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Sep 2018 · 566
Where you become a sun...
Solaces Sep 2018
The oceans here..
The rivers inside of them..
Blue universe with green lifelines..
White statues made by fallen angels..
The lake house that floated on the lake..
On green and blue waters..
Dreams of shadows and light..
The songs sung by everything..
Sung in reverse and forward..
Streams of light mist in the night..
Heaven shines forever here..
The inside of a star..
The star you have become..
For others to gaze upon..
Where you become a sun..
In someone else's sky...............................
GOD BLESS............................
We see heaven more times than we know...
Solaces Aug 2018
The early bright chased away shadows in its slow rising scintillant song.  Very little stars were left in the sky.. The purples and oranges that painted the sky soon turned into atomoshere blue.  The dawn-to-dark song was in full bloom..  The lyrics sung about colors the light of the day would award my deep brown eyes. Some of them also spoke of the coming nighttide that was well on its way to catch us all.   On eventide I walk up to the hills.. The night slowly makes love to the day and lays her down to sleep..  There I begin to count the stars.. Until there are to many to count..  As there is no moon to shine down on my star parade I clearly see the vault of heaven in all its beautiful cosmic glory.. The night is in full bloom........
Just stop and look every now and again..
Jun 2018 · 6.8k
The fallen light rain..
Solaces Jun 2018
It was a boardwalk on the stars it seemed.. On the otherside of the universe.. I got to walk it.. It was raining light here and there.. The air smelled of star jasmine..  I could see your eyes every now and again as a raindrop of light would pass by them..  They were a deep dreamy brown that seem to swirl away all of my worries.. I was in your dream.. Somehow I made it here.. Or maybe you summoned me here..  I wonder what I look like to you in the fallen light rain? Do my eyes shine as bright as yours?
In her dream...
Jun 2018 · 695
The lighthouse of dreams...
Solaces Jun 2018
In the night blooms the flowers..
Unseen by sunlight..
Shadows dance in the pale moonlight..
Blooming pedal's dusk towers..

In the chamber on the sea mountain side..
Flame burns sky blue...
Wooden floor kissed with golden sand..
The dreamers arrive soon..

The flower colors in the moonlight..
Mixed in with glowing silver rays..
Can't tell if they are blue or maybe a dark gray..
Soon the sun will award true color from the dying night..

The dreamers gather in the chamber by the sea..
They form a lighthouse of imaginations and dreams..
For the mind eye to open and see..
That the stars above are really part of you and me...
I saw a light house in a dream.. Created by other dreamers like me..
Jun 2018 · 436
On the green hill
Solaces Jun 2018
We walked through the flood waters to the green hill.  It was the only high ground around.  The sun shined down and we could see through the clear waters.. We watched the fish go by.. It was a beautiful peace..
another dream of mine...
May 2018 · 281
No flash light
Solaces May 2018
Walking at night with no flash light..
Thunderstorms on the way.
Lightning blues color black blue..
Stars leave to someone else's dreams.
Streetlights on in the corner before dawn..
Sun rises in the storm.
Solaces May 2018
Its like music. The intro to a song.  The way the intro captures the creation of an emotion.  It feels the same.  It sets the stage and tone of the the emotion engine that is about to drive your soul to another place..

The blue star colored energy mist itself around me.  It connects itself to everything that is me. To my soul, to my mood, to my memories, and to everything that I love.  I then feel a beautiful surge of energy travel through every cell that makes me alive, every nerve that makes me feel, all of my beautiful memories that make me smile.  I aim myself toward the stars above, or the deep blue sky.  Once I have absorbed all the star blue energy I star leap out of the earth and take flight among the stars.  I take flight to destination FOREVER...
For those who can fly know what I am talking about..
Solaces May 2018
I could not find you in the woods..
With the moon as my light..
You were lost in seven thoughts..
Lost and out of sight..

Your light steps were fading..
Your stardust too..
Pinch harmonics and shadow voices..
Are coming through..

