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I was so stupid, I was a fool
But they didn't teach me this in school
'Stop it, stupid!' had I told myself
My stupidity would have ended with this tool

We all get angry, we all do fear
We are idiots, year after year
How can we stop this misery and pain
How to stop being foolish, again and again

The first step is to realize our ignorance
The second is to put a stop to it
We must tell our mind to stop
We must make this a habit

The mind is a monkey, a rascal our mind
It wants to make us suffer, we find
But we are not fools, we know, don't we?
How from this rascal, can we be free?

'Stop it, stupid!', 'Stop it, stupid!', 'Stop it, stupid!' repeat
Till the monkey mind can feel the heat
Then, watch it, catch it, latch it, secure
So that it does not repeat the thing anymore

We all are stupid, we all are fools
And to overcome stupidity, there are simple tools
The most important is to realize the truth
Who are we, get to the bottom of the root

We are not the stupid Body, Ego and Mind
We are intelligent, this truth we must find
This realization will stop us from being a slave
Will liberate us from misery, before we reach our grave

For pain and suffering is only for those
To go on a quest, who did not choose
They live with misery, they believe in the myth
They continue with ignorance, till they die with it

So, we must Ask, Investigate, Realize the Truth
**** the rascal mind, the monkey, the brute
Transcend the Mind and Ego that says, 'ME'
Till from all stupidity we are free

We must be still and live in Consciousness
If we want to put an end to all the mess
When we are fools, we must stop and know
And overcome the stupidity before the end of the show

But many of us are stupid till we die
We look up at the sky, cry and ask ,'Why?'
We don't use our intellect to stop our stupidity
We just live with stress, worry and anxiety

Some of us want to end this mess
We don't want misery, we don't want stress
The Mantra 'Stop it, stupid!' we put to use
And with it, an end to all abuse

So what must we do, what is the trick?
What will end our misery with just one click?
We must be stern and tell ourselves looking in the eye
Till to that repeated stupidity, we bid goodbye

I did it myself, I share with you
I stopped my stupidity, this is true
To end my foolishness, I found a way
'Stop it, stupid!' to yourself, please say

And till you stop being stupid, repeat it
Don't feel bad, it's better to erase it
We have a choice, acknowledge stupidity and then rise
'Stop it, stupid!' is the way of the wise

Some people are heartbroken, they cry in love
They break their hearts, and then look above
They cry in love, they suffer in pain
They are stupid, again and again

Some people are attached, this brings them tears
The misery is not short, it lasts for years
If only they use this Mantra of happiness
'Stop it, stupid!' it can give peace and bliss

'Stop it, stupid!' a Mantra I share with you
Use it and you will stop feeling blue
Realize your ignorance and to make amend
Say, 'Stop it, stupid!' and put your misery to an end
If Success was Happiness
     Then achievers would be glad
  But look around and you will find
       That many of them are sad

   Of course, Achievement gives joy
        And excitement, oh boy!
But when our need becomes our greed
        To misery, this will lead

  The whole world is chasing Success
     Everyone wants achievement
Sometimes we win, sometimes we lose
        There is no Contentment

   Why do people want to succeed?  
       Why is everyone in a race?
   The Truth is that we want to win
  So that there is a smile on our face

      But though we win, we are not glad
            We have money, why are we sad?  
         Happiness is not money, the sages said
        It's sleeping soundly when you are in bed

       We hear of suicides in the homes of the rich
       If they were Happy, then why this glitch?  
    Although they are achievers, this fact we know
       They are not Happy, their face has no glow

      If successful, but unhappy, what is the use?  
     Winning or smiling, what would you choose?  
       The purpose of Success is for us to be glad
     What is the use of winning, if it makes us sad?  

       Happiness is something different, we learn
         Not just money that we earn and burn
      Happiness is built on a foundation of peace
       Then we are blissful like waves in the seas

        Look around at the people who are glad
      They live in the moment, they are never sad
      They don't swing from the future to the past
        They are the ones whose Happiness lasts
We can be happy living with joy
Tranquility, and peace
Or we can be miserable and cry in pain
Cursing our own disease

It’s a choice to Suffer No More
We must realize we come and go
Why should we live to cry and die?
Suffer No More! Suffer No More!

Why do we suffer, why do we cry?
Why this misery right till we die?
We live in ignorance, the Truth we don’t know
That’s why we don’t fly in the sky

We must realize the Truth that Pain is like Rain
It comes but soon it will go
Why should we live to cry and die?
Suffer No More! Suffer No More!

What is this suffering? What is this pain?
What is this misery again and again?
It’s pain of the body and stress of the mind
Living with fear in vain

We don’t need to suffer, we don’t need to cry
If only in our face the Truth does glow.
Why should we live to cry and die?
Suffer No More! Suffer No More!

Everybody wants happiness, nobody wants pain
We love the sunshine and hate the rain
Still we are miserable, still we don’t smile
And we just choose to whine

The body suffers but that’s not us
Who we are — first we must know
Why should we live to cry and die?
Suffer No More! Suffer No More!

