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Abigail Night Sep 2018
that night they dragged me
across the parking lot
they just couldn't see
how far i had got
i had made my world go black
yet they still yelled "liar"
they had me under attack
only my friends had screamed "why her?"

i was so close
my mind was less then static
it felt like everything froze
but to them i was still being dramatic
Sep 2018 · 186
Part four of missing you
Abigail Night Sep 2018
I can’t bring myself to delete your pictures
I can’t bring myself to delete those apps to see you
I can’t bring myself to lose you fully
Sep 2018 · 339
Love and morning
Abigail Night Sep 2018
All this time
You were embracing a new lover
While I embraced a bottle and a light
You were filling your heart with love
While I was morning the death of yours
Why would you hurt me like that
Sep 2018 · 116
Part three of missing you
Abigail Night Sep 2018
My love is in another’s arms
And I’m left thinking
Did you even love me truly
Sep 2018 · 144
My home
Abigail Night Sep 2018
Maybe he’s not my home
Maybe I was just a guest
But oh my god I want to stay
I’m so lost out here alone
Sep 2018 · 142
Abigail Night Sep 2018
I know it’s not healthy
The crying
The drinking
The drugs
The oversleeping
Since he left
But I need a replacement for him
He was sun
He was my high
He was my drink
He was my love.
And now he’s gone.
Sep 2018 · 151
Drowning embrace
Abigail Night Sep 2018
I am still drowning in my feelings
I wish for the violent waves
To embrace my broken soul
Once again
Sep 2018 · 124
Part one of missing you
Abigail Night Sep 2018
Huge tears cling to my cheeks
I’m intoxicated and I miss the man I love
I’m intoxicated and I’m thinking about my end
I’m weeping for I’m terrified of going  back to the silky black
All alone
Aug 2018 · 97
Wipe me off
Abigail Night Aug 2018
You slipped through my fingers
I feel like you’re trying to wash me off you
If you are please let me get you a napkin
And I will leave
Aug 2018 · 80
Locked out
Abigail Night Aug 2018
I was locked out of my home.
The keys were stolen away

Then the walls started rising up
And the air was stolen from my lungs

Love you were my home
And I’m starting to smell smoke
My love
I will stop the burning and the flames with my tears
Just let me come back home
Aug 2018 · 96
Abigail Night Aug 2018
My days became my nights
My meals have become pills
My water have become ***** mixed with tears
My sleep has become insomnia
And my dreams have become the gasping for air
But the only thing that hasn’t changed is how I love you
Aug 2018 · 224
Abigail Night Aug 2018
I’m not the strongest girl
I am weak and fragile.
You were strong and beautiful
You promised to hold me
To protect me through the storm

I did my best to calm the storm
So we could withstand it together
But with time
You slipped through my fingers

The storm is raging
And I’m not sure that I can withstand it on my own
But part of me prays
It’ll consume me
I’m sorry that I held on so tightly
May 2018 · 494
Pensive Heart
Abigail Night May 2018
If you take away my skin
A pensive heart you'll uncover
Pensive heart born to be a lover
The sadness you'll find behind my grin

My pensive heart will never know
How soon is too soon
Or if I should look to the moon
My pensive heart doesn't know
If I go to fast or way to slow
May 2018 · 1.1k
Abigail Night May 2018
My love,
Is it cliche to say
If i were to fall asleep
Wrapped up in your arms
I'd feel safe and loved.

Is it also cliche to say
That though
I don't believe in a god
But that would be
The greatest blessing i could pray for

My love,
I know its cliche but
Though we are miles
Upon miles apart  
And you aren't within sight
Youre in my heart

Oh love,
I sound so cliche
But i long for the day
My prayers are answered
Where youre holding me
And i'm holding your heart
May 2018 · 597
Abigail Night May 2018
We were laying there naked and intertwined
I remember your arms  wrapped around me
Holding me close.
I had been blessed
With a false sense of security
For just only a moment in time
I come in closer
As you kiss the top of my head
I playfully tease you
And you tenderly hold my face
And in a split second
The stinging red appears
And I called it love
Feb 2018 · 368
The First
Abigail Night Feb 2018
The first time i fell in love
Was with a girl
But i was told it was just friendship
When i was younger i hated the idea of loving boys
But i was told thats what i had to do
So i forced myself to