I see you looking toward the stars..
And then you look toward me..
Your eyes are filled with moonlight..
You shine and leave to the star sea..
Solaces May 2018
In our small little peaceful village North of the mountains.  We found a new way to live. We got away from the Red voice army and made a new life.  We all lost someone to the R.V.A.  They were ruthless and wanted everyone and everything for themselves.  They overthrew all governments of the world 50 years ago.  They had super advanced weapons and just a group of them could take out an army.  

They called themselves the Red voice army because of a certain weapon they use.  It is a sort of mini rail gun the emits a powerful wave of red energy. The sound it makes sounds like a wicked scream.  What ever the red energy passes through will leave behind only ash.  Nothing has been able to stand up to it.  None of them can be killed because of a strange suit they ware. No bullet or explosion can break through their suit.  

It was a beautiful April day. It had stormed early this morning and now the sun and raindrops color the grass.  One of the new villagers who arrived a month ago was walking alone in the grass.  His name was Dalis. He stood 6'11 and must of weighed over 280lbs.  He was one of the best builders we had. But kept to himself.  A group of us went down to the river to collect water and and hopefully catch some fish.  It was then we heard the red scream.  They had found us!  

Everyone in the village was at a panic. There was no where to run.  They had us surrounded.   I looked toward the fields and saw Dalis. In front of him were 2 R.V.A soldiers.  I then saw a red flash and heard a red scream. Dalis had turned into ash.  

They gathered us all up.  Deciding who would die and who would serve them.  The old folk were going to be the first to die. They only wanted young bodies to do their labor.  They lined up all the elders. Pointed their weapons.  But before they could fire, a blaze of endless lightning danced around the fields.  Strange thing was there was not a cloud in the sky.  The lightning was coming from Dalis's ashes.  His ashes begin to glow blue.  And in a magnificent flash of blue light stood Dalis.  He wore a strange beautiful blue armor.  There were red screams everywhere. All the R.V.A soldiers fired their weapons at Dalis.  But had no effect at all. Dalis walked toward all the soldiers.  He then held his hand toward the sky and a bolt of lightning struck it leaving behind a lance made out of lightning and some kind of metal.  He killed all the soldiers in an instant but left one alive.  He told them to go back and tell the R.V.A that he is coming for all of them.  The soldier left running!

Dalis, He came from the lightning.  Or from somewhere else.  There is no more R.V.A.  Dalis made sure of that.  We are at peace now.  We never saw Dalis again.  But the lightning storms remind me of him.
Stardiver Dalis
Apr 2018 · 568
El Sol
Solaces Apr 2018
They called him Sol. Sol is spanish for Sun.   He was called Sol because on our darkest hour he made the eternal night into day.  

They came to our planet and darken the skies with their megaships.  All key cities were hit all over the world first. Destroyed by impossible walking death machines.  No one was left alive.  They attacked in such a pattern that it would stray the remaining people alive toward a destination where they could be exterminated all at once.   In the flat lands of North Texas we could see them all coming in our direction from all around us. As they got closer we could hear their footsteps rumble like thunder.  It would not be long now. Everyone started to say goodbye to eachother.  

I had my eyes closed tight. I did not want to see my end happen.  But under my eyelids I begin to see red.  It was the sun above.  It shined brighter than ever before.  The sun seem to be coming down on us slowly.  It was a man in beautiful strange armor.  He then unsheathed to magnificent swords burning with blue and white fire.. He then bolted through the sky toward one of the walking death machines destroying it in a ball of white and blue light.  He then streaked toward the rest of the walking death machines destroying all of them leaving behind flames of blue and white.    

