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 Sep 2020 devi
Thomas W Case
As I hear the wind blow through the leaves of the ancient cottonwood trees.
And I watch the squirrels gather their nuts and prepare for the coming winter, I'm reminded of a few things that come softly in the whisper of the autumn wind for all to hear, if they listen.

Behind the poem is a poet, a lover, maybe a mother or a father. But most of all there is a human being. They feel, and they love. They have been overwrought with pain. And enraptured by Joy. They need  compassion and friendship and the human touch.
Tread lightly, for you tread upon
their hearts.
Lovers will always love. Haters will always hate. What a putrid existence to not have compassion for our fellow man. Me and my friend Luis are experimenting with turning poetry into music, please check out our projects on .
 Sep 2020 devi
Andrew Layman
In my shell
there is life

In my cell
lies decay

It shows itself
every single night

Then at dawn
hides itself away.
 Sep 2020 devi
Imran Islam
All the darkness is broken
But not the fogs away,
and the time on earth is ending
but hopes never blow away!

The world is full of love, here
But not the human eye
and the life always walks to die
Often sadness lasts forever!

The mind doesn't judge the truth
and it's happy to lie
Even it doesn't feel sorrow for sins
what's done in life!

Others happiness doesn't look good
it's like the disappointing
The mind says bad things of others
in a happy mood song.

This mind keeps saying lie in life
and it just laughs always,
To win the fake love of darkness
it lies of hundreds!
My book is live on there
 Sep 2020 devi
driving away
 Sep 2020 devi
no one wants to talk to me
that's fine with me

but what will everyone do
when they want someone to listen

I'm turning away
no one wants to talk to me

crawling back so soon
they all know I'm so useful

I'm a little manipulative
they think they're using me

I know what I'm doing
what I'm saying

everything I plan ahead

I don't want to talk to anybody
 Sep 2020 devi
Too Long
 Sep 2020 devi
Maybe I dreamt of you for too long
That I never got you in reality
 Sep 2020 devi
 Sep 2020 devi
This pain
In my chest


Just a spark
Of emotion

In a second,
It'll pass

Before it all
Goes black
 Sep 2020 devi
You spit lies
you make me cry
silvery, slithers
half truths
your golden platitudes
aren’t worth your breath
you speak words of life
but you mean death.
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