Messengers of misery, they want us to cry
Fear, worry, revenge, and anger stand by
They make us suffer
They make us cry and we don’t question, “Why?”

Because we think we are the mind
We live in agony, our enthusiasm is low
Why should we live to cry and die?
Suffer No More! Suffer No More!

We are not the body that suffers in pain
Nor the rascal mind that thinks again and again
We live in ignorance of this Truth and cry
And lose our peace in vain

It’s a choice to Suffer No More
We must realize we come and go
Why should we live to cry and die?
Suffer No More! Suffer No More!

We can be happy, we can rejoice
Refuse to suffer that is our choice
We can be tranquil and live in peace
For this is the choice of the wise

We must realize the Truth, we must burst the myth
This we must do right now
Why should we live to cry and die?
Suffer No More! Suffer No More!

Accept the past, and don’t regret
What has happened, is now laid to rest
Yesterday is no more, why try going there?
Live in the now, it’s the best

Because we shuttle from the future to the past
Our pain and misery grow
Why should we live to cry and die?
Suffer No More! Suffer No More!

Some people hope, what they want should happen
They live in stress, worry, and fear
If you want joy, live in surrender
Accept what comes, my dear

If only we realize a Power is in charge
Then we can tell sufferings, “Go!”
Why should we live to cry and die?
Suffer No More! Suffer No More!

You can be happy, in joy and peace
Don’t need to suffer and do it with ease
Realize the Truth and throw misery out
Eliminate your fear and doubt

It’s a choice to Suffer No More
We must realize we just come and go
Why should we live to cry and die?
Suffer No More! Suffer No More!

We can be happy living with joy
Tranquillity, and peace
Or we can be miserable and cry in pain
Cursing our own disease

It’s a choice to Suffer No More
We must realize we come and go
Why should we live to cry and die?
Suffer No More! Suffer No More!

Why do we suffer, why do we cry?
Why this misery right till we die?
We live in ignorance, the Truth we don’t know
That’s why we don’t fly in the sky

We must realize the Truth that Pain is like Rain
It comes but soon it will go
Why should we live to cry and die?
Suffer No More! Suffer No More!

What is this suffering? What is this pain?
What is this misery again and again?
It’s pain of the body and stress of the mind
Living with fear in vain

We don’t need to suffer, we don’t need to cry
If only in our face the Truth does glow.
Why should we live to cry and die?
Suffer No More! Suffer No More!
Poem By AiR
There is a 4th Factor on earth
It controls our life, it gives us birth
It is beyond what man can know
It has laws that manage the show

Man thinks there are factors three
With a saw he thinks he can cut a tree
To him, the doer, the equipment and the act
Are enough to create any impact

But then sometimes, he blinks and thinks
The sails were fine, yet the ship sinks
They did their best, captain and crew
But the results didn’t happen, that is true

And still does man do his best
He puts every effort of his to test
But he is sad in the end to find
That the result that happened was a different kind

Why is it, then man does think
What stopped his desire? What made him sink?
It should have happened, why did it not
Where he wonders, his work got caught

Then he sees there are factors four
Not just three that he thought before
There is a 4th Factor he knows
That controls all results, it clearly shows

Despite man doing his very best,
He can’t understand what is the test
Till finally the 4th Factor he knows
He surrenders, he accepts, with it he goes

Why is it that we try but cry?
It did not happen, we question the sky
We do not understand how this Power acts
What are the laws, what are the facts?

The 4th Factor is a Power, of course
But how it works, nobody knows
The only way to live with it
Is to trust, to accept, to surrender to it

This Power is not ordinary, that we know
It’s the Cosmic Power that runs the show
With it the world goes round and round
And there is justice on the ground

We are helpless puppets in fact
Without it, we are nothing in the act
It is the Director that produced this show
We just come and then we go

We want to be happy, don’t want to be sad There is a way for us to be glad
If we want to live with joy and peace With the 4th Factor, it happens with ease
In the 4th Factor we must learn to trust
This power is fair, this power is just

We must not question, we must not ask
Why do we worry, why do we fear?
Why the misery, why the tear?
If only the 4th Factor we know We will truly enjoy the show

It’s sad that in ignorance we do live We live in greed, we do not give
We are anxious, jealous, we worry, we hate And never reach the happiness gate
We must do our best and then let go
To the 4th Factor that manages the show

A new way to live, we must not miss
You may of course be the best actor But you can’t beat the 4th Factor Every day
on earth you will see Whatever will be, will be, will be
A spiritual Poem By AiR
Are you the body that is sure to die?
Or are you the one who will go into the sky?
Why don't you stop and find out, 'Who am I?'
Then, there will be no need to cry
Is it not certain that we will lose our breath?
O man, why do you fear the moment of Death?

Death is not a moment of desperation!
Stop with the body, your false identification
Then, Death will become Liberation
With the Divine, a moment of Unification!
Is it not certain that we will lose our breath?
O man, why do you fear the moment of Death?