He then flew back toward us all. A beautiful sun in the sky he was.  His light was warm and beautiful.  He walked among us all healing us with his light.  I was no longer scared. All my fears were gone.  He then went after one of the megaships destroying it in the sky.  The other ships fled back to the stars.  It was the end of the end.  And the beginning of us again.  One of the kids called him El Sol.
Stardiver Sol....
Apr 2018 · 500
oranges and purples
Solaces Apr 2018
That late evening drive was just what I needed.  With music to keep me company and help clear my thoughts.  The setting sun created oranges and purples for my eyes to make love to.   I would pass over rivers that looked like mirrors that looked like false skies flowing below me.  I drove and I drove. To no where. To everywhere.
Just take a drive. . . . . . . . .
Apr 2018 · 575
A u r a
Solaces Apr 2018
It was like her hair captured the sunlight and created a whole new color.  It was the color called "Beauty."  My chest got heavy and I almost forgot to breathe.  If the soul is colorless her smile in the sun gave color to mine.  Until the one day she smiled at me..  I saw an aura of colors that could create a universe.
The way light sticks to a girl.
Solaces Apr 2018
I have looked to the night sky in my dreams many times.
Sometimes the stars are leaving.  
They shine brightly for a moment and then blast off into the universe..
This time the stars were chasing eachother..
I could see them..
It was as if the stars were childeren playing tag with eachother.
But then they noticed me looking at them..
They stopped for a brief moment..
Then faded into the darkness..
This strange beyond is reaching out to me..
Again and again..
I love it!!
Makes me feel at home!
Which makes me question..
Where is home?
playful stars..
Mar 2018 · 524
The celler door.....
Solaces Mar 2018
The celler door lead into the attic. If that makes sense.
Mar 2018 · 277
The math test
Solaces Mar 2018
That math test in my dreams is even hard.. Even in the dream realm I didn't try and cheat on it. I do my best though.
I hope I passed.
Mar 2018 · 198
I had a dream about thunder
Solaces Mar 2018
I had a dream about thunder. I awoke to silence.  Went out the back door to look at the sky.  It was full of stars.  No moon.   The thunder came from a storm I remembered.  It was a storm with no rain.  Just lightning and thunder.  Endless blue blazing.  No stars. Just clouds.  I could smell the rain that didn't fall. I want to smell the rain in my dreams. When I almost forget what the rain smells like.
Solaces Mar 2018
The air was warm and cool all at once..
The oncoming storm was a beautiful chaos among the ambient ocean..
The sky was full of colors.  The colors made love to my eyes and soul..
There was enough sunlight to form a double rainbow.. Arcs of rain colors showed all of the storms emotions..  
Soon I will be the lightning..
When I finally leave for the stars again..
Only there are no stars in this beautiful view..
Only memories of colors that I swear I hear music in..
The stars are beyond..
And this storm is here..
And I for now would much rather be here..
Storm on the horizon colors..
Mar 2018 · 192
But all it took was a spark
Solaces Mar 2018
Endless shadow... Endless shade.. There was nothing more but dusk and forgotten day..  For millions of years it was dark beyond dark.  It was our peace and their end.  But all it took was a spark.  A small spark 1000 years ago.  Today that spark became a ray of light.  It cut through all of our darkness in an instant.  And their it stood.  A being made of nothing but pure light.  It shined and shined forever in all directions.  We could not stop it.  It pushed us all away..  Across the universe and in to another.  The light then brought color and life to whatever it touched.  This being of light however only had so much time to shine.  It later died out as our darkness took back over.  Or so we thought.  Its near endless light still travels today across the cosmos.  Creating more light in its wake.  This being that shined that day is called a star.  Now they are all over the universe. And forever will be. Because we thought nothing could ever break our darkness. But all it took was a spark.
The sun is born.
Mar 2018 · 211
Little Wonders:
Solaces Mar 2018
The shop of Little Wonders. Found with a hum that one can only dream of.  A song about how small things have a big effect on the world around us.  Today the lady bugs arrive with gifts of summer magic to this mini shop of little wonders under the grass.  

The Sun wax candle:
This candle has no wick.. But it still can be lit..  It is made out of sun wax.  Once lit the flame will float above the sun wax.  The flame will sustain the day so long as it is lit. A strong magic.  Only ones with true fire can light it....