But that memory i couldn't get rid of
That love of mine was a pearl
Hiding in my shell
It was background noise
That love eventually grew
And i fell for a girl was the next thing i knew

You see i was never able to love who i was suppose to
I'm not sure what to do
I'm not sure who i am
Abigail Night Apr 2017
You say you see
a small bustling town
a great place to raise a family
somewhere to settle down
to start anew
You ask me don't I just love this place
Doesn't it ease my heart
You tell me that this place must be better from where I came
Better than a city
where mothers sell and steal anything they can
just so they can feel alive again
for maybe just one more hour
A small Sweet town like this
Must be better than a city
where fathers have no boundaries on what they take
from their children
Because In a city you get beat by the ones you love
I must love living in a safe town like this
where I'm safe from probing hands and peering eyes

But may I tell you this.
This town is no different
The children, they still find every flaw
and they will push you till you fly
It's no different! Little girls,
They still have to hide behind locked doors
So the older brother stops this beating.
In this town, Men will still be shot in the bar parking lot
The lost ones will still be weeping,
as they sink deeper into their addiction

This small busy town is no breath of air
You still get sent to a hospital when you show signs of breaking
that or one day you don't wake up.
Maybe you don't see it the way I can
But this town that adopted me,
It's no different from the city I was born.
Feb 2017 · 1.7k
Abigail Night Feb 2017
you called me a goddess
and I cried
because you reminded me of him
and how that love died
how cold, how cruel, how grim

You called me a goddess
your aphrodite
you said *** was good
but who I was
who I really was, was the best

but you don't know me
I don't even know me
I am not your goddess
I can't be your goddess
and I won't
I won't let you down like I did him

you called me a goddess
and said you wish to treat me as one
that you would give me the best
but if you knew me you would run
I wouldn't pass your test  

i can't be your goddess
Jul 2016 · 426
Abigail Night Jul 2016
It's times like this
when i remember the ocean.
And how it feels
it feels like home
where the waves hold you.
The warm sea floor
She feels as If its always been home.
And the cold water
reminds you of your blood
the blood your veins
how you're a person
a real living person but
the cold numbs you and reminds you
how you haven't felt real feelings for a long time.

It's nights like this
when I remember the ocean
And how A young girl
at 2am on her 13th birthday almost
just almost  made it her forever home
.But the ocean wasn't ready for her
for her come home like I was.
Oh how i long for home

So i just remember.
Jun 2016 · 489
Red Hands
Abigail Night Jun 2016
She had red hands
And she wanted them to take her to beautiful lands
But she knows they won't
So she prepares the body
Filling it with pills and cuts
Cause shes gone nuts

She has red hands
And shes not able to do much
She just wish she could feel his touch
But she knows she won't

She has red hands
And she made a mistake
And now its her life she must take

She has red hands
And she wants you to know she still loves you
And she wants to make things better
But to be able to she knows she won't

She'll die with red hands
Apr 2016 · 519
My Love
Abigail Night Apr 2016
That’s what I’m in with you
You make my grey skies shine blue
When i’m with you
How can i not smile?
Before i knew you i hadn’t smiled in a while
But oh, your smile…
It puts all the others in exile
And your eyes
They're the reason the sun has to rise
When you laugh  
I could write a more than one paragraph
On how it makes me feel at home
Your voice makes me want to roam
Till i can get to you
I’m so deeply in *love
with you
Thank you for being **you
<3 for you boo bear <3
i love you

I think this is actually one of my first poems that i wrote with out being heartbroken, Thank you so much for giving me love and inspiration <3
Mar 2016 · 443
Abigail Night Mar 2016
Do you remember the kitten I showed you?
The stuffed one I had since I was little and true?
It had a small music box in it
And the music never seemed to quit
I told you how it could calm me down
How it would always change my frown

But not tonight
It took me three hours to fall asleep
But that didn't keep
I hyperventilate till I blacked out
I woke up and you were the only thing I thought about.

