colors blend,

faces fade,

shadows dim.

I see nothing,

blurred shapes

like the kaleidoscope,


starlight's shimmering


before my eyes

I see nothing...



Suicide Isn't the answer, yet it feels like there's no other choice.

Call for help, talk to someone.

Open up and realize there is so much more to live for!
They said,  "you're not a poet"
"You don't write about love"
"About beauty and harmony"
"You should write with a quality of light"

I replied, "what about the pain"
"The torment within the soul"
"The expression to feel rejected"
"For l see light through darkness"

They said, "You have no meter"
"Your words lack any rhyme"
"You should write with rhythm"
"That is what poetry is about"

I replied, "I am a reflection"
"I can not be anything else"
"My words come from my mind"
"For my poetry is"
Copyright © Chris Smith 2015
 Dec 2015 Ayeshah
The Dedpoet
In my youth I remember my face.
As I have lived and breathed
        And died inside many times
And live again in this lifetime;
     I see faces in a mist,
The man in the mirror
          Has no face.
 Dec 2015 Ayeshah
My hopes flew quickly to bright flowers
strong and sweet
they gazed for hours
But now that strength has waned

My joy in flurried work
though first relieved in stress less space
soon borderlined on Shirk

This depressed state
is common now
when we mix our ink with paper
we sit in pools of swirling grey
and lose our whirlwind shaper

our hearts have fallen
through the rainbow air
and droop on dreary sills
our eyes are sick and only stare
at mirrors showing ills

Our psyches oh so wonderful
do quite forget their power
and don't remember
the angeled bower
on which they did alight

When winged insects
leave the sky
when butterflies do land
they do not ask their maker why
but trust this rest upon his hand

They eat and drink
they sleep and wait
They wait for Gentle eye to wink
And when they fly
don't wonder why
or call their leave too late
I hate having depression. It's so weird. I only have it for short moments in a day or two a week. And other times my mind attacks me. But I know I will be alright.
2 Timothy 1:07
"But God has not given us a Spirit of fear. But he has given unto us a Spirit of Power, of Love, and a Sound Mind"
 Dec 2015 Ayeshah
 Dec 2015 Ayeshah
ever since you, I haven't been okay
the way you used to whisper in my ear
the way you used to tell me you loved me
the way you smiled at me
the way you drank your coffee
the way you walked away
the way you told me "I just don't feel the same"
ever since you, I haven't been okay.
 Dec 2015 Ayeshah
 Dec 2015 Ayeshah
I can't remember your voice, and it hurt me so bad because it's the one thing I couldn't go without each day. I can't remember the way you kissed me and told me It was gonna be alright.
I can't remember your touch and it's something I craved so much, I can't remember the way you told me you loved me and how your face would light when I told you I loved you back. No I don't remember anything but the pain I felt after I told you I was sorry.
And it hurts so much..
That I don't believe in love anymore.
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