The Spinner of forgotten time:
Looks much like a fidget spinner.  Created by lost time and time that flies by when you are having fun.  Can be spun once a day to stop time for 10 seconds.  Once spun the Spinner of forgotten time turns into a small galaxy to rearrange time in this galaxy.  A very strong magic.  Only those who have held the needles of time can spin it.
I was in this strange little shop in my dreams last night. I swear I was asleep for 2 days!
Feb 2018 · 818
The dark wilderness..
Solaces Feb 2018
They came out of the dark wilderness..
My solitude and my peace..
Some of my thoughts will sometimes drift to them..
These shadows come and go..
A strange peace indeed..
In darkness where everything can be seen..
As if there were light but truly there wasn't..
Thats what the dark wilderness is..
A wild darkness untainted by hate or malice..
True darkness..
Its where my solitude and peace come from..
Its where they will return..
Along side me someday.   .. . . . . .. .           .. .       . .. . . . .. .
True darkness....
Feb 2018 · 529
Down these roads
Solaces Feb 2018
Down these roads I go..
Part of my heaven I suppose..
To destination no where..
Forever on these roads to elsewhere..
Ill stop here and there..
And meet people everywhere..
Small towns for my dreams to remember..
When I sleep without surrender..
Away from the sun I drive..
And into the night I dive..
Under stars that remember me..
With music to keep me company...
Just drive.........
Feb 2018 · 563
The green light storms
Solaces Feb 2018
On the horizon was green lit clouds..
Green lightning would dance across the sky.  
The thunder sounded different though..
It almost sounded like a million french horns in the sky..
The green lit clouds rolled in dropping glowing rain..
The rain made all the dead yellow grass green in an instant..
As the rain fell on me I felt the cool drops turn warm as they touched my body..
The air smelled of something beautiful I could not describe..
Every breath I took seeem to add years to my life..
I felt my body getting tight..
My hair started to grow longer..
The life storms rolled away leaving everything full of life..
The dead trees were now full of leaves..
Flowers with light glowing pedals colored the fields..
There were rain months fluttering toward us..
Their wings glowed with emreald shine..
Where did that storm come from?
Green lit clouds..
Jan 2018 · 276
What I have been saying
Solaces Jan 2018
I can tell you the neverminds..
I can tell you how far we are behind..
I know I won't be alone..
I know I am full of unknowns..
Some of my songs are about you..
Some of my poems too..
Some of my dreams came true..
Some of my nightmares too..
The ghost are coming..
The ghost are running..
The ghost are singing..
The ghost are dreaming..
The song is playing..
The song is fading..
The song is repeating..
What I have been saying...............................
Just a song
Nov 2017 · 476
m e m o r i e s
Solaces Nov 2017
i remember now...
Solaces Nov 2017
It was a one star early evening..  
I was walking thinking of you..
Alone in the twilight you were..
Wrapped in darkness and dying light..
I wondered if you thought of me..
I wondered if you could see the night cathing up to my soul..
And once it did I lost you in the now black star filled sky..
You were there somewhere..
You watched me looking for you..
Until  early tomorrow evening..
When you are the only one high in the sky..
Wrapped in darkness and dying light..
We see eachother...
Before the night mixes you away..
Just one star out tonight.
Oct 2017 · 1.3k
Me getting lost in you
Solaces Oct 2017
There you go again.  With that smile.  I really cannot turn away from such a smile.  So I smile back.  As our brown eyes lock for but a moment.. Everything is forgotten around me. I don't know where I am, I don't know who is talking, all I know is that my eyes are locked to yours..   This is how you make a dream..  Take that moment and multiply by itself.. That will equal " Me getting lost in you."
It started with a smile.....
Solaces Oct 2017
The rain woke me up..
I got up and looked out the window..
And the rain fell with silent lightning dancing about..
I saw myself..
For a moment as the raindrop fell..
I saw myself..
For a moment as the lightning streaked through the sky..
I saw myself as the storm blue lightning sky..
It was then a strange machine lit up blue..
With my memories of me it grew brighter and brighter..
It was a beautiful machine made out of imagination glass..
It was a beautiful machine made out of memories of light..
I called it a Lightcycle..  Starglass and light... Driven by and emotion engine.. And endless thoughts..  The starglass shell filled in with lightning and endless blues..  
I built my Lightcycle again..
Simply by remembering it..
The lightning birds flew around me..
I was ready to open my electric wings again...
Its been so long..
Starglass and light....
Oct 2017 · 801
This is what beautiful is..
Solaces Oct 2017
The sun hit your face in such a way I forgot what we were talking about.. I felt it in my chest.. My eyes told me, " This is what beautiful is."
Light on your face
Oct 2017 · 473
It will make you shine...
Solaces Oct 2017
A certain light shines on you when you love..
You then emit that light to the ones you love..
In turn they emit it back when they love you..
Love creates happiness only when you share it..
Don't be afraid to do so..
And remember to love yourself..
It will make you shine...
Afraid to be alone.......
Oct 2017 · 189
Solaces Oct 2017
I have been running in my dreams.. Running on random roads at night.. The air feels good.. The air I breathe in feels crisp as it gives life to me.  I run down winding dirt roads to places unknown..  I run and I run..  Never do I tire nor do my legs ever hurt..  In one dream I ran in the night only to catch up to the sun.. I was running so fast I was able to catch up to the day.. The sun did not rise it instead fell from high above..  Once I caught the day I finally stood still. The sun knew I had caught it..  I then ran back to the night..  To places deep in my mind.. Beautiful places of peace..  So if you can still run.. Do so every once in a while.. It truly is a gift..
Run while you can..
Sep 2017 · 637
To see green....
Solaces Sep 2017
Endless white..  As far as the eye could see.  We had to travel far and wide in search of food.  My bones were as cold as the wind..  But we had to go on.. We were the strongest in the tribe and chosen for its survival..  The snow begin to fall again..  Could not see 3 ft in front of us.. This would make it more difficult to follow tracks and such.  But forward we went, together for the hunt!  

