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I saw you
after a long while and
just like before, my heart skipped;
all the noise became a murmur,
I ate my words, gobbled up my phrases,
and I can't finish anythi
In your absence,
I have turned
sadness into longing,
longing into solitude,
and solitude into Art.
With this, I have known
what I am
missing. You.
Until we meet again, dear old friend.
And around her the world spins;
just her, my et cetera, ever since.
Inspired by e.e. cummings's My Sweet Old Etcetera
I've been looking, for you
are about to leave soon.
Time flies so fast and it seems
yesterday we were just as happy.
Our chests throb faster
when we are next to each other.

I was looking at you
for the last time. Before you leave,
please look at me, too.
My eyes yearn for your secret
glances and knowing smiles.
I'll remember you that way.

I am looking when you
looked at me, too.
The world shifted and
crumbled. Deep inside me
angels sang songs we only knew.
And then you looked away.

You never looked at me again
but I promise I'll always look for you.
I am thinking of you.
Are you thinking too?
Every night before going to sleep.
I am dreaming you all time.
I am feeling you every part of my body.
I am finding you in the crowd,
My eyes want to see you
I can not prevent to do.
You are a passion for me,
But never ends in the end.
Knowing the impossibility
I am continuing to love you.
Even if I can't get to you.
And the way I am.
My life just consisted of you.
I love you so much,
I can not resist to do it.
Please don't fly away
Because I might as well die
Trying to catch you.
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