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Quin Rosenheart Sep 2018
I'm doing the best I can
With everything I am
But I am always told
They don't give a ****

I try my hardest to succeed
But there is a part of me
That wants to run away
And say I need to be freed

So I pick up my pieces
And stood up tall
I gather myself once more
Recovered from my fall
Danielle Jun 2018
How sick and foolish—
Just a drop—
And I now taste despair.
Feel it crawling inside:
Dark and poisonous
Like your humanity.
But oh! How I shall fight!
To be freed of your mess
And shackles.
Until I can laugh at your face
For all the pain,
You forced me to swallow
Old poem, old pain reworked into something new.
Mary-Eliz Apr 2018

a thought
pursued freedom

gone forever

from my mind
Nana ed Mar 2018
She is gripping her favorite lipstick
  It was a gift from one of his trips
  And she is asking herself on repeat
  ‘Should I still be holding onto it?’

She puts down the fork and the knife
    on her plate
  It was their favorite diner to date
  And she whispers to no one
  ‘Am I really done?’

She is sitting on top of a hill
  On the bench where they used to
  And she stares at the sunset looking
  ‘Shouldn’t I, too, move on?’

She puts her headphones on
  It is his favorite classical song
  She presses the square-shaped
   symbol and let out a sob
  ‘This needs to stop.’

She is staring at her screen
  They are their vacation pictures on
   the scene
  And on one click, the screen proposes
  ‘Erase all?’ or ‘Close?’

She is petting a bird
  It was their lovely baby parrot
  And she opens the cage door
  ‘I am ready to let go.’
BeautyinChaos Aug 2017
A smile plays on my lips
one hand caressing my cheek
And the other is firmly on my neck
Squeezing sweetly, cutting off the air
So that I can finally breathe
Arlene Corwin Feb 2017
The Pleasant Difference ‘Tween The Spiritual & Religious

How to say this briefly:
Firstly, find words for the inexpressible.
They do exist.
Here is the gist:
Each has components -
Churches, sects and cults, their creeds:
The claim of being chosen.
Pure spirit's -ality doesn’t seem to need
A system woven
Into scripture which professes knowing
What is best for all,
Where if you’re good you rise
And if you’re bad you fall.

The spiritual as an approach to life,
Seems to place the emphases
On unity within the mixture of beliefs;
On peace and joy, and getting these;
Transcendent over time and space
And, most of all,
A sense that you are face to face
With truth about reality,
Its indescribability.
Yet not impossible to give a voice to;
Love that comes, fear that goes!
******, no.   A loving kindness big & small,
Universal, – if you will,
That permeates, recalibrates,
Connecting to an All that’s spirit: All in all.
Practices to help along:
Meditation, psilocybin, prayer and song:
The mystical both caused or opened.
That said, non- theistic preference
Needs to be demystified, a road for genius, dunce.
Not piety, religion, magic, paganism, or god-based,
Not theological nor physical,
But meta-, deeply meaningful,  
Yes mystical!
The core of all.

The Pleasant Difference ‘Tween The Spiritual & Religious 2.9.2017
To The Child Mystic II; The Processes: Creative, Thinking, Meditative II; Nature Of & In Reality;
Arlene Corwin
Ma Cherie Dec 2016
Plant a deep,
and budding seed,
to take away the endless writing need,
show the others,
end the angry jealous greed,
& take away an ugly ****,
to do a little poetic deed,

As you hope in a prolific tree,
in it's rooted ink,
to be set so free,
stretching to the sky,
to show a light for all to see,

Get down & pray on bended knee,
the God's above have heard the plea,
as they hand you a compelling key,
and no,
there is no guarantee,

As I will always remember thee,

I hope that you who let me be,

I hope you too,
remember me.

Cherie Nolan © 2016
For someone I love... my seed. Thank you to all the poets at HP those I know and those I don't who have supported my writing and work. I hope you all have a wonderful and blessed New Year full of prolific words. I hope you are blessed for the other abundances also ❤❤❤
Scribbles99 Oct 2016
Darkness avenges light and swallows it up.
A burning sun dies,
melting in a horizon where orange flames mold with stars.
Shadows awaken and roam a world.
A black cloud is studded with blazing stalks;
swaying and jumping throughout the dark.
An exquisite pearl rules a sky.

Slowly and on toes...*
Secrets are born,
masks of empty smiles and eyes fall
tearing flesh and bones;
and what we thought as mythical creatures are shed,
awakening the truest nature of souls.
Nicole Feb 2016
Farewell sweetheart,

I closed the door without a sound.
Teardrops fell to the ground.

You loved me softly, you filled me with grace.
But I can't live this lie just to save face.

I don't feel joy, I can't sense pain.
If only you knew what was going on in my brain.

Life without you once seemed impossible, and now it is the reality I face.
I'll never forget the moments we had, how you made me blush in lace.

The train is leaving the station and I'm going away.
There is no point in hoping I'll stay.

I look around and feel like a stranger here, there's not enough room in your heart.
We both deserve a fresh start.

I won't wake you, my feet gently cross the floor.
Our story is over, I can't do this anymore.

So goodbye my sweet, these memories will last. Until the next time, I'll remember you and briefly gaze in the past.
Dawn of Lighten Dec 2015
It's this migraine of swirling, or paused pulse in the head.
As if the revolution of earth is felt in much faster pace,
And only you are in this ride of earth farris wheel.

Are you alone in this darkness,
As if beneath the deep sea,
And striving desperately gasp to the surface to breath?

Those moments your beats stop in seconds,
but that second felt like a life span,
And you want to knock everything on the table to release your senses.

This desire to bash your head against a wall,
Until this pressure in your head halts,
And allow the circulation to resume with the flow of your blood?

Razor upon the skin to release senses of the nerves in this numb within,
Allowing your warm blood to flow,
And remind yourself you are alive?

In a brief moment of solitude,
As the midnight bring solace,
You allow yourself to dream?
I remember what it was like to be stuck in a personal bars against the walls,
And once I freed myself of the painful truth,
The walls that prisoned me was unbuilt and reassembled to my personal throne room.

So why build your dungeon, when you can build your villa?
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