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 Jun 2014 Aditi
i am drowning,
gasping for air,
but nobody saw me go under.

i am dangling off a cliff,
clinging onto the edge,
but nobody saw me fall.

i am bleeding out,
trying to stop the flow,
but nobody saw the cut.

i can't save myself,
and there's nobody to save me.

i am being drained;
i am a wilting flower,
i am slowly dying.

How could I be so naïve
As to fail to realise
It's you I love
It always has been.

But could my best friend
Ever become my boy friend?
Somehow i think not
It's highly unlikely.

If I told you
That I loved you
Could you ever love me back
Or would our friendship go off track?
 Jun 2014 Aditi
Sam Kirk
When I think about our future,
I think about lounging on the couch, Sunday afternoon,
watching our favorite t.v. show and eating pizza hut in our underwear; because we were too lazy to cook dinner and we like being comfy.
I think about playing hide-n-seek, tag, and many other childish games because deep down we'll never truly grow up.
I think about having our own privacy,
exploring each others bodies like they're undiscovered art at the bottom of the ocean.
I think about having to wake up early for work,
how we'd kiss goodbye and say "I love you."
(we'd always say "I love you." too much)
I think about how I'd always call during lunch breaks,
and if you happened to not answer I'd leave a voicemail just so you could hear my voice and know I was thinking of you.
I think about getting home late, running through the front door and yelling "Honey, I'm home!" at the top of my lungs; being showered in kisses and being carried to bed.
I think about how I'd make up silly rules like "No clothes allowed!"
how you'd just laugh at me for being such a dork,
but you'd still follow the rule.
You'd strip down to nothing then pick me up and carry me to our bedroom and take my clothes off of me,
laughing when you fumbled with my bra strap and me laughing along as I helped you.
I think about how after making love we'd just lay there together and sleep.
Two messes all tangled up in bed sheets.
I think about how some nights we'll keep each other up late at night,
talking for hours about anything and everything.
I think about how we'll treat each other like we're a king and a queen living in a castle for all eternity.
I think about how we'll fight- not a lot, but believe me we will.
Though of course, with a fight, will always come a make-up.
And boy, will we make-up.
We'll cry and hold each other no matter how tough life gets.
We're invincible, me and you.
 Jun 2014 Aditi
Sally A Bayan
(For a sweet girl named Mc Writes)

Who would have imagined?

It seemed only yesterday
when I chanced upon
this sweet lovely girl
have known her
ever since,
her in

she was then in her
former  profile  photo
her head, almost always
bowed, as  if  in mourning
laden with so  much  weight,
heavy with pain,  and  sadness.

How I wished I could carry some
for her... to lessen the load,
but...I didn't know how.

Yet, time could
never be stopped.

So occupied she became
busy as the young are
her mind geared
to make her
a fine
writer is
what she
aims to be.

I picture her now, in my mind

Who would have imagined

A young girl like
her, would be
the one to
pull me

u p --

i was
in my

For, it was the
other way around,
when last year
we first met.

Who would have imagined?


Copyright 2014
Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
Mc Writes, I pray you like and enjoy this simple worded truth.
We have yet to meet, and yet, I feel I have known you for a long time
now, iha.
 Jun 2014 Aditi
Melissa Eleanore
The sweet taste we locked between our lips...has faded...
That does not mean our time was purely wasted.
Not one ounce of our time spent.
I promised you forever.
That promise will be kept.
The memoirs will always be treasured in the depths of my pulsating heart.
For love is not always a forever thing
but forever it will be circulating.
It is an energy that will live to sustain life amongst us all.
Each time we taste again,
a part of us will always carry the same lore of love, throughout our ephemeral orbit until the end.
When you learn to see the light,
after these lonely wounding nights.  
Just know mi amour... there was never anything to fight.
Currently going through a breakup, but it is not as hard as it seems to come by it when you know how to value treasured times and know how to take that experience and accept it as a whole. Love is such a confusing thing, but our lives are too short to only love once. Which is why somehow love works through the creases of hard times. But it will always be there. Waiting when you're ready.

☓IG: Asteriart
 Jun 2014 Aditi
J Ray
My ears hear all the words that you sing                               c.6.21.14
And it sounds like the whisper of spring
Your smile captures my fainting heart
Although we seem to be worlds apart
Your lips say the words I want to hear
Your fingers hold my heart so sincere
I'm caught in your spell so mesmerized
And your eyes they got me hypnotized
So stay with me and leave your scent
For me to remember the time we spent
You build me up and tear me down
You can do it all without a sound
My moves are measured by your grace
My love is measured by your embrace
Upon my heart you have written your name
The one I love, I.. will never be the same
So feel my skin, and touch my soul
My heart is yours to have and to hold
And if it should break into tiny pieces
In the shards of my heart our love releases
As always, comments and critique are appreciated! Thanks for taking time to read my attempts.
 Jun 2014 Aditi
ajit peter
dear dad
 Jun 2014 Aditi
ajit peter
Your shirts fits me
your pants short for me
yet never could fill for thee
thy shoes you left to me
 Jun 2014 Aditi
Sean G
 Jun 2014 Aditi
Sean G
I tried to fix you,
Because that's what I do.
I look for imperfections and cracks.
And as I tried to put your pieces
Back together, I
Noticed that I was
Chipping away.
I am more broken than you.
Instead of putting you back
together, I should have been
saving myself.
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