I'm sorry I didn't listen to when you said
Don't cry, please don't let this hurt you
I'll still be true
I just need time
Just so I can make the climb
And be better for you for me for us

But boo did you notice my cuts?
They started to bleed again
I swear I didn't touch them
You're still my gem.

And like I kept saying
I'll wait for you till forever runs out and then I'll start again
Just waiting for you....
You said you wouldn't leave...
You're still here but....
I feel like you're gone
Mar 2016 · 344
i did wrong
Abigail Night Mar 2016
I did wrong
Our love is so strong
is it still?
or has it run ill?

I was Stupid
I killed our cupid
you god very mad
and i was far beyond sad

you went to go let off steam
i stayed hoping it was all a bad dream
but you came back
and i promised i will never lack
ever again
Feb 2016 · 425
screen name
Abigail Night Feb 2016
i use a screen name
so no one sees my shame
or takes the blame
for my dying flame

I'm the same person
just a different version

So i can hide
it all inside
for all the times i cried
and lied
and all the times i wish i died
every time i tried
slicing my skin open wide

i use a screen name to let it all out
where i can use my voice to shout
i use a screen name
so i can be who i really am
Abigail Night Jan 2016
I know that you may not love me
And i hope that now you feel free
I know i'm not something you miss
But I still long for one more kiss
And i cant see cause everything is a blur
Cause I know that you love her
If missing you is a crime
then lock me away i'll do my time
If you could hold me one more time
I would promise to never make another rhyme
I know that you may not love me
Jan 2016 · 719
Don't Die
Abigail Night Jan 2016
I'm screaming for you
because no one ever knew
I'm screaming because i feel your pain
how it cam down like pouring rain
You put a blade to your wrist
You did it after we kissed
You also put a bottle to your lips
and i felt every single rip
of your heart.

So you can't die
cause you were my star and sky
so i wont let you
did you even have a clue?
so you can't die
you have to stay and try

do you remember the life we planned
It's gonna be so grand
you use to wispier to me about it
but you can't quit
not now
not ever
Dec 2015 · 635
Abigail Night Dec 2015
I believe love is like a flower
and i was just the bower
Each and every one is different

And you, you were like the Aconitum
so inviting and warm
i was oblivious to the storm

at the first taste of your lips
there came an eclipse

i was living on your virus
because i mistook you as an iris
and when you left
you committed theft
and you stole what was left of my heart

and babe without you
the air is not as sweet
nor the fields as beautiful
Aconitum is a beautiful but very poisonous flower
Dec 2015 · 295
for you
Abigail Night Dec 2015
you know what i ******* love?
when someone lies about there love for you
i wasn't the one above
i was a toy
for a silly boy
and my love for you grew
while you lost yours
closing all the open doors

do you know how hurt i am
like *******
its agony
and you did this to me
Nov 2015 · 661
Don't Go
Abigail Night Nov 2015
i love you
with all my heart
i try so hard to
even though for me love is a dark art
and i couldn't stand it if we were apart

so don't go
because with you i learned to grow
please don't leave
because if you did i would grieve
like you wouldn't believe

don't fall away
without you my life would be one shade of grey
i would even try to pray
thinking about our days
and how you got happiness to stay

so don't go
don't leave
don't fall away

please just stay
Nov 2015 · 355
Abigail Night Nov 2015
help me with some thing please

what is it?