This world is a drama, it's just a show
We are just actors, we come and we go!
When the truth about Karma, we get to know
Death will not be a deadly blow
Is it not certain that we will lose our breath?
O man, why do you fear the moment of Death?

Why fear the loss of all that you own?
Is it not certain that you will lose all that is known?
There is no need to fear the beyond that is unknown
You are not the one made of skin and bone
Is it not certain that we will lose our breath?
O man, why do you fear the moment of Death?

All that we learned about Death were lies
Even that we will go up to God in the skies
The body is destroyed, it cannot rise
It's time to overcome ignorance and be wise
Is it not certain that we will lose our breath?
O man, why do you fear the moment of Death?

Can you escape the certainty of Death?
Isn't it a fact that you will lose your breath?
Then what is the point to live with fears? Realize the truth and let go of your tears
Is it not certain that we will lose our breath?
O man, why do you fear the moment of Death?

One of two things will happen when you die
Either you will be Reborn, or will be Free in the sky
If you have Karma, you will return to earth
If Liberated, then, no Rebirth!
Is it not certain that we will lose our breath?
O man, why do you fear the moment of Death?

In this fear, you think of ending your life
You want to be free from all misery and strife
You even contemplate suicide and search for a knife
But in our hands, neither is Death nor Life.
Is it not certain that we will lose our breath?
O man, why do you fear the moment of Death?

Do we control Death or Birth?
Did we control how we came to earth? Everything that happens is just a drama Everything is controlled by the Law of Karma
Is it not certain that we will lose our breath?
O man, why do you fear the moment of Death?

Do we fear Death because it is the end? Is it the end or is it just  a bend?
If from ignorance, we can transcend
Then Death will become our best friend
Is it not certain that we will lose our breath?
O man, why do you fear the moment of Death?

Isn't Death a moment that will Liberate us from pain?
Will it not save us from being born, again and again?
If it is going to Free us from the Rebirth chain
Then why should Death create so much strain?
Is it not certain that we will lose our breath?
O man, why do you fear the moment of Death?

What is the way to overcome this fear?
We must overcome ignorance, that is clear!
Death is not an enemy that comes with a spear
It unites us with the Divine, this should give us cheer!
Is it not certain that we will lose our breath?
O man, why do you fear the moment of Death?

Of course, we will die, but this is in whose hand?
Is it a God of another land?
God is SIP, the Supreme Immortal Power Death reveals this, it takes off the cover
Is it not certain that we will lose our breath?
O man, why do you fear the moment of Death?

Are you the Body that is sure to die?
Are you the Mind that you cannot find?
Are you the Ego that keeps saying, 'I'?
You are the Divine Soul, that is no lie!
Is it not certain that we will lose our breath?
O man, why do you fear the moment of Death?

Isn't Death going to come, you will die?
Why not be happy, why just cry?
Realize the Truth of 'Who am I?'
Then, like a bird, you can fly in the sky
Is it not certain that we will lose our breath?
O man, why do you fear the moment of Death?

We cry because we believe the myth
About Death, we did not realize the truth
We did not get to the bottom of the root
We are the seed, not the shoot or the fruit
Is it not certain that we will lose our breath?
O man, why do you fear the moment of Death?

Do you realize you are the Divine Soul? When you achieve this, the ultimate goal
Then, your life will become whole
Joy, Peace and Love will unfold
Is it not certain that we will lose our breath?
O man, why do you fear the moment of Death?

Will not Death free us from our earthly pain?
Will it not reward us with heavenly gain? There will be no more sunshine and rain Celebrate Death, for freedom you will attain
Is it not certain that we will lose our breath?
O man, why do you fear the moment of Death?

Doesn't anyone who comes to earth, face sorrow?
He may be glad today but will cry tomorrow
Don't fear Death, instead, learn to celebrate
Surrender to the Divine, your life's fate!
Is it not certain that we will lose our breath?
O man, why do you fear the moment of Death?

Are we the mortal body, or the immortal Soul?
We are the Power, when this secret we unfold
Then from the fear of Death, we are free
Free from the Body, the Mind and Ego, ME
Is it not certain that we will lose our breath?
O man, why do you fear the moment of Death?
Do you want to be Happy? Do you want to Smile? Do you want to remain in Bliss, all the while?
Do you want to Discover, how to always be Glad?
Do you want Freedom from being miserable and sad?
Then, just follow the A to Z of Happiness
And you will reach the state of Eternal Bliss

What is happiness? Do you even know?
It's about that Smile that gives your face a glow
It is being Joyous, it is being Blissful
It is being Peaceful, it is being Cheerful
True Happiness is being free from misery and stress
It is Eternal Happiness that comes from Truth Consciousness

We have been taught that Happiness is Pleasure
Believing in this myth, we have lost the Treasure!
We believe that Success is Happiness and seek Achievement
We don’t realize that true Happiness is Fulfilment!
We are so lost in a life of excitement
We don’t discover the ultimate peak of Enlightenment

Happiness is not Pleasure that comes from winning a race
When will we get out of the anxiety of the chase?
True Happiness is living in Tranquillity and Peace
It is a state where all miseries cease
The Truly Happy one discovers the Purpose of his Birth
Blissful is he, who knows why he came to earth!