It was getting colder.. The winds were picking up again.  Then all of a sudden a warm gust of air hit us all..  For a moment we were all warm inside and out..  We continued to feel these gust of warm winds from time to time.. It got to the point where the winds stayed warm.. So warm in fact we started to remove pelts off of our backs..

We traversed over a hill and saw the most amazing thing I have ever seen.. Green... so much green! The grass was beautiful here!  And at the center stood a being, a person waring strange glowing armor! He was floating above the grass sleeping..  He was the source of all the warm air we felt..  It was as if he was emitting life itself..  The grass felt so beautiful to the touch.. The green was making love to our eyes..  My body felt as warm as ever.. All my pain was gone..  My cracked cold skin was warm and full of color..

We all fell into a slumber in the grass..  I had beautiful dreams of green.. When we all awoke the strange armored being was gone..  Just being in his presence kept us warm for weeks.. It was as if his power somehow soaked into us.. All of our wounds were healed.. We came back to the tribe with plenty of food and one hell of a story!         S.DIVERS
Just resting on a planet of snow
Sep 2017 · 664
Solaces Sep 2017
I flew over endless oceans..
Under endless storms..
It rained forever here..
No land at all..
But why was it raining so much..
Why did it never end..
I decide to fly over the storms..
And above the clouds the source of endless storms was there..
Thousands and thousands of them..
Turns out they flooded the planet to make a new home for themselves.
The ocean below was a nest..
I was a traveller..
I was sent here to witness the end of a world and the beginning of a new one..
it ends and begins..
Aug 2017 · 661
weight of darkness
Solaces Aug 2017
I could see the blue glow all around me..
I felt pressure in every part of my body..
Almost as if I was deep under water..
But I was in darkness..
A darkness so dense it almost seem to have weight..
The blue glow became shine..
And the weight of darkness was getting lighter..
I was now able to walk in the heavy darkness toward anywhere..
The lines in my hands had blue lightning running through them..
My shine now tunred into rays of light..
Cutting and burning through this wicked heavy darkness..
Everywhere I stepped, everywhere I had been was being replaced with light..
I became a blue star in the end..
It took me 222 years to walk the planet and fill it with light..
Along the way I found out that I had died with my race very long ago..
All that was left was a small splinter of light..
A light I had always belived in..
Turns out it belived in me..
My planet lives again..
Without us in it..
Only me..
At the end of my light travel I come to the final splinter of darkness..
And wonder, what believed in this so much that it killed everything on my planet..  
Whatever it was I knew it was still out there..
And I needed to find it!

