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Anne Jul 2018
I never believed in love at first sight
And they say love at first sight doesn’t exist
But at that moment I laid eyes on you
I started imagining my life with you
Seeing you for the first time
Is the best 5 second of my life
I tried to think of how my life was without you
But now it’s nearly impossible
Destiny will find us together again
As we meet each other again
Awwww love at first sight
do you all believe in that
like the one we see in movies or in tv shows
i found this poem in my files from 2014
Anne Jul 2018
My pure orbs laid upon a cold-hearted knave,
Isaac, oh, Isaac;
That the cherubs atop, my scarlet ticker; they laved,
I had fallen quite hard like the cruel ocean waves,
For Isaac, my Isaac;
Though he never glimpsed upon me,
Why, Isaac? Oh, Isaac;
My pure orbs, they have turned into a bitter sea;
Done by Isaac, oh, Isaac;
That knave thieved the joy from me, you see—
God! Isaac, why Isaac?
I wish I never had opened my once pure eyes for Isaac;
Behold of what Isaac had done to me;
My Isaac, oh Isaac;
He had purloined my love and my glee from me;
Oh, Isaac, my Isaac.
this is a poem from my past self for my beloved
ps: he didn't die
i moved on from this guy
Anne Jul 2018
Wandering on a road unpaved .
Alone and broken, against the wind I braved.
Lost was my passion for the journey ahead.
Heading I was to the land of the dead
Blind I was to color, as I was to love.
I prayed for someone to be sent from above.

It was then, with the east wind came eos.
A look at him, and I went in a state of chaos.
For he was a rose dearest to god.
At his gracefulness, the swans felt awed.
I looked at the land, barren and infertile,
There now blossomed an iris, unspoiled sterile.

Together, I knew, we would make a whole.
For in him I saw, a reflection of my soul.
And hence, He proposed to me to be my partner.
For the journey that lies ahead.
From there on our paths were one.
As we walked towards the rising sun.
I got nothing to say  
from my past self
Anne Jul 2018
My love for him is great
My heart melts for him til the dusk of day
The night goes when his away
Love, Promises til day's dawn

His personality is great
Wondering mind til he sees
Singing is all I do
While waiting for the moment, for him to say ''I do''
cheesy poem
don't hate
i know its a bad poem but just wanted to post it
Anne Jul 2018
The anger you put me through
I was at my worst
That I needed you
Spoil me with happiness please
Anne Jul 2018
On a foggy day
Sight ends a fathom away
No lights to guide
I stand on a sheet of ice

I search for a rope
O any sign! A ray of hope
But in vain my effort lies
I stand on a sheet of ice

I think to move in ways more than a dozen
But help me, god! My legs are frozen
I cannot move whatever I try
I stand frozen on a sheet of ice

In the darkness of the night
My heart pounds, I stand in fright
It becomes harder to breathe as time passes by
I stand frozen on a sheet of ice

I look down at the ice
It is thin but I see a light
Covered in darkness, deep down its lies
A shining star beneath this sheet of ice

It is my only hope
Anywhere else I do not see even the thinnest rope
And hence I decide to take a dive
Bidding a farewell to the world above the ice

I plunged inside and began to stoke
Towards the light, my source of hope
The world seemed calm, a darkness descended
I had a smile, my pain has ended.
depression and anxiety follows me
Anne Jul 2018
Sorry if I was too blind
Cause I'm hiding from behind
Knowing that you loved me all along
I was scared if you were joking but I was wrong

Now that I already realized that I love you
It was to late
I already lost you
I will find my way to you before it's to late
from my past self
finding him that he liked me back as well before i was so glad
i did make a move of my own the next thing
ya'll would never believe it
he freaking didn't call me, text, or did anything he just ghosted
but now i've moved on and found someone that loved me back and that's makes me happy
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