We all seek Pleasure, we don’t want Pain
But why do we become unhappy, again and again?
We want to experience Peace, Love and Bliss
But we live in Fear, Anxiety and Unhappiness!
Little do we realize that the culprit is the Mind
It steals our Joy and Peace, making us Blind!

If we want to be Happy, we must flip from NEP to PEP
From Negative to Positive, first, we must take this step
We must **** the Mind that says, it’s King
Still the monkey that causes suffering!
We must pull the Triggers that will make us Glad
And eliminate those Joy Stealers that make us Sad!

There is a way to be Happy, at all times
It is not just about Money, Nickels and Dimes!
Of course, Money can give us Pleasure, it can make us Smile
But Money can’t buy Happiness, all the while!
If we want that state of Ultimate Happiness
We must flip from Mind to Consciousness

Let us learn the Secrets that can create Bliss
Make others Happy and you can have Happiness
We can be Happy if we Give before we are gone
And not be miserable and again be Reborn!
If we discover Karma, the Law of Action
We can learn to be Happy without a toxic Reaction

The Secret of Happiness is to Accept, not to Wonder
To eliminate all Hope and live in Surrender
Happiness is neither in a ‘Yesterday’ that is gone
Nor is Happiness in ‘Tomorrow’, not yet born!
Truly Happy is the one who makes this vow
He will be Happy, ‘Today’, living in the ‘Now’

If you want Eternal Happiness, start a Quest
Unlearn what you have learned, put your beliefs to test
Happiness is something else, get to the root
Overcome Ignorance and realize the Truth
To be Happy, first tame your Monkey Mind
Then, Bliss, Love and Peace, you will Find!

Eternal Happiness is when we discover the Purpose of Life
Then, we are free from all misery and strife
When we realize, we are not the Body, Ego or the Mind
We are the Divine Soul, when this Truth we find
Then, we are Liberated from the Triple Suffering on earth
We can sing, dance and live with Mirth

To be Truly Happy, we must achieve this Goal
Not live as the Body or Mind but as the Soul
We must realize this world is a Leela, a Cosmic Show
We are mere actors, we come and we go
When we realize that everything is Maya, a Cosmic Illusion
Then, we escape from all sadness and delusion!

Enlightenment is the Ultimate Peak of Bliss, of Happiness
It is a state of living in Consciousness
It is living like a Yogi, in Eternal Bliss
United with the Divine, free from unhappiness
Just learn the Happy Mantra and live in Bliss Just follow The A to Z of Happiness

Happiness is a Paradox, don’t try to be Glad
‘I want to be Happy!’ this will make you Sad
Happiness is within, for Bliss, do not search
Don’t think you will be Happy in a temple or a church
Rejoice in ‘Today’! Don’t think you will be Happy ‘Tomorrow’!
Just choose to be Happy and wipe away all Sorrow

If you really want to be Happy, just listen to me!
For I have learned how, from Misery, to be Free!
I have myself evolved from Achievement to Fulfilment
I have experienced the Bliss that comes from Enlightenment
Just follow me and you are sure to live with a Smile
My A to Z will give you Bliss, all the while!
Do you know that there is a Ladder to Heaven?
For all to climb, be it man or woman
But we mustn't stop at step seven or eleven
We must go on till we reach our heaven

Many of us want to go to God
But we don't know the truth about our Lord
We just go to a temple, mosque, and church
Instead of going on a quest to search

The first step to God is Belief
For those who don't believe, how can they achieve?
There are some who are atheist or agnostic
A life without faith, they choose to pick

But the ones who believe, they take their first step
The Ladder to Heaven they start to inspect
They know without doubt that God exists
They believe and pray and their belief persists

There is not a day that they don't Pray
With folded hands they go to God and say
Not only to the Lord everything they tell
They also listen to Him, not just ring the bell

The third step on the Ladder is Faith
Without this one cannot reach heaven's gate
Faith is Full Assurance In The Heart
Our journey to God, it helps to start

The fourth step on the Ladder is Hope
Without Hope, how can anyone cope?
Those who believe in God they find
He is there when you reach the end of the rope

And then, the believers in God, they Trust
It is Trust that forms their journey’s ******
Trust is unconditional surrender to God
And always accepting the will of the Lord

After Belief, Prayer, Faith, Hope & Trust
What is it that stands out first?
It is Enthusiasm, that is step six
'Entheos', 'In God,' that gets our problems fixed

Then comes step seven, it's Love for God
We make it a priority, the Love for our Lord
To us, God is not someone who lives far away
Every moment that we live, with us He does stay

It is this Love that makes us seek
Our passion for God makes us climb the peak
Because we want God, we Go on a Quest
And whatever we believed, we put it to test

In our search for God we Contemplate
We spend time in Silence and for God we wait
We don't accept what the scriptures tell
And we find the truth about heaven and hell

Importance of a Guru comes before step eleven
For without a Guru, how can we discover heaven?
A Guru takes us from darkness to light
And to overcome ignorance, he makes us fight

