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She collected sea shells
I collected sand
She searched for the perfect one
I reached down my hand

I carried a bucket
A basket she did whirl
Mine was filled with tiny grains
Hers with mother of pearl

She came out each morning
Me, just late at night
She adored the sunrise
I loved the moon light

Then one day it happened
My alarm clock didn’t ring
I woke to a rising sun
It was the weirdest thing

I ran down to the shoreline
My bucket in my hand
It’s then I saw her gorgeous face
While I collected sand

I found a perfect seashell
And watched her eyes grow wide
She held out her basket
I placed the shell inside

Then she reached down before me
And gathered in her hand
I held out my bucket
She filled it up with sand

And now each day and evening
We walk along the shore
She told me that she loves me
And her I do adore

So if you see us out there
Strolling hand in hand
Know...she’s collecting sea shells
And I’m collecting sand
Just for fun........
 Apr 2015 Olivia Christensen
Cried out eyes
Haunted by dreams
Even when awake
Inside I scream

An echo through my mind
Tormented, I weep
The pain so excruciating
The secrets I keep

Darkness surrounds me
Taking my breath away
Somehow this life
Has lead me astray

My wrists bleed to just feel
The blood covers the floor
I have sewn them closed
Continuing to fight this war

Regrets have consumed me
My heart cries in vain
My mind is the enemy
Thirteen million miles from sane

This is the real me
I have hidden so deep
I have shed my skin
I struggled so hard to keep

Alone in the dark
Depression has eaten me alive
Anxiety its partner
I don't think I'll survive

Look past my facade
I am broken within
This cancer has forsaken me
I am too weakened to win
She is not like everyone else.
She doesn't care what she looks like
She doesn't care if she's perfect
Because she knows she isn't
She knows she will never fit in
She knows she will always be weird
She is the KING amongst queens
She is the girl who never saw her own beauty
But wished she could gaze upon herself like you glare at her
She will never be '****'
She will never be 'pretty'
She will never be 'girly'
But she will be her
And somehow, 'her' was enough.
I never write poems about myself but I decided to, so this is kinda what I think of me. So every time you see 'she', put 'I', maybe you'll find yourself in the poem too.
Nights like these I wish I had someone to lay with.
To kiss, hold, and just be myself with.
I will lose myself within his abyss.
I know one day I'll find him.
His mind will be wonderful and his thoughts will stop time.
I will become addicted to his eyes and the way he sighs.
His heart will be pure and collide with mine.
His imperfections will seem perfect to me
He will let his mind run free.
I'll fall for his laughter and the way he sleeps
I'll show him how everything he hates about himself makes him beautiful but most importantly unique.
I will wait for the man who will hold my hand and stay away from the boys who treat girls like toys.
-Lily P. McLaughlin-
Her eyes are kind her heart is warm
She is a Rose, I am a Thorn
We catch and ride the wild steed
I’m so alive and she’s so free

In the gazebo we dance until dawn
Our bodies lay naked out on the lawn
Completely fulfilled and finally whole
I have no intention of her letting go

Wheels are turning my heart is yearning
A lust for life subconsciously burning
I breathe too deep and the dream is lost
I start the day with a secret thought

Perhaps she was fictional beyond conclusion
A kaleidoscope of colors, a beautiful delusion
If only to awake and find her near
Instead I sleep and gasp for air...
Traveler Tim
Re po to dec 2016
And again to
When I looked in your eyes
I saw the place that I'll die
And it made me shed tears
From the beauty, I cried

When I stared in your face
I saw my favorite place
The rings from your smoke
Remind me of being in space

I gazed at your disdain
For my sadness and pain
But I ignored the signs
Forgetting I'm insane

Like a doll, I am fake
Porcelain, built to break
And although I've been cracked
I'm held tightly with tape

Your words scribbled and said,
As they're written and read
They get stuck in my eyes
And trapped inside my head

Two thousand, some odd miles
Stand between our brightest smiles
As they're trapped inside the sky
And the clouds keep them in vials

Every time it rains, that's me
As I'm crying out a sea
And my waves crash over you
Drowning you eternally
Sometimes it’s like a magic trick
And suddenly someone is there.
It’s like you’ve known each other
But can’t remember just where.
But quickly thinking is not the thing.
Instead it’s feeling that matters.
Your lifelong fear of heartbreak
And trusting suddenly shatters.

The two of you find yourself
Talking like long-lost friends
And before you even know it
Something wonderful begins.
Looking into each other’s eyes
And it seems to mean so much.
It feels like warm caresses
But you haven’t even touched.

As the evening goes on, joyously
Enjoying laughing and walking.
Then the time has finally come.
You find you need to start talking.
“Now that we have met each other
Won’t you stay just one more hour;
Just be here close together
And let this romance fully flower?”

It’s just that simple, just that easy
For the love affair to get its start.
Two people you were before now
Have become just this one heart.
Everything seems to have changed.
The air is fresher somehow.
The lights are brighter, the colors too.
The world is just perfect now.

Brent Kincaid
He left you alone,
standing there in the pouring rain.
He wore away at you,
piece by piece ,
he wasn't there for you when you needed him the most.
you didn't matter,
darling you weren't **** to him.
He had more important things to do,
like play with his little girlfriends.
Darling he never loved you,
just look at yourself,
you're a mess.
Darling you meant nothing to him,
you were just a temporary time holder.
Until you became a bore,
and he found a new one.
All you ever were,
was something for him to keep himself entertained with.
Oh yes darling I know its, sick
I know its twisted ,
but do you honestly think he cared?
No, because he doesn't.
Darling he claimed he loved you,
with his sweet lies like poison,
when we all knew in reality,
he was ******* the girl next door.
Oh foolish girl,
you really thought theres such a thing as forever?
That was an illusion he made you believe,
just so he could have his temporary satisfaction.
His satisfaction of destroying you,
tearing you apart, and ruining every part of you.
Oh darling you deserve so much more,
you deserve to feel what real love,
when its shared from both sides,
Foolish girl,
you believed him all along,
you were the puppet in his hands,
and he wasn't finished playing his games with you,
oh not quite yet.
But darling you're not so foolish anymore,
and we both know,
who will come out stronger than ever.
Let me be the wind, as you are the rain
So that I can be with and care for you anytime
Or I can reach you, kiss you, for there won't be distance
Let me be the wind that completes your symphony and rhyme

Let me be the wind that carries my words
To you, to hug you and kiss you softly
To make you feel how much I love you, over and over
Let me be the wind that echoes my love to your heart, deeply

Let me be the wind, Oh, how I wish I could be
So I can be there where you are, where the raindrops fall
Where love is the only thing that makes our world spin
Let me be the wind and hear my beseeching call
It's been a while I didn't post a piece. Thanks to Sir Pradip's poem "Carry My Love O Wind" which helped me find my muse at this time.
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