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 Sep 2014 Aditi
Wide Eyes
 Sep 2014 Aditi
Wide Eyes
'Twas weighing down her petite frame; rendering her weak.
Tugged at her very being; left her anguished and meek
'Out of sight, out of mind,' her rationale whispers everyday.
What happens, though, when she just can't look away?

She shields her face; turns her head in advance.
Ruthlessly judging herself, as she steals a discreet glance
As a mother warns her child, so her rationale intervened.
Yet, by the forbidden always tempted was the little fiend.

Her weak smile they see- no visible scars will they find.
Of the ever-raging battle; heart against mind.
Her feelings tore her open; the wrappings of a Christmas present
An empty box, laden only with pain and disappointment.

A closely guarded secret- it was hers and hers alone.
She sang herself to sleep, willed her heart to turn to stone.
She chose her words carefully lest the world should know.
Her long tresses moist from the tears on her pillow.
Maereo is Latin for sorrow.
 Sep 2014 Aditi
I am me.
 Sep 2014 Aditi
A uniquely unique me,
Is all I wanna be!
When you can be so special,
Why waste your own potential?

When I can move my ears,
And growl (although it's queer)
And choose how loud to ****
--consider it a type of art

When I can hiccup-****-sneeze,
And appreciate blue cheese
And laugh and chortle and guffaw
--all my friends stare in awe.

When I can recite so many words,
(It doesn't mean I'm a nerd)
And snack 20 times a day
--don't judge okay...

When you can do all that,
Why feel the need to act?
Please just accept the fact
You are you and that's that!
I know sometimes people (like me) have doubts, and get depressed, but don't worry. There are millions of people out there who Feel. For. You.  Please just love yourself for you are. There is, after all, only and will ever be only 1 of you!
 Sep 2014 Aditi
 Sep 2014 Aditi
I long for permanence
Not a rush of euphoria that disappears in an instant

A permanent face
That beams when he meets mine
A permanent heart
That stays loyal as a soldier would for his country
A permanent body
That never allows me to feel its absence
A permanent soul
That would be ready to rescue my every fall

While the world and I longed for these worldly things
It recently struck me how very selfish I have been
To not be in gratitude of He who is the King

He's not mere permanence, he's infinite
I call him 5 times a day
And if I need him more
I just have to raise my two hands and He's there
He gives me wealth when I deserve it,
Love when I need it and least expect it
Pain when I deserve it

How could I complain?
How could I ask for more?
He has all that I need.

But women are women
We crave to feel loved
Some grow impatient
Some succumb to temptations
Deluded, they thought that this worldly love, that is hurting them, is true

I believe that whoever He sends is written for me
And so I shall wait
Daintily patient on calm days
Deliriously in frustration on rough days
But this wait is still a wait

To the lads who are all smitten
Break those walls if you dare
Actions, not words will allow you to overcome these walls
Even if you do, I can't guarantee that you've sealed the deal

Until the right one comes,
I will stand happy and tall
Though I am very well aware
That I am quite small
 Sep 2014 Aditi
Leah Rae
Six girls.
Four bunk beds.
Freshman year.
We are all nervous.
Elbows and knees. Awkward.
Like being packed into a cattle car.
Rewind 6 years.
Homeless, living in the back of a minivan.
Three children, and our mother.

Sleeping together in a single motel bed
Nervous for morning.

Elbows and knees.
I am built for building.
Made to create.
Hands like carpenters, I make a home out of anywhere I go.
Learned to carry it on my back.
To take things with me.

And now, I am almost nineteen year old and I have been living out of boxes for the past two months.

Out of containers filled with my own clothing.
I feel like I can’t find stillness.
Or have silence.

I haven’t been alone in two months.
I am sleeping with the lights on.
They call this temporary housing,
For all the students who applied late.
Like me.

But I didn't think I would be here.
But I was raised poor,
remember the minivan,
so a free college education tasted like..
Like you’re starving, and your mom’s food stamps haven’t came in yet, and you’re at the grocery store,
and its Saturday,

and they’re handing out free samples.

And I feel lucky.
And I feel blessed.
And I feel grateful.
And I feel slighted.
And I feel frustrated.
And I feel tired.
And I feel angry.

Angry that I am this easy to tear down.
That I am ticker tape,
salvage yard,
construction zone.
That the four walls of the home I've tried to build inside of myself can be so easily burned down.

Can be destroyed.
A fire alarm in my chest, and a flooded basement.
That I can’t find peace in the only home I've ever had.

There are motel signs.
three am,
and my mother’s credit card is being declined.
And my little sister won’t stop crying.

And we are in a homeless shelter when I’m 6.

And we’re in another when I’m 8.

And another when I’m 13.

I’m 19 in a few months,
And this dorm feels like another one.

And I’m convinced they build these places, on purpose.
Temporarily temporary.

To show us how temporary we all are.
That we can’t take anything with us.

That I can't take anything with me.

Where ever it is that I am going.
Where ever it is that I might end up.
I’m just praying..

Praying there is a warm bed to sleep in when I get there.
 Sep 2014 Aditi
let the heart bleed
       let the soul plead

                if its not meant to be
                          it wont be
 Sep 2014 Aditi
Eternal bliss
 Sep 2014 Aditi
Divine heavenly sanguinity
blessed prehensile thoughts
of two souls sitting atop floating clouds
basking in sun’s glory.
Travelling as the drift takes us…sometimes
kissing mountain tops or dancing in the vale,
flowing along with the gurgling
stream, touching each pebble so gently
caressing each fern, each shore.
Sea the ultimate destination
merging into nothingness, yet
you and I granted immortality
unending mirth and laughter.
Heaven and earth our abode
Of two bodies and one soul.

*Our divine heavenly bodies
bless us with my red rainbow
our two souls floating in the different shades,
translucent of my colors
with sweet rain on our lips
kissing the ultimate of desire,
as we try and stay within the lines
somehow we drift, into the others  being,
with each stroke of your hand
you always bring me back to you
with each touch you transform
my blank canvas to blend with yours
as the red returns back in my soul…
Collaboration Dee
and Debbie Brook
 Sep 2014 Aditi
The poems I read here are mostly tragic beauty.
Line after line
I can see that we are not all just
fine and dandy.

The letters chosen
are strung together.
They just keep going on forever.

The words they make , however,
each are splendid and
profoundly, purposefully unique.

The thoughts spilled out here
are often troubling at best.
I can't help but pray
for each poet's souls end to unrest.

These words of course have to be real
but they also have so much power to heal!

For those words are each unique
and can express so much more
other than our darkest street,
but more and more of hope
and of our highest highest peaks!
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