As we Overcome Ignorance and discover the myth
We climb step eleven to realize the truth
We realize that we are not the ego, body, and mind
We are the Divine Soul, on realization we find

Of course, there is Karma and we must do good
As we sow, so shall we reap, that will be our food
But step twelve on the Ladder is not to live after we die
But to learn how to God our Soul must fly

Realization is not the end of the game
There is a War Within that can make us lame
We must transcend our enemy – ME
From Mind and Ego, we must be free

Step fifteen on the Ladder is Liberation
Liberation only comes after Realization
Liberation, when alive, is from suffering being free
And from rebirth, to escape and with our Lord to be

The final step on the Ladder to Heaven
Comes after climbing sixteen steps, we reckon
It is Unification of the Divine and our Soul
Which is our life's Ultimate Goal

Climbing this Ladder is the purpose of our life
Not just to live with misery and strife
For those who live on planet earth
They must face suffering birth after birth

Where are you on this Ladder, my dear?
Do you live with faith or do you live with fear?
Have you started on the Ladder to God?
The Ladder to Heaven will make you one with the Lord!
Do you know that there is a Ladder to Heaven?
For all to climb, be it man or woman
But we mustn't stop at step seven or eleven
We must go on till we reach our heaven

Many of us want to go to God
But we don't know the truth about our Lord
We just go to a temple, mosque, and church
Instead of going on a quest to search

The first step to God is Belief
For those who don't believe, how can they achieve?
There are some who are atheist or agnostic
A life without faith, they choose to pick

But the ones who believe, they take their first step
The Ladder to Heaven they start to inspect
They know without doubt that God exists
They believe and pray and their belief persists

There is not a day that they don't Pray
With folded hands they go to God and say
Not only to the Lord everything they tell
They also listen to Him, not just ring the bell

The third step on the Ladder is Faith
Without this one cannot reach heaven's gate
Faith is Full Assurance In The Heart
Our journey to God, it helps to start

The fourth step on the Ladder is Hope
Without Hope, how can anyone cope?
Those who believe in God they find
He is there when you reach the end of the rope

And then, the believers in God, they Trust
It is Trust that forms their journey’s ******
Trust is unconditional surrender to God
And always accepting the will of the Lord
After Belief, Prayer,Faith,Hope&Trust
What is it that stands out first?
It is Enthusiasm, that is step six
'Entheos', 'In God,' that gets our problems fixed

Then comes step seven, it's Love for God
We make it a priority, the Love for our Lord
To us, God is not someone who lives far away
Every moment that we live, with us He does stay

It is this Love that makes us seek
Our passion for God makes us climb the peak
Because we want God, we Go on a Quest
And whatever we believed, we put it to test

In our search for God we Contemplate
We spend time in Silence and for God we wait
We don't accept what the scriptures tell
And we find the truth about heaven and hell

Of course, there is Karma and we must do good
As we sow, we reap, we create our own food
But step ten on the Ladder is not to live after we die
But to learn, how to God our Soul must fly

Importance of a Guru is the Ladder's step eleven
For without a Mentor, how can we discover heaven?
A Guru takes us from darkness to light
And to Overcome Ignorance, he helps us fight

As we Overcome Ignorance and discover the myth
We climb step thirteen to Realize the Truth
We realize that we are not the ego, body, and mind
We are the Divine Soul, on realization we find

Realization is not the end of the game
There is a War within that can make us lame
Unless we transcend our enemy – ME
From Mind and Ego, we must be free

Step fifteen on the Ladder is Liberation
Liberation only comes after Realization
Liberation, when alive, is from suffering being free
And from rebirth, to escape and with our Lord to be

The final step on the Ladder to Heaven
Comes after climbing sixteen steps, we reckon
It is Unification of the Divine and our Soul
Which is our life's Ultimate Goal

Climbing this Ladder is the purpose of our life
Not just to live with misery, sorrow, and strife
For those who live on planet earth
They must face suffering birth after birth

Where are you on this Ladder, my dear?
Do you live with faith or do you live with fear?
Have you started on the Ladder to God?
The Ladder to Heaven will make you one with the Lord!
Does the Law of Attraction really work?
Can visualization do the trick?
Let’s look within to find the real secret
Look deeper for the truth to pick

‘Mangoes, mangoes, mangoes,’ if you dream
Will the fruit grow on the tree?
It is the seed, Oh dear, that you plant
That will grow to be, what you see

But the whole world is talking of Attraction
‘Just desire and make your dream come true’
Desire is good to start what you want
But it’s Action that is the final cue

Attraction without Action doesn’t work
Look deeper and realize the Truth
Within the word ‘AttraCTION’,
There is ‘ACTION’ in the root

For there is a Law, a Universal Law
‘As you sow, so shall you reap’
If there is Attraction and no Action
Then in the end, you will weep

Attraction and thoughts lead to feelings
But it is only when we get to work
The cycle of Achievement says
‘You need to walk, don’t just talk’