Solaces Aug 2017
I felt a ghostly kiss on my neck..
It felt as if a warm  raindrop splashed on my neck..
For a moment I heard a beautiful dream like hum coming from everywhere..
It was the music of everything..
The grass, the dirt, the trees, the winds, the colors, and the ghost...
I was at peace with myself..
No chaos, no worries, just simply me.
Spirals of light begin to spin..
Like mini galaxies floating in the air..
Many moths with wings made of light came out of each spiral..
All different colors..
Flowers made of light grew all around me..
A great gust of wind came in and spun around me..
Flower pedals made of light spun around me.
The scent was out of this world..
It begin to make sense for a moment..
This strange place was the center of a star..
I was the star..
My imagination was making it shine..
I was feeding this star..
I was endless!
wish upon a star..
Solaces Aug 2017
It was me and the stars again!  I leave this dead planet in route toward the destroyer that nearly destroyed me.  It was good to be among the stars again. Into the expanse of darkness surrounded by star light. My wings made of sapphire blue star light.  I traverse through the darkness that connects all the light together.  They go hand and hand you know. You need darkness as you need light.   They must remain in balance..  Night to day, black to white, Light to shadow, Rebuilder to destroyer and so forth.. I was nearly defeated by this collector of chaos.   He has just arrived at my home planet where my fellow dragons are fighting as of now..  I can feel their power grow as I get closer and closer to home.   You see they are my light, my shine, my hope, and my stars.  And so it will be me and the stars again. We will shine in the night.  Even after we are gone, we will still shine on! My name is Secalos, Blue Star dragon of the cosmos, sky priest of the sky oceans.  I am coming! Fast and fierce, shining brighter than ever.. All because of one thing I did!  I remembered me!
Dragon flying through the stars. . . . .
Solaces Jul 2017
I picked up my old powerless staff.. I had little strength left in my old body.  Even my staff seem to age with me. It felt brittle and dry. I looked up at the beautiful night sky. I knew I had been gone for to long.  Even the stars looked down on me waiting for me to awaken.  
I still remember the chant.. I can still hear my young voice shout it out..  Time truly does heal.  I was broken and defeated.  My soul shattered and left at this lonly planet on the otherside of my galaxy.  But the cracks are filled and healed.  My light is glowing once again in the darkness. I stand in the star light with my staff over my head and whisper out the chant.  

                                     !!!!Naidraug nogard esir!!!!
I felt all the life return to me.  I felt all the warmness around me. My glowing light had turned into a blue shining light.. I was me again.. My youth returned and my power stronger than before. I was the blue mage, sky priest of the sky oceans, Blue light of the North star.. I floated above the ground with my staff spinning above me..  I called forth the Dragon in me.  Secalos, Star serpent of the blue inferno.  I flew into the skies and released my blue inferno.  I lit up the night as a false blue sun.. I flew to the stars toward the nearest sun. There I will gather my energy to defeat the destroyer that nearly destroyed me..
Jul 2017 · 458
You all have grown up..
Solaces Jul 2017
Some of the stars don't shine anymore..
This empty place has no echo..
The clouds are not here..
And the sky is not the blue I remember..
The luster is gone..
The word magic is dead..

You all have grown up..
But I haven't..
Not truly..

I can see those stars that don't shine for you..
And I can hear my voice echo in this empty place..
The clouds are gone for you but have returned for me..
And the sky is the creator of all that is blue..
I am the luster..
And magic is real..

