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One day they're going to forget about you.
They're going to move on.
One day they're going to disappear.
They're going to be long gone.

One day they're going to be with someone else.
They're going to start a family.
One day they're going to have everything.
They're going to be happy.

One day they're going to sit and think.
They're going to be listening to music in their car.
One day they're going to hear your favorite song.
They're going to wonder where you are.

One day they're going to see that the lyrics finally make sense.
They're going to think they should have noticed before.
One day they're going to see the connection.
They're going to realize you're the one they're meant for.

One day they're going to have sadness growing in their hearts.
They're going to try and blame fate.
One day they're going to feel the pain.
They're going to be already far too late.
Please remember, dear.
Please continue to love you.
Please spare the heartache.
From Bangkok with love~
I am the asymptote.
You are the curve.
This is the closest, and
farthest I'll ever be. With you
my life has been more than a system
of following rules and norms.
No matter how close or far we become,
you'll be charted in my mind forever --
Pictures, messages, letters, drawings, gifts, glances, smiles, laughter, and
memories. I'll always cherish
this part of my life, and
I'll never forget you, and
this imaginary  us.

I am the asymptote; you are the curve.
One day, maybe,
we'll bend the rules, and
defy gravity.
Come with me, and
let's head towards infinity
Why spend Valentine's Day
with bitterness? In your heart
there is a yearning. For love
grows deeper when suppressed. In your mind
being rational makes you sane
but afraid. For love
lingers if left unnoticed.
Spend today with laughter.
Spend today with glee.
Don't suppress that feeling.
Don't suppress that love.
Even if just for today,
give in. Fall completely.
Remind yourself. You are loved
even if just for today.
Happy Valentine's Day! ❤
  Feb 2016 Aron L Garchitorena
His lips taste like sorrow.
Bitter. Sweet. And everything in between.

He won’t tell of the hell he’s been through
But you can taste it when he kisses you.

He’ll smile.
He’ll pretend he’s fine.
He’ll tell you it’s nothing.
But you know he’s lying.

You know he’s lying right through his teeth.
But you taste the truth when he kisses you.

You taste the sorrow.
You taste the pain.
You taste the war within him.

You wonder if he knows that you understand.
Love.** Love conquers all.
Age. Time. Class. Geography.
Perhaps, *not for me.
Or maybe, I'm just afraid to fall in too deep.
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