For the Law of Action never fails
What you give is what you get
What goes around comes around
It’s like a boomerang, you can bet

It’s popularly called the Law of Karma
What you do, comes back to you
Every Action, good or bad
Won’t escape, this is true

Whatever is unfolding in your life today
Is what you have done in the past
And whatever you are doing today, remember
Will return to you until your last

And when death, which for the body is certain
Happens and Karma carries on
The body dies, but the Mind and Ego
With its pending Karma is reborn

Death is not the end, but a bend
Our Karma account is not closed
Whatever is the balance in our Karmic trade
Causes the next birth to be proposed

Our birth is decided not by luck
Past Actions or Karma is the cause
Where, when, and how we are born
Is controlled by Karma without flaws

Therefore, our destiny is in our hand
It is Action that will decide what will be
We will get to that destination
Karma decides our destiny

Life is like a car on the road
The road can’t be changed, it is paved
But we have a ‘Free will’ to choose how we drive
Through this ‘Free will’, our Karma can be changed

We can go fast, we can go slow
We are free to choose what we do
Remember, as you drive your Life ahead
Is the destination you will get to

Therefore, we must do good each day
Our destiny depends on our deeds
Just like the fruits in our garden, without doubt
Don’t depend on luck, but on the seeds

Whatever we do, doesn’t get washed away
It remains in our account, even after death
Life after Life, the score goes on
And is counted in every breath

But whoever is born in this world must cry
The Enlightened Buddha declared after his quest
‘Dukkha or suffering is experienced by all
No one can escape this test’

We all experience the triple suffering
The suffering of body, ego, and mind
As long as we have Karma, we will be born
What we have done, we can’t rewind

Is there a way to escape from pain,
And from Karma, can we be free?
Yes, this is the ultimate secret
If the Divine Soul, we can be

To escape from all suffering
Is our Life’s Ultimate Goal
This is possible if only we realize
We are the Divine Soul

The Soul is a Power, it has no Karma
It is the Energy of the Lord
We must realize we are not what we appear to be
But rather a manifestation of God

When we realize we are not this, we are That
From Action and Rebirth, we are free
We will be Liberated from all suffering
And United with the Divine we will be

This is the secret of Eternal Joy
And the way to Everlasting Peace
If only we can Transcend Karma
All our sufferings will cease

So, don’t believe just the Law of Attraction
It is the Law of Action that will work
What you attract, may never come to you
If from Action, you will shirk

But tasks will bind you to be born again
And the Happiness that you seek
You will remain thirsty and yearning for more
As you try to climb the peak

The only way to Peace and Bliss
Is from Karma to be free
Then, eternal Joy and everlasting Peace
Will be your final destiny

Life is a journey and we must choose
We can live with Attraction or with Action
But being Liberated and being United with God
Is our Life’s Ultimate Destination
The Mind is a Rascal, it makes me fear
It robs my Bliss, it robs my Cheer
It makes me think, it is the King
But in fact, it causes my suffering
The only problem with my Mind
Where is my Mind? I cannot find!

I have a Body, my Body I can see
But where is this Mind and Ego, that says 'me'?
It binds me with the myth, doesn't let me be free
Stops me from being who I am meant to be
The only problem with my Mind
Where is my Mind? I cannot find!

What is the Mind, it is a bundle of Thoughts
And in these Thoughts, we are all Caught!
Who are we? This Truth, we forgot
Instead, stress, worry, anxiety is brought
The only problem with my Mind
Where is my Mind? I cannot find!

You have touched your nose, you have pulled your ears
You see with your eyes, it also sheds tears
But have you ever seen your Mind?
It creates so much misery, it makes us grind!
The only problem with my Mind
Where is my Mind? I cannot find!

The Mind is a Monkey, it jumps from Thought to Thought!
From Yesterday to Tomorrow, so Today, we forgot!
The MonkEY is Ever-Yelling, Ever-Yearning because of its tail
The EY of the MonkEY continues to make us fail
The only problem with my Mind
Where is my Mind? I cannot find!

The Mind creates Negative Thoughts, locks us in NEP
From Negative to Positive, we must flip over to PEP
If we don't **** our Mind, it will bombard us with toxic Thoughts
And in misery and sorrow, we will be Caught
The only problem with my Mind
Where is my Mind? I cannot find!

Thoughts create Feelings, Feelings create Actions
It is the Mind that controls all our Reactions
If we don't control Thought, we will have a sad Destiny
From habits and addictions, we shall not be Free!
The only problem with my Mind
Where is my Mind? I cannot find!

Our Mind not only spoils our day, when we are Awake
It creates Dreams and Nightmares, that are fake!
Although Dreams are not real, the Mind makes us Fear
We wake up with anxiety and lose all our Cheer
The only problem with my Mind
Where is my Mind? I cannot find!

**** the Mind, before the Mind kills you!
Beware! This advice is absolutely True
If you don't Still the Mind and **** the Mind
It will **** your Peace, and Bliss you will not Find
The only problem with my Mind
Where is my Mind? I cannot find!