help me take my heart out because it keeps breaking and the shattered pieces are ripping my lungs and i cant breathe
yes its not a poem really
Oct 2015 · 323
honey hair
Abigail Night Oct 2015
i remember it very clearly
and how she meant to me, so dearly
her hair was like honey
how she could make anything funny

she would ask the hard and awkward questions
always expecting a reply.
making suggestions
like the day she asked me
"if we were both lesbian would you date me?"
she waited till i replied before moving on
and all i could choke out was maybe

she was a strong girl to me
mentally she was the strongest
and our friendship would have been the longest

but her father passed without warning
left he silently morning
and i didn't know
i saw her pain coming in like snow
cold and soft
to harsh and fast

one day i decided i needed to ask
"are you ok? whats wrong"
"a lot, i'm not that strong"
and she left

she called me at 3:14 am
crying finally telling me
what happened
and how she found him
with a gun in his hand and blood on the wall

how her mom would cry in a ball
and she had to move back

the last thing she said to me was
"your so strong, stay that way"
and like that the girl with honey hair was gone

and all i remember is honey hair
Oct 2015 · 394
Abigail Night Oct 2015
hey honey i haven't told you yet have I?
you will probably never see me cry

because dear I'm insane
because i'm the girl who will try to burn the rain
and i don't wanna be sane...

you haven't see this part of me yet
..but i bet,
when you do you'll run
thinking i wasn't the one

but honey when i see you run away
i'll just sit and stay
uncontrollably laughing
cause, you're a big bad boy
running away
from a small little girl

i like this little joke....don't you?
Oct 2015 · 539
not ready
Abigail Night Oct 2015
and i know that i'm happy right now
even though i don't know how

i still wish
for my life to end in a swish

i am happy
but i feel ******

im just not ready to live
i'm not ready to thrive
i'm not ready to be here
Oct 2015 · 276
Abigail Night Oct 2015
I'm scared
and impaired
my anxiety rules my life
and everyone keeps twisting the knife

they say they didn't know
i know they did
Sep 2015 · 773
Abigail Night Sep 2015
I run
I run not to exercise
nor to lose weight
I don't run for fun

I like the burning in my lung
It reminds me that I'm still young

It reminds me that I'm still alive
and that i'm stronger then i think

so all i do is run
i love and hate running :p
Aug 2015 · 533
not normal love
Abigail Night Aug 2015
I never told you...
that during the time we met
I thought of my friends of my only family, no big threat
and in those two years we grew close
one thing i will say that no one knows
within three years
i shed so many tears

You decided you didn't want me anymore
and left me bleeding on the floor
and you took the rest of the family with you
and i never told you so you never knew...

You see you all were my family
and i loved you all
and i took a fall
but you took everyone away
and everything turned gray

you see I've had depression since i was six
and then you pulled out your bag of tricks
and you ****** me so badly
and i couldn't take it, sadly

So i went to that ocean
i had ran out of emotion
and i tried to drown
all i ever did anymore was frown

and i did love you
but not like soul mate love
family love
and i didn't want to lose my family again

and now your doing the same thing now...
and i have continued to fall down.
You Are Taking Everyone Away From Me And I'm Just Done!
Aug 2015 · 257
Abigail Night Aug 2015
my lover.

I am so sorry
she made me believe it was you at fault
that you cheated on me,
but you didn't
and i am at fault...

my world
you believed her didn't you?
she came to you and told you
that i did wrong
that i had loved another
but i would Never
because u are my only lover.

She played us both
at a game we couldn't lose
because we were so hurt
and we did lose
and she stayed unhurt.

and we both yelled and i cried
i don't know if you did
we both left
knowing we wouldn't be able to hold anymore back

but i came back to you crying
saying i couldn't lose you
because you made me a better person, happy, someone who had love
and i gave you all of my love

and you said you didn't want to lose me either
and that you wanted me to be your queen
and i said i need you that i couldn't be with out you

my guy
my star
my king
you did say that you cared
but i didn't hear the love
do you still believe her?
i love you
Aug 2015 · 405
You did it!
Abigail Night Aug 2015
And she has done it again
you have destroyed the foundation
of my heart
i never thought we would get to this part

Do you really love hurting me this much?
taking away my only crutch?

I know, I know
i was stupid to fall for your little game again
my love life you could just throw?
wait hold up, No.