None of this has faded for me one bit..
In fact if anything, it is becoming more and more magical as I get older..
Don't let others tell you otherwise..
There is a beyond..
There is an after..
And there is a forever..
Never ever let anyone tell you there is no magic......
Jul 2017 · 422
Solaces Jul 2017
This storm came back..
This time it flooded over..
But I open the flood gates..
I got it off my chest..
I simply talked about it..
Instead of acting like I was stronger than it..
The flood waters dropped a few feet..
And they continue to drop..
Soon it will be just a river of thoughts..
Then a steady stream of them..
It will storm again soon..
And it will flood..
But don't fight the current..
Just let it pass..
Hold on to something with someone else..
Believe me, It really does help..
got it off my chest..
Jun 2017 · 340
The moods of three roads..
Solaces Jun 2017
Let me start the mood..

:The last shadows:
What I see are the last shadows of a world made of twilight..
They loved eachother in the darkness..
They made a family in the forever dusk of their shadow day..
Then the light came..  
It came and all the darkness could do was be pushed away..
If light was there darkness could never return..
And it was about to shine away the last of it..

Let me change the mood...

:Following the lines in my hands..:

My dreams of you..
Put a smile to my face before I truly awake..
Its the moment I am happy..
Its the moment I am back with you..
I remember then where I am at..
On what I was doing..
On the otherside of the galaxy..
Following the lines in my hands..
That reveal Heavens coordinates..

Final mood. . . . .

The peace of wind farms. . .

Driving down the road early one evening..
I think of random things to think about..
I do not know why!?
But when I am at my most relaxed state of mind I always see wind farms..
But not just any wind farm..
Wind farms high on a mountain in a desert in Texas..
Its as if I am suppose to find peace there..
I see the wind mills like I see the evening I am currently driving in.
It brings a beautiful peace to my soul..
Just to think about them..
Again I do not know why!
Perhaps its the wind..
Or maybe the windmills themselves..
How they spin to the will of the winds..
I write to music. This was a sequence of three different songs and the moods they put me in..  Send me a song and I will write what the song makes me see. You would be suprised, I always am..
May 2017 · 1.1k
The Good Fight. . .
Solaces May 2017
Its so easy for these feelings to take back over..
I fight them off for a few weeks but they always win..
But I fight and fight again,
Just simply to begin..

So I continue the good fight..  
All it takes is just a few moments..
To gather myself strong..
To stay away from the wrong..

Just don't get it off your chest..
Keep it to yourself..
If no one truly knows..
Then there is nowhere for it to go..

It can stay with me..
Inside like water..
Taking shape but always pushing..
Against this emotional dam thats leaking..

In the end its me..
Me getting through this..
Me fighting me..
Me making myself see..

Its the other me that doubts me..
Its the me that believes in me..
Constant conflict and compromise..
Emotions in disguise...
Some of the everyday good fights we all go through..  None of which are simple.  Don't know why these words came to me. But I liked where they ended..
May 2017 · 1.2k
C o r n e l l
Solaces May 2017

I hope you are seeing the light that you sang to us all about..  

Wash away the rain with a black hole sun..

Fine out what the Superunknown is about..

Give a spoon to a spoonman!

Break out of that Rusty cage..

You fell on black days brother..

But your voice left so much light behind..

Your voice will never be Outshined!

So say hello to heaven..