Although this world is nothing but a drama
It is the Mind that causes all the trauma
We must flip from Thought to Thoughtlessness
From a state of Mind to Consciousness
The only problem with my Mind
Where is my Mind? I cannot find!

The Mind is like the Phoenix that rises from its ashes
Although we **** our Mind, it returns and our Peace it snatches
We must replace our Mind with Intellect
Then we will Discriminate and be Free from what is incorrect
The only problem with my Mind
Where is my Mind? I cannot find!

The Mind is a Monkey, we must beware of its tail
EY that is Ever-Yelling and Yearning, and we fail
The Monkey starts to ride our Life-Horse
It rules over us, it becomes our Boss
The only problem with my Mind
Where is my Mind? I cannot find!

The Mind is not alone, with the Ego it is ME
It creates anger, hate and even jealousy
Together, the Mind and Ego, ME, creates Karma
And we return in a Rebirth in this drama
The only problem with my Mind
Where is my Mind? I cannot find!

The funny thing is that there is no Mind
We seem to be the Body and the Mind we can't find
We must go on a Quest and Achieve the Goal
And Realize that we are the Immortal Soul
The only problem with my Mind
Where is my Mind? I cannot find!

The Mind is a Rascal, it steals our Peace
It makes us sick and mental medicine, increase
This enemy doesn't leave us from Birth to Death
And then, it returns in Rebirth, as we lose our Breath
The only problem with my Mind
Where is my Mind? I cannot find!
Just as children sit around
For a Jigsaw Puzzle to Solve
We too must pick up all the pieces
In life, for us to evolve
Piece by piece, as the puzzle fits
The picture will appear in bits

Enlightenment is the ultimate goal
Not just to roll in diamonds and gold
Those who are only chasing happiness
Can end their life in a mess
But those who attain Enlightenment
Go beyond Achievement and Fulfilment

Are we the Body? No, it will die
One day we will leave and fly in the sky
Are we the Mind? Let's try and find
Where is the Mind? We just can't find
When we let go of the Ego in whole
We Realize we are the Divine Soul

But how to get to the Divine Truth?
How to reach the bottom of the root?
Confronting us is the enemy, Mind and Ego, ME
It stops us from being who we are meant to be
Until we **** the Ego and Mind
Enlightenment we will never find

How should we start? Must we go on a Quest?
Should we put all our beliefs to test?
What about all those things we did learn?
Is it necessary, that the myth we unlearn?
Yes, if one wants to Realize the Truth
All ignorance, he must uproot

Why is it that we are miserable and sad?
Isn't there a way to be always glad?
Yes, if we realize, this is just a show
We are mere actors who come and go
Then, we will be free from suffering and pain
And from Rebirth, again and again

But for that, this Puzzle is a must
All that's in it, we have to Trust
Piece by piece, the Truth will flow
Till we are Enlightened with the glow
When the Truth we get to see
We will transcend Mind and Ego, ME

But once the pieces fit in place
We'll be transported to a new space
We are not Body, we are not Mind
We are the Soul, we will find
Then we will reach our Ultimate Goal
With God will Unite, our Divine Soul

This is the Purpose of our life
Not to struggle with misery and strife
This Puzzle will help us go within
To Realize we are not just bone and skin
Then beyond Contentment and Fulfilment
Will come the 'Aha!' of Enlightenment!

Then we will live as the Divine Soul
No more books do we have to scroll
For once the Truth we do Realize
Then, no more must we memorize
Realization will make us know
And to the heavens, we will go

Our Ultimate Goal is to attain God
It is to become one with the Lord
For this, there must be Self-Realization
And then there will be God-Realization
With this, we will end our search
We won't go to every temple and church

For God lives within the temple of our heart
Nothing in this world can take Him apart
In fact, only He is, we are not!
But this in Ignorance we forgot!
We always believed God to be a statue and a Saint
But He is a Power that no one can paint

The Realizations are many, there are One Hundred
They overcome our ignorance from A to Z
Each Realization is a Divine Truth
But we get lost right from our youth
Unless every piece we search and find
Enlightenment, we will leave behind

But once the pieces fit in place
We'll be transported to a new space
We are not Body, we are not Mind
We are the Soul, we will find
Then we will reach our Ultimate Goal
With God will Unite, our Divine Soul

This is the Purpose of our life
Not to struggle with misery and strife
This Puzzle will help us go within
To Realize we are not just bone and skin
Then beyond Contentment and Fulfilment
Will come the 'Aha!' of Enlightenment!
True Love is bliss, it's not just a kiss
It's sad this truth in life we miss
We sing and we dance
And we enjoy the romance
But the bliss and the peace of True Love we miss

What is Love, seems a strange question to ask
Falling in Love is a very easy task
When somebody makes your heart dance
And you feel the romance
Life becomes beautiful and you live in that trance

Haven't you seen kids loving their mom and dad?
Friendship too is Love, it's not just a fad
When there is Love, there is bliss
Love is not just a passionate kiss
There are many different types of Love in fact

