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Débijonne May 2018
my mind a controlled chaos,
my heart an organised mess
beautifully painful are my emotions
i arguably acquiesce.
with my naturally strange company,
you’ll learn to deal with what life brings;
like the sad joys and sweet agonies,
with all the huge little things.
typically weird sometimes.
awfully good at acting natural.
i like small crowds in order to be myself
somehow, it is weirdly normal.
i’ve never told a lie, i am a liar.
i always busy myself with nothing.
i care deeply for humanity but
oftentimes, i loathe human beings.
my past experiences make me burn in tears,
i drown at the fire brought by
the aftermath of my unpleasant years.
so to protect myself,
i hate to love and love to hate.
just same differences, they create.
Lexeigh Evans Mar 2018
She's only yours until she not.

Everything beautiful can't stay forever so soon enough like a rose it rots.

All though there were so many guns that were being fired the only ones being hurt were the one's who shot the shot.

You expected her to stay at your side like a pet.

Treated her like a slave as I recall you saying you have no regrets.

You said you loved her but she sooner or later couldn't hear a thing because after the shots were fired she figured it was all a game.

She put all of her time into you like she was a reckless teen at an arcade.
She spent all of her coins and soon enough she realized she never once was repaid.

She thought she had your heart in her hate filled life that was the only thing she ever thought she had won.
She loved you so much and she thought you felt the same until you were the one behind the gun.

Although she hopped on one foot through a spike filled cave, and across the world then through dungeons, she came only to hear you once again call her name.
She still loved you and like a new song on the radio she was your favorite until a new one came on.
The static between the stations was I guess to far to reach because he said that their love was too far drawn.

Even though he had tricked her so many times, when she got in her car finally and changed the station she never again pressed rewind.

He was really confused because he thought he already had every one of her dimes but when she left the arcade he noticed not one tear did she cry.
Lexeigh Evans Mar 2018
Maybe it was the look in your eyes
Or the daring, cold air.

But everything about the moons light made your skin look more fair.
Your lip’s feel more soft, me more vulnarable
And your eye's  making these nights more rare.

Our small glances made me simply feel high and by the looks of the obnoxious smiles that we had, we both adored this night.

The trees grew a loving snare and that's when the stars  hinted me that you my love, still cared.

But the cracks in these old streets whispered to me, reminded me of my heart's oldest tear.
Everything went black for a moment then I woke up, the world tilted, and my blood pressure flared.

Looking at my given up hand sideways across the cold ground I realized all this was, was everything I hoped for fooled into a dream.

I got up yet my feelings took a shake, I loved you it seemed.

As soon as I felt something was missing, something was gone. This "something" was different to... I soon enough noticed that the thing that was missing was you.
Tina RSH Feb 2018
Star, Scarred, barred from gleaming
beaming to the world, seeming
as if light has the ultimate might
to shower the glassy body with power
of being, seeing the present as it is
or is not, but cut off from the sky
Star marred, far away from home
roams, the sky in wanderlust and sorrow.
Timmy Shanti Feb 2018
I shop the windows,
Watch the birds,
I sip my tea
Until it hurts.

I steer my ship
Across the land.
Voice of the voiceless,
One-man band.

I ramble on,
Just ‘coz I can,
To crash one day
Whence I began.

Winds blowing strong,
Blue stars all-blind,
I go all-in:
I freed my mind.
3 Feb 2018
Life without knowledge is death in disguise.
Lexeigh Evans Dec 2017
"She was young, a rose resting with thorns.She was in detailed how the sky would fall before it had bent. Although she was so bright inside her outside the darkest red like the blood that would leak from the humans fingers when they touched her thorns, she never truly knew her damage."
Like my poems? Feel free to give me advice, leave a like, or maybe even a comment ! <3
Nathan Collins May 2016
Oh how the winds of time have worn this house,
Sweeping away the vibrance that once surrounded it,
Leaving empty chairs at our table,

In an instant ;

The wooden ladle,
Still in the dish,
Still warm,

After the commotion,
The constant locomotion,
The dust has settled,
And time grinds to a halt,

Oh, what great treasures are woven into these walls,
Every scratch, every crack,
A story,

Oh great house,
Oh great kingdom upon a time
Once ;

A sea,
Where the gulls call legends above,
In the open firmament of our memories,

And returning,
Dodging the salty spray:

Held aloft by the winds of recollection,
An ever present mental convection,

A watched *** that never boils,

A memory that never fades...
brock the badger Apr 2016
I want to **** myself*
She says to the void
The void just closes it's big sleepy midnight eye
turns away
pulls the cloak further over its shoulder
Just a back
rippling in silk
The midnight eye curls it's cloak as it turns away
I am alone
trapped on this side of the glass
Cody Haag Apr 2016
When I was a boy,
My heart resembled a rose,
Which could not see chaos,
My innocence did show.

When I became a young man,
The rose, it grew thorns,
Dark, hardened bits formed
When I was made to mourn.

It seemed life handed death to me,
Like it was running out of time,
Running out of time to break me,
That conclusion I did find.

But those deaths have not affected me
Like the living tragedies have,
And the living tragedies drive me closer,
To thoughts I once never had.

Here I am, reaching the end of adolescence,
A time that is meant to form us as people.
Here I am, feeling that I deserve more grief,
That I have always been inherently evil.

The horizon offers much for me,
But I fear it will not come easily.
Then again, it could not be worse
Than what life has dealt me habitually.

So, onward I will march,
As I have done for quite a while.
Though the bullets strike me often,
I will somehow endure this trial.
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