And sing in the Sunshower!
Solaces May 2017
Share your darkness and light with me..
Find me outside of you..
Through the light and back again..
Truth is where you find it..
Dream about us..
Remember our moments alone..
Far away and so very near..
A picture plus a song will equal perfection..
Before dawn take a walk outside..
Let the sun remember you are waiting for it..
I miss you so much..
I last saw you at the pillar of angels..
And I know you are waiting for us..
So remember our moments alone..
Our links and waves. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
remember, our, moments, alone,
May 2017 · 2.1k
Painted black windows...
Solaces May 2017
Painted black windows...
The sun pushed some light into my window one day after I had painted them all black. Turns out I had missed just a small speak of glass and the sun came in like a beam of light and shined at the center of the my dark room.  I put my hand into the light.  It was so beautiful. Just a simple beam of light shining on my hand in a dark room.  Made me feel good inside.  This small beam of light made me smile alone in the darkness.  I don't know why. But it did. You see I wanted a room where no light came in. I wanted it dark, I wanted it cold.  But my simple mistake let in some light.  It was cosmic, it was dreamlike, I had created something that made my soul smile creating a memory that I will never forget. Sometimes just the simple little things can make you smile forever.
May 2017 · 384
Solaces May 2017
S A N D    S U N
I manage to out run the desert heat only to catch up to the dead desert cold.  From day to night the desert attacked me with summer and winter slashes.  Nevertheless I escaped them all. Evil wicked creatures from below.  They destroyed all of the city and left no one alive.    I would rather die out here then be killed by them.  I walked as long as I could until my legs could no longer hold me.   My face deep into the moonlit sand I passed out.  I awoke to the sun shining down on me.  It seem much brighter than normal but strangely I felt no heat from it.  I then felt to hands lift me up.  I was to exchausted to even open my eyes, but when I did I saw the moon above.  Whatever was holding me it was holding me above its head or was it.  The moon seem to be getting closer and closer.  It was still night.  I felt a surge of warmness course through my body.  It was the most fantasic feeling I have ever felt.  I was no longer being held. I was high above the desert.  Floating in the air.  Below me was a ball of light in the sand. It looked like a sun in the sand.  The ball of light then lifted off into the air and came toward me.  It flew in a circle around me and blasted off to the stars.  I was reborn. Am I in heaven?  Did I die?  I flew back home.  And destroyed the destroyer...
Apr 2017 · 2.3k
Solaces Apr 2017
Sunset blooms twilight glooms.. Toward the moon and back I'll be back soon.. Darling I know you look at me, From an empty shadows dream.  But I have found where light is born. I saw where songs come from.  I have to leave.  I have all these emotions to weave.  I never really really believed. Nor did I want to really see.  But you became my educator.  And turned me into a revelator.  I feel beautiful inside.  And these new feelings of belief cannot be denied.
I see now.
Solaces Mar 2017
I will meet with you past the stars..
On the other side of twilight..
Intertwined and slowly unraveling all at once..
A light awakens within us simultaneously..
This is where we meet past the stars..
Because during this time there is no light, there is no darkness.
We are just past the stars..
Then we return..
Just to go past them again..
Going slow is better than going fast..
Intertwined and slowly unraveling all at once again and again...
Simultaneously not one at a time..
Mar 2017 · 1.2k
Yeah I like plants now..
Solaces Mar 2017
Yeah I like plants now..
I notice other peoples plants in their yard and find myself asking them one evening " what kind of plant is that?"  The conversation carries on and we talk about things I never cared about. Turns out, The things I don't care about are a lot more intersting than the things I do..  I decide to grow some roses in my front yard and they bloom in the spring and sometimes in the fall.  Turns out I have what they call a green thumb.. I have the most beautiful roses in town.. I find myself driving a lot slower.  Even when im in my Corvette.. I drive slow hoping this ride will last forever.. I use to drive fast everywhere.. But driving slow gets you there better..  Even if there is no place at all..  I find myself going to small towns more.. Just passing through makes my soul feel better.. Sometimes I stop and walk some random sidewalk.. Under the sun in some small town I have never been to.  So don't be scared to grow a plant, don't be scared to slow down, and don't be scared to go to a random small town.. Life is to fast.. Theres no need to try and get ahead of it.. Just ride with it and see a lot more even if your in one place..
Just passing by
Solaces Mar 2017
I just want to hold on to you and feel you breathe...
Its all I need
Mar 2017 · 1.1k
Roads to nowhere
Solaces Mar 2017
I drove to nowhere one day and found somewhere..
A somewhere inside of me that was always there..
It took getting nowhere to find it there..
And now that I am here, I will always be there..
For you, for me, for all of us..
Sometimes nowhere gets you somewhere..
I was always here and there.
Solaces Mar 2017
There was a fire in the water..
On the mirror lake..
It was a reflection..
It was the only time the fire could make love to the water..
Without ever burning or dowsing one another..
Just a beautiful reflection of an impossible releationship..
Fire by the lake..
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