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Amanda Sant'Anna Sep 2020
I drank from the well of shame
And I still feel it burning inside me
Amanda Sant'Anna Aug 2020
It was monday night
When he wrote me a letter
With all the words he could not say
He filled his bag, and left me sleeping
I woke up empty
He told me he was evil
He told me he was saving me
And that he was doomed to be alone
I drank some coffee to taste the bitterness
If only he had asked me
I would have said I'm evil too
I would have said we could be dark together
I would have told him light is overrated
And that his eyes were enough to guide our way
But he just left
And I went to work
The computer screen was so bright
It made me sick
messy poem, just for self expression
Amanda Sant'Anna Aug 2020
His river encountered my waters
Flowing wild like the ocean
My waves curled around him
So we could grow bigger
And bigger
And his fishes, we both have them now
So we grew richer
And richer
Then the rain saw our love, so pure
And she blessed us,
So we grew fuller
And fuller
Each night we danced to the moon
Each day we sang to the sun
And we made them both so proud
They gave us light to guide the way
So we grew wider
And wider
Until there was no more space to grow
Then we rested
Nested by thin air
So still, so nurtured
Life herself looked at us
And Death herself looked too
They came down for a swim
In perfect comunion
We were everything.
Amanda Sant'Anna Jul 2020
When it’s my time to rot,
I hope I get to lie underneath blue sky
Where I can give my warmth back to the sun,
So thankful for the borrowing
I hope my skin becomes a white daisy fearlessly growing by the road
So I'll get to remind you of the beauty in the world
And maybe my cells will become a cherry
Their sweetness forever imprinted in your lips
I hope my body gets to return the gift it received,
'Cause what a precious gift
And my love, I hope it can be carried by your heart
'Cause what a precious heart.
Amanda Sant'Anna Jul 2020
I feel like Darkness speaks to me
And I know she is not a person
But if she was we would be best friends
I'd keep her by my side and let her hold my hand
But no, she is not a person
She could never say she loves me back
Still, I'll keep her inside
Because her hugs feel like home
And her eyes look like my own
And she never lets go
She would never let me go
Like happiness did
True story
Amanda Sant'Anna Jul 2020
Maybe I'll die
Underneath a blackberry tree
Maybe one day you'll eat them
And I'll get to be a part of you again
Amanda Sant'Anna Jul 2020
I scroll my way through life
Cause I don't have to feel the pain
With all the smiles on instagram
I don't hate my life when I'm distracted
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