It's sad that people think *** is Love
Even without *** you can be hand in glove
With True Love, two become one
Yes, True Love is a lot of fun
It's happiness that takes you far above

When we speak of True Love, what exactly is meant?
In ignorance of True Love, our life is spent
True Love is really magic
That we miss it, is tragic
True Love is a gift that is God sent

Love is Love, but True Love is bliss
It is not just ***, it is not just a kiss
True Love is something great
But it is not everybody's fate
It is sad though we live, this treasure we miss

True Love is not just of body and mind
True Love is not something which the heart can find
What is our Goal?
Find True Love in the Soul
Then in True Love you will find two Souls will bind

With True Love you find that two become one
There are no disagreements and life becomes fun
When 'you' and 'me' become 'us'
Then there is no more fuss
And the treasure of True Love in life is won

The Greeks called Eros, the Love of passion
But Agape was True Love that was their mission
True Love was not just physical
And neither intellectual or emotional
True Love was to make Godly Love the obsession

If Love is so beautiful then why do we cry?
Why do lovers fight and then question why?
Because there is Love
But there is no True Love
The beauty of Love very soon does die

What makes you think that Love is a kiss?
What makes you believe that romance is bliss?
When you give away your heart
And you see it's torn apart
Then you realize that you made a miss

When you realize True Love in the Soul
There is peace in the Heart, and joy is whole
And you see beyond the skin
And you Love the one within
Then you have found True Love, your very life goal

In True Love, you are compassionate and kind, you give
True Love is such that you always forgive
True Love makes one free
And you live joyously
It is with True Love that one can truly live

True Love is a Divine Rainbow with Colours Seven
Colours that burst from White and make you feel you are in Heaven It is the Love of Body and Mind
The Love of Heart and Soul
True Love is Divine, it takes you to Cloud Eleven

It's time to stop and True Love to find
To go beyond body and to go beyond mind
True Love is in the Soul
What is the ultimate goal?
To discover True Love and put everything else behind

True Love is Spiritual, True Love is Divine
True Love is more ******* than *** and wine
True Love transcends the heart
And goes deep within the Soul
True Love is loving God and making life whole

When you discover True Love, you smile all the while
For you see the Divine, everywhere, all the time
You see beyond body, you see beyond mind
When True Love in every Soul you find
True Love makes life blissful, True Love we must find
People mistake Love for True Love, live deluded lives and suffer. ‘True Love is Bliss and not a Kiss’ examines the inherently Divine nature of True Love and encourages readers to aspire for the highest order of True Love.
I searched for God in temples
But nowhere was He found
I looked into the skies and waters
And everywhere on the ground

To me, God was a statue
I prayed to Him for years
I was in love with my Lord
And I used to pray with tears

I thought God lived in the temple
It was Heaven in every way
I used to talk to my Saviour,
Morning, night, all day

God gave me everything I wanted
There was nothing more to need
I used to be ashamed of myself
When I looked upon my greed

I had everything I wanted
But one thing I never found
I was looking for the God I prayed to.
Wanting to hear His sound

One day it dawned upon me
What is life’s real test?
To find true purpose and meaning,
I set out on a quest

I started studying the scriptures
In religion for Him I found
I went for many pilgrimages
Just going round and round

Who is God? Where is God? What is God?
This quest did I start
I had nothing else to desire
There was only one thing in my heart

I decided that I will not stop
My passion, I must find
I was willing to give up everything
There was only one thing in my mind

What use was the wealth that I earned?
What use was this pomp and show?
I knew my life wasn’t forever
I knew one day, I will go

I knew I was living in ignorance
The truth I couldn’t see
I was seeking happiness
But in peace, I could not be!

The world talks so much about God
But little do we know
God is such an amazing power
This cosmos is His show

The Sun, the Moon, the Stars
The Birds, the Animals, the Flowers
They are just manifestations
Of the one and only Power!

We think our goal is happiness
And pleasures do we seek
So shallow is our passion
We never reach the peak

We may get everything we desire
We may achieve all we dream
But if we can’t realize God
Then our life is without a gleam!

The purpose of life is to find God
We must realize the truth
We must realize what we are not
Only then, we will get to the root

A few of us are lucky
We start seeking God
We give up everything else that we have
Because we are in love with the Lord!

All cannot find the Master
It depends on His Grace
A few of us are lucky
To finally see His face

Not in temples, churches or mosques
Neither in Scriptures, you tear apart
Those who truly love Him
Will find Him inside their heart

God is Everything, Everywhere
He manifests as You and Me
He is the Cause and we just Effects
Without Him, we cannot be

God defined is God denied
We must believe that he lives
He is beyond our comprehension
But He is the One who gives

This is a Cosmic Drama
The Earth just a big stage
We are all just actors
We perform till we age

Then one day, the time will come
We have to pack and go
When Death will take over life
It’s the end of the show

Who, Where, What is God?
Don’t question, just have faith
Try to realize the Truth
Then you will reach the gate!

When you find what you are not
And the truth stares at your face
Then in your own heart, you will find
The Heavenly Master’s grace

— The End —