You cant Control me
You cant just do what you want to me
and expect me to just stand here and take it
no, not anymore

So you did it!
Did you get what you wanted?
Because you don't have a place in my life anymore
stay outta my life, mostly my love life!
Aug 2015 · 255
tell me...
Abigail Night Aug 2015
how could you do this?
we had bliss...
i know i was gone...
and i know it was long...
but i had my reason!
it wasn't even a fourth of a season!

but tell me this...
did you kiss?
did you love her?
did she make you feel free?
was she more then me?
why did you do it?
was it that hard to commit?
and am i crazy for still loving you?
Jul 2015 · 337
Abigail Night Jul 2015
everyday he becomes more and more like my father
i don't even know why i bother
he started out yelling
then the anger keep swelling
and he started to hit
it didnt feel fit

he looks like him too
everyday while we grew
my brother is becoming my father
i can't live with him anymore
Jun 2015 · 5.4k
self hate
Abigail Night Jun 2015
I don't love myself though
I'm not he same person you used-to know

i changed during the time everyone left
you were the theft
of my happiness

and i didn't know what to do
because i only felt happy with you

and i hated myself
and i still do
Jun 2015 · 275
Abigail Night Jun 2015
i love you
i would do anything for you
and i will
i just wish we had more time
Jun 2015 · 273
Do You Hear me
Abigail Night Jun 2015
oh, my love
did you hear me?
maybe? sort of?
do i still make you fell free

I tried telling you
i don't think you knew
but most of my words are in my poems

do you read these?
do they put your soul at ease?

do you hear me?
Jun 2015 · 279
Abigail Night Jun 2015
they tried to tear us apart
but i didn't tell you, i didn't want to break your heart
it was only a three days
but it sent me into a daze

for those days i didn't eat
your voice in my mind so sweet
i didn't sleep
i was down so deep

and i meet with my friend Ana again
she told me everything would get better
soon we would be together
and she was right

we are just limited now
but how?
how can we go back to before?
because it's you i adore
Jun 2015 · 1.2k
Come home
Abigail Night Jun 2015
Come home
please don't roam
we miss you
your making your family blue
were scared
did you really think that no one cared?
well we do!
oh, if you only knew!
come home please
i'm begging on my knees!
come home
One of my friends went missing were scared
Jun 2015 · 276
only you
Abigail Night Jun 2015
And he said he's scared that when i move i will find another
but i told him listen there will never be another
he said he'll miss me
but what he doesn't see
i want him to come with me
and we'll never have to be alone
because you warm me to the bone
we've both felt so much pain
sometimes i wonder how i'm still sane
and i don't want someone other then you
because your my one and only boo
Jun 2015 · 278
let me be me
Abigail Night Jun 2015
let me be who i want to be
let me run free
let me get in trouble
let me burn things to rubble
let me dye my hair black
just give me some slack
let me love who I want
let me be nonchalant
let me see my mom
don't make me a bomb
let me party
let me be hearty
for the sake of god let me be ******* me
Jun 2015 · 286
Abigail Night Jun 2015
you came towards me
and made me feel free
you took me into your strong embrace
and all day i could stay in that place
you looked at me with that smile
and even though it took a while
i opened myself to you
called me your boo
took the blade from my hand
and together we took a stand
so we could both be happy again
i opened myself to the possibility of being hurt again
and so have you
but together we'll be strong no matter what we go through
no more being sad, okay?
we're on top of the world might as well enjoy the view
Jun 2015 · 263
i love you
Abigail Night Jun 2015
i think i love you
but no one needs to know
i cant let it show

i will tell you though
but not now
i need to make sure if time will allow

you understand things
like hurt
and how people can treat you like dirt.

you understand and you make my heart beat again
but if you don't feel the same it will surely rain

i want to show you not all girls cheat and are *******
come with your wounded and torn heart i'll fix it with stitches

will you show me that i have no need to be scared
and together we can be repaired
because i love you
do you?
Jun 2015 · 282
the moon
Abigail Night Jun 2015
the moon is calling out my name
like she has already made her claim
if shes out at night i will stand and stare
i hope she doesn't care

i look to her for guidance
i ask her questions but only get silence  
but i feel like she still some how gives me answers

she looks over me
tells me who i could be

I'